
'CINA' by MrTomHol

'CINA' by MrTomHol



by MrTomHol

I don't know about YOU, but I like Movie Theatres.

Memories from sweet love-dates, family trips, or simply occasional fun journey's, will be always with me. Good company, fresh popcorn or nachos, pop, snacks, and big screen. In the 21st Century, if it is good 3D with interesting content, hmmm, pure pleasure.

United Kingdom, United States, European Union, Asia, India, and many other places on this planet have something in common - often, People communicating in many different languages. Some of us, are seriously multilingual, and some others are able to communicate only in the language which is totally unique and not intensively distributed, as proper English for example. Globalization brought many positive changes, but also new linguistic distances. Very often such scenario brings heavy barrier, simple but real - language barrier.

Big screens brings brilliant artwork, and often delivers fabulous experiences. The same as many other places, where results of People's talents are available for general public.

The story...

Let's say, on the big screen being projected 3D movie with the title:


It is very powerful love story from the 21st Century, with many emotional twists and turns. High-tech side of the story, allowing magical execution of real 3D viewing. Super conceptual approach to variety of situations in the movie easily ignites senses. Often to the level where also power of emotions vibrate noticeably.

Perfect euphorium la emotionarium.

Let's say it is movie created and released by well known movie maker, with cast of few well known stars, but also with new faces - super talented, easily recognizable, camera friendly people.

Movie on the big screens originally is only in English language, and is available in this version for the next few months, if not years.

...and this is the moment, where things may get complicated.

Because theatres aren't only in the Manchester or New York, but also in Athens, Berlin, Tokyo, Milan, Brussel, Moscow, Paris, Istanbul, Pekin, Oslo, Vienna, Cairo, Oftenhides, etc. And just like that, once again multicultural Global community may find simple barrier which blocking them from visiting fabulous theatres - the language.

Here comes the 'CINA' - application for mobile devices, at the same time new approach to the live audio/voice/dubbing track, for freshly new, but also for older realizations as well.

General idea is, with use of AI, to create additional voice/audio track (translation/dubbing), in variety of languages. Such track will be played live, only during the show. Algorithms to protect authors rights, naturally are always in place.

How it may work /?/ - at the cashier, client will download the app from the QR on the ticket. In about 1minut, connection/language/setting, everything is done.

Optionally, the clients will collect little receiver and earphones - for a little additional charge, because earphones stays with the spectator. Receiver is collected on the end of the show. Procedure almost identical as previously was done with good quality 3D glasses.

Companies with massive budgets will prepare dubbing tracks, in cooperation with new AI sectors and associated IT geniuses. Theatres in cooperation with High Tech specialists will take care of the required equipment - for example wi-fi/radio/Bluetooth emitters.

In the return, jobs are created, technology is moving forward. Movie Theatres will get second life, and box offices will smile again. Not mentioning growing list of available movies, also from the archives of cinematography.

Regardless if it is Netflix; Apple; Amazon; or regular TV premier, because the Theatre is always the Theatre, and the couch is always the couch - all pleasurable, but the differences are massively valuable not only for the culture, but also for our own senses, and sometimes breaking the monotony.

Is it all possible /?/ - you may ask.

Well, I guess we have to wait a bit, and see. What such lucrative/important industry is able to accomplish in the 21st Century.

What is interesting, situation may look strange - in the Movie Theatre phone is on, headphones or earplugs, and you munching popcorn. While enjoying super movie of your choice, in the language which you haven't master, or at least you do not understand perfectly.

Technologically we are where we are, with it mind settings. So, maybe it is the perfect time to enjoy life Globally. Now, you can imagine premier of Hollywood premier in Puerto Rico; premier from British Film and Television in far East, or French tears squeezer in Philippines, all with multilingual 'CINA' coverage.

Money/profits are always a factors, and often most desirable base for actions. However lack of progression, sometimes may be consider as invisible enemy. In the journey to generate new opportunities for such factors. In the other words, described here scenario possibly will open up variety of horizons.

Real example...

On the picture, situation.

English isn't her language of origin. She's enjoying super 3D premiere at the Movie Theatre, in the different language - on the first day of the premiere. Opening day - UK, Manchester. 13 total count of used languages, during spectacle. Event was sold out, 26 days before premiere - now, you know why. Probably, you can also imagine how many realizations we can bring back to life, with this simple resolution.


Partially this post may be qualified as pure fiction, or not accomplishable concept, or maybe

shouldn't be.

See you there...

...on the big screen.