
'Drunk Shoe Lace' by MrTomHol



Miraculous story, with variety of extremely intense emotional turns, and unexpected twists of a complex circumstances. Exposed dark corners of a Human nature, are intensively accented by really unconditional love, brilliantly presented life’s scenes, and linguistically sensational narration. The soundtrack is absolutely unbelievable. Intentionally mixed classical moments, techno electro, dance, vocal arias, folk, funk, soul, reggae, fusion jazz, rock, rap, hip-hop, pop, punk, and other styles, frequently makes power of experience like a fluctuating explosions of the senses. Successfully combined together factors, brilliantly delivered new age cinematography. It, makes audience’s inner energy vehemence, and uncontrollably juicy until the last breath.

'Drunk Shoe Lace' 

by Mister


...Young talent [scientist/coder/experimenter/philosopher/designer], handsome male in his 20’s, not a hacker, neither cyber criminal, nor digital thief. Just simply pure and really peaceful talent, focused on making World better, in near and far future.

After many years of playing with a variety of computers, digital devices, electric installations, law of physics, chemistry and biology, had developed the system, to test and predict activities. Prototype was detected Worldwide, after he spilled midnight drink on his keyboard, and digital leak magically reached one of the Global publishers. Since then, Mr Eliosh Sunthron received a lot of invitations to variety of scientific symposiums, governmental experiments, workplaces, lectures at the Universities and Schools.

Time passed by...

During one of the events, at the University, somewhere from the audience he heard aloud but beautifully smooth female voice: ‘ us how it works. Aaaa, stop it, it hurts...‘ - he looked at the audience, and noticed two Ladies sitting shoulder to shoulder, both in T-shirts with a rainbow accents, and rainbow wrist devices. He wasn’t sure which one of the Ladies shouted, which one caused pain to another - one in the dark T-shirt, or one in the light T-shirt. Somehow his shy nature vanished, and he approached them without further analyzation of their individual choices. Reached out his arm, opened his palm, and said to the female sitting closer to the stairs: ‘...come with me...’. Ladies started to giggle like an immature children, while looking at each other, and covering their mouth's with intentionally misshapen palms. Rest of the audience with fearless interest observed the situation, some of them whispered noticeably: ‘...go go go...’. After few seconds, female with sleeves covered in controversial tattoos stood up energetically, stormed toward him, bounced into his shoulder, and with the voice intentionally mutated into angry male voice, ironically and loudly said: ‘...alright Boss’. Neither her behavior got his attention, nor personal preferences, but a very noisy chain, aggressively bouncing of the chairs and other people. Chain was hanging on the side of her pants, attached to it was a red pendent, with visibly imprinted ‘FEMDIK13’. Mr Eliosh and participant walked down on the flat stairs, to the center of the stage. In front of everybody, he explained out loud: ‘I will collect particle's from middle finger, also from under the nail. Sample will go into the reader, which in fact measures variety of surrounding us conditions at this very moment. Measurements includes radioactivity, magnetic field, atmosphere composition, Global web activity, positions of celestials, and plenty of other complex details. Some collected data is associated with surrounding us here living space and waves of energy now, but also volume of consumed energy during variety of events in the past. When calculations will be done, we should see results on the screen behind me. Algorithms are conducted by the new generation Global AI module’. Audience stopped whisperings, and observed sample collection patiently. After Mr Eliosh collected and inserted sample into the small device hooked up to his computer, he said: ‘...go back to your seat, please‘. He dimmed the lights, made few strokes on his keyboard, but kept one finger on the space bar. Projector started to display unknown symbols on the screen, speakers made variety of frequencies/sounds little bit similar to glitchy psychodynamic space ambient music. Audience started to make whispers again, after few moments, they heard sound similar to the flatline sound from the medical device, and they had seen the message: ‘Talented, but psychopathic character, compulsive liar, violent manipulator. Author of a tragic crime, with three dead victims. Removed from Life, in approximately…’ - this is the moment when Mr Eliosh muscularly pressed space bar, projector got turned off, same as sound, and he closed his laptop. From the audience the same voice which he had heard on the beginning of the event, in sad lamenting tone delivered something like this: '...turn on the lights, please' - immediately he turned back the bright lights on. Audience was terrified, some started to whisper offensively. Mr Sunthron opened his arms, and said to the audience: ‘this is how it works‘, and he added while looking at the female sitting beside of the sample giver: ‘thank you all for coming, stay safe and take care’. At that point, he started to pack his staff, and audience loudly started to leave - they were noticeably confused. Female (sample giver) used few profanities, and with footballer kind of a walk, elbowing everybody on the way, walked out nervously also. Emotions were noticeable, nervous movement of the audience loud and congestive.

Few moments later, he started to collect paperwork and gadgets from the desk. He was almost done when he noticed female hand, placing sticky note on his desk. When he looked up, she turned around rapidly, and walked away very fast. For a split of a second he had thought, it was a friend of tested participant, but without overthinking, he took the note, and placed it somewhere in his notepad/calendar. Dropped it all together into one of his bags, and hanged bags on his shoulders. On the way out he turned off the lights, walked out of the auditorium, and walked toward the exit of the building. While walking he tripped on hanging left shoe lace, nearly smashed his head on the glass door. Thankfully recovered fall, with use of funky dance move. He had learned it with pleasure back days - wild days with the ravers. After few moments of unusual dancy-shmancy situation, he had left the building.

Time passed by...

Between the events, very often he worked in his lab on new updates/upgrades of the quantum systems, and he was constantly creating things.

His wallet wasn’t crying for funds, not only because he had inherited significant values, but also because of continuously on-going collaborations with Global magazines, gov/defense organs, and because variety of sponsors within many industries found massive interest in his works. Results generated lucrative values and outcomes.

Sometimes after the events, or just simply during the free time, he visited pubs; restaurants; clubs. If not to grab a tasteful bite, to get a sip maybe few of local refreshing beverages, or just simply to enjoy cup of strong Tea while enjoying vibes and music.

Often he spoke with people, about things, about many things, about Life in general.

Time passed by...

During the dinner, at one of the restaurants in Liverpool, something crossed his mind, and he opened his calendar. He skipped some pages in search for a specific note about mysterious radiation which wiped out nearly all People in the past. But, sticky note got his attention, he gently unglued it from the folding between the pages, it was day No 10 and 11. Movement of the eyebrows, fact that he stopped chewing delicious food, and loud exhale from the nostrils indicated something unusual, at that point he couldn't recall where the note came from. It was very nice and gentle, readable, classical hand writing: ‘ please help me ‘, on the note was also the phone number. Situation happened at 7.19pm in the evening, on Thursday. He had done quick analyzation of the situation at that point, and he grabbed his phone. Dialed the number, and heard smooth female voice: ‘...hi, I’m not available, you know what to do... beeep’.

Message which he left sounded like this: ‘...hmmm, hi. Well. You know. Or. Hmmm. Well. I guess I’m calling you, because you need help. I mean, at least your note saying it. I think, this is it, I mean my message, and sorry if I don't have typical boring voice, or tribally spiritual accent, hehe. Hmmm. Anyway, if you are still there, you know, without improvement, call me, someday…’

Next morning, about 10.11am she phoned him back, and she had agreed on the meeting.

After few other meetings and dates, their life's flourished with very interesting, often hot/sexy circumstances, love, compassion, and brilliantly arranged life events. All was accented and fulfilled with a lot of super colorful designs, fab tech, and loads of beautiful complementary goods. It was very stable relationship, supported by real happiness and magically natural joy.

It was going on like this, for a long time.

Time passed by...

On the day 13 in one of the months, he successfully conducted the experiment at the Science Center, near by Warrington. It was about exposing chain of hidden actions in the past, some of such were based on falsified and often on intentionally misleading databases. Created manipulation happened after Brexit, in the post-pandemic era. Errors were also associated with the collective health of the Nation. Devices and software's used for falsifications were prepared, and delivered by well known organization in the region. For easy understanding - some of so called geeks lost control of their own bots and auto scripting prompters, such methodologies turned against them in very short period of time. While many of them were playing their syphilis powered games, algorithms started fabricating data neither in accordance with the facts, nor scientific results from the researches. Believe in it or not, but back then, one of the search engines generated statement:

'...humans breathing with carbon monoxide, 

not with oxygen based air mixture...'.

Primitive and often insane faults creations are well known in the history, since the databases exists - regardless if we talking about hand written books or encrypted data hidden in the digital storages. In this case, important digital data from the past caused serious problems and malfunctions. AI had noticed, algorithms designed to avoid Human kind catastrophic mental health issues in upcoming decades had serious errors. These errors were caused by idiotic manipulations created by mentally ill psychopaths in the past. Back then, very often such sick individuals were hiding under the peaceful rainbow flag. Some of their intentional errors was associated for example with pharmacological industry. Yes yes, you may believe in it or not. In the 21st Century some of such individuals, with use of double/fake identity, hacking methods, fake researches, or by creating doppelganger effect, had gained access not only to the restricted sectors in the World wide web, or to personal devices of the public. They  also gained access to the National banking; ISO databases; ABF databases; job market platforms; insurance companies; pensions databases; gov databases; points of sale; medical records, and to many other digitally supported sectors. Toxically sick sponsors of mentally unstable culprits (or mad computer geeks if you prefer different terminology), often had tried to convert advanced digital clouds, many portable devices, variety of databases, and the web itself, into the digital war turf. Obviously such undeclared conflicts mutated rapidly into self-destruction, which mostly affected the space in which hackers and their dictators attempted to live in real life. It was the time when food on the shelves started to be unsafe for consumption, because digital records of safety tests during the productions were falsified. Rivers were full of toxic waste, clean water sources started to looked like septic tanks. Official Gov in that period of time wasn't able to react to many urgent issues, because they were extremely busy/occupied by parliamentary matches in rugby on quicksand's - metaphorically speaking - instead of egg shaped ball, they used bills; political party's memberships; roles; laws; legislations; tv news/shows, and often - never ending pointless verbal scuffles. Just as a reminder, for example definition 'Truli syndrome' was created in that era. If you don't know, it came from the circumstances which occurred thanks to very specific politician, her guarantees and promises. Definition described following circumstances - '...when majority is wrong, but majority wins regardless...'. Please be advised, if you understand content of this story, refrain from applying philosophical method 'everything is everything', to avoid putting everything from your reality into one bag.

If history pages from the 20th Century - to be more specific British Royal Mail scam, is known for you - subject of the meeting in which Mr Eliosh took part that day was very similar. In other words - in the past data falsification had happened. People had seen it, noticed it, reported it, but nobody knew how and who had done it, or they simply pretended like they didn't know. They ignored criminal activities on massive scale in the National IT sector. As the result from Royal Mail fraud, people lost life's, houses, jobs, and mental health stability. Similar activities on the territory of the country often led into the circumstances where whole sectors lost humongous amounts of money - and because of it, their economy collapsed, trust in the system was lost, quality of life suffered drastically. If you enjoy life's puzzles made with digitally laminated pictures, or you simply understand what people in the 21st Century named as 'hacking the system', shouldn't be difficult to understand why in that period of time cyber World had taken under consideration disconnecting British National servers from the Global web. Or why European Union; Northern Ireland, Scotland, and few other countries decided to engage procedures with dramatically unusual protocols. What was very sad about that era - strictly from the empathic point of view - with passing time People really endeavored to hire kids of adults scammed abusively by their own 'fellow citizens hackers', but must be never forgotten - researches indicated clearly, most of their wages had been consumed by illegal drugs; gambling; cyber crimes; counterfeited products; illegal businesses and often new age slavery. As well, many of them got addicted to pseudo investments, in the virtual world - while their real world was drowning in scams and rip-off's; in the abuses conducted by psychopaths; lack of good standards; in the intellectual and cultural emptiness; in lack of evolution; and, in plummeting quality of their own life's.

All of that, partially because specific group of individuals with mental health disorders (often on drugs) had qualified 'cyber criminals' as their hero's.

Patently 21st Century was long time ago, and whole experiment at the Science Centre had one significant difference between People's approach to data now and than. Especially when comes to pre-historic versions of Quantum Systems. And that different is - Scientists activities weren't associated with 'silly money', but with collective health and the future. Why 'silly money'? - because Mr Sunthron usually was saying: '...silly money we can print, or create on the screens, but seriously smart real Humans, with healthy creative brains, with big hearts, with sound families, with natural happiness, and with honest hunger for the perfections in the future, we can not...'.

It wasn't his first experiment at the Science Centre. But this time unexpected results on the day of the event were so powerful, his aura started to glow unusually. His body started to move with massive volume of energy. Years of experience in dealing with unusual circumstances, allowed him to keep come, and whole event was completed unbelievably smooth.

After successfully conducted experiment at that Science Centre while walking toward pickup/drop-off zone, he pulled out of his packet transparent phone, touched car icon and two other buttons, after that he said: 'call home'.

Few seconds later, car by itself arrived in front of him, he jumped into the vehicle, sat down in the comfy driver seat, and closed his eyes for a second or maybe three.

Ringing sound in his phone was already hearable, vibey tune started to play from on-board sound system, air-conditioning started to operate.

Voice system in the car mechanically whispered/asked: 'autopilot?',

he responded: 'no, thank you, I will drive. V12 mode please', voice system responded mechanically: 'ok'. Advanced Sound System in harmony with vibrating massagers in the seats, generated sensation similar to starting supercharged V12 combustion engine, with modified exhaust. Seats inflated itself on the sides to hold his body tight, the dashboard turned into sport mode and had displayed sport seatbelts sign warning, lines on the outer shell started to glow.

Phone in his hand rung couple of times, and someone answered. Immediately argument between two young girls was noticeably loud, and at that point, without the hesitation he asked with a curiosity: ‘ hi my dear bell, what’s going on there, what they are arguing about now ?’

She responded: ‘...hi honey, you left some paperwork on the worktop last night, some kind of a house blueprint I think, I mean, I think what it was, because now everything is cover in the paint, girls are painting in the kitchen...' She took deep breath, exhaled, walked toward girls, got their attention, and she added: '...come home fast honey, please, I love them so much, but I will cook them in the microwave, and eat them in the sandwich if they don’t stop...' She looked straight at the girls, made kind of angry cartoon character mimic, and she said to the phone: '...ghahaha. Oh, by the way, are you hungry hon ?’. Girls stared at her without a movement, with widely opened eyes, without making any sound. After that, girls overheard voice of their father on mum's speaker phone... He laughed out loud for a sec, inhaled a lot of freshly oxygenized air breeze coming from the air-conditioning system, and whispered gently: ‘ I have surprise for you...' At that point, she kept walking, entered another room, and listened to what he was saying... '...Tell girls to get ready, we going somewhere today, on the way we will grab something to eat. ‘ She sat down on very interesting piece of furniture, and responded: ‘ ...but honey, I’m not ready, house is in mess, girls are cover in the paint, c’mon, is it necessary sweet heart ?...’ He caught his breath out-loud once again, exhaled, and said: ‘...yes love, we going to view new house. Property is bigger, girls will have play room, you will have new walk-in closet, I will have more space for work, and there is a roof garden...‘ She responded bouncy excited: ‘...oh my gush, are you serious ?‘, and she shouted: ‘...girls, clean that mess up, and get ready, we are going to see new house. There is special room for your arts and plays you lovely colorful monsters... '. Isn’t easy to say what else he had heard in the phone after that, because the noise was happily outrageous, and unbelievably crazy sweet.

Some moments later,

they were all in the car, excited, on the way to see new house. Girls on the back seats were playing with the holographic entertainment system, Eliosh and his wife were enjoying the view, while listening to live streaming music from the web. Car was moving smooth, not very fast, with the 'autopilot' turned on. It was a pearl/vanilla cream color vehicle, med size sport crossover, classical but futuristic, with transparent solar panel roof. New generation vehicle was covered in platinum metallic/peach color shapes, made out of hair thick lines. Interior was bright, with interesting custom detailing. Matter of fact, laser cuts on the panels were based on his daughters drawings. Vehicle was equipped with large platinum wheels, with aesthetically pleasing metallic peach color accents on the rims. Fully autonomous electric piece of art, with in chassis drawered eco-battery exchanger. Generally vehicle was loaded with the newest super high tech, and safety features.

Trip was going very cool, and at some point of the journey, they got on the massive bridge. By the way, original structure was well known in the past because of the fee. You know - back then, because of economical fiascos caused by pseudo talents, malfunctioning in the House of political parties (aka gov), people were attempting to make profit from anything and everything. Also from Human's values - life or health, ecology, faith, infrastructure or sexual orientation. Some marriages took place only to gain tax reliefs. Yeah yeah, it's hard to believe, but back then some of the females (often under influence) were giving birth for a money. Some people used to call it - benefits breeding. In fact, such a method created overpopulation made of individuals with a parasite mentality. And until now is unbelievably difficult to believe how much resources they wasted, because of such financially forced reproduction of damaged genes. Although, is fair to admit, we continuously cherish philosophical question from that era: '...what would you do tomorrow, if money doesn't exist ?...'

However, at some point of their journey, something strange started to happen with the large monitor in the middle of the cockpit. ‘Did you see that ?’- she asked.

What hon ?’ - he responded quickly.

...Nothing nothing, I thought, I mean, it was something on the screen, some writing...’ - she added.

She looked at him, reached out her arm, opened her silky palm, gently touched skin on his forearm with rolled up sleeve of light blue collared shirt with smooth fiber carbon texture, and

she whispered: ‘...I love you...’.

He looked at her, and responded: ‘...I love you, more...’.

When girls had heard it, they laughed and giggled, at the same time marking old French language they joked around by saying: ‘oh, oui oui, so sweet, je t'amie, oui oui, oiseaux d'amour, hehehe...’ .

This was the last sweet and lovely sound which on-board sound system recorded.

Unexpectedly, in the split of a second, vehicle started to accelerate like a jet fighter, every display in the car turned into solid red color. Vehicle by itself changed the lane, flu over the lane-dividers, flipped up-side down and smashed into the massive autonomous red lorry.

Time passed by...

When he opened his eyes, he had seen face of the nurse. When the nurse noticed consciously opened eyes, she shouted distinctly: ‘...HE'S AWAKE !’.

Next few days was nothing less than just a horrific shock, and terrible trauma.

He had found out, his wife was dead, and his daughters are in the coma.

On top of it, Police-investigations-interrogations, data recovery, and exhausting procedures.

After some weeks, Doctors decided to discharge him, girls have been transferred to the designated hospital, for the patients in comma.

Time passed by…

Days and nights, in front of the computer screens. Caffeine, alcohol and scripts, theories, electricity, biological tests, mother boards, components, work work work...

Whole house started to smell like a mixture of million gallons of espresso in the old massive whiskey barrel.

Letters, messages, and phone calls with suggestions about disconnecting girls, started to arrive. Each day with increased frequency, all because girls brains were completely dysfunctional and damaged.

Time passed by…

While visiting cemetery, he started to pray weirdly out loud. Sad tone sounded something like this:

...on holy energy of this living space, please, please, please,

let me find out, let me find out, why I have lost them, please...’.

Deeply emotional moment lasted few seconds, he kissed his fist, and placed slowly opened palm on the cold stone,

where engravements of all three names were visible.

Made a step backswords and turned around, his intention was to leave cemetery, but tripped on right shoe lace, and felt down like a wooden log. Smell of the grass was unusual for his senses at that point, but he was laying there, for more than few seconds.

Whole drama was stopped by the unusual ringtone in his phone, and strange pulsar vibration.

He stood up, looked at the phone, and there was a message visible for a split of a second: ‘...Never forget, we love you...‘.

With power throw of a baseball pitcher, he had sent the phone straight to the tree growing nearby. The device during the flight spun with unbelievable speed, and when corner of it touched the tree bark, the device shattered into hundreds of micro pieces, like a crystal glass.

This was the last time, when he visited the cemetery.

Time passed by…

Most of the time in the lab he was very quiet. Because he rejected to stay in touch with the outside World, phone wasn’t ringing, communicators were totally inactive.

Time to time, after many months of silence he started to play some new music, but not very often.

During one of such nights, about midnight, he had noticed strange tranquility between newly build devices, software's behaviors, and music frequencies. Whole room started change form, he notice pulsing resonance and vibration, air smelled differently. During first few moments, he thought he’s hallucinating, but sensation was visible only while he turned on his latest reader of particles. The device was similar to the equipment he used during one of the symposiums, but with much more advanced components, software complexity, and overall ability.

On variety of occasions, regardless of strange scientific successes, extremely exhausted mental and physical health nearly forced him to abort his experiments. But, he did not stop, and striving for system perfection resulted in something unbelievably unexpected.

One night, on the holographic display hooked up to his computer, he had seen strange symbols. Lab started to mutate the shape, at that point music started to sound totally different, on the other screen for a split of a second he had seen the message: ‘...never forget ‘.

Furiously, he turned off everything, dropped little wireless reader into his packet, and packed some magnetic ribbons. Whispered loaded with anger: ‘...that’s enough’,

slammed the door behind him in the lab, energetically knotted shoe laces, grabbed his coat, and left the house.

That night, heavy drinking on the streets of Manchester, turned out to be the first strange blackout he experienced.

When he woke up, about 10.11am, not only his headache was unbelievable, but also fact, his shoe lace was hanging/levitating strangely in one of his shoes.

Time passed by…

Nights out continuously kept going. Each day and evening he was doing almost the same things in the house, in his lab experiments consumed a lot of his time before living the house.

At the same time, almost in the same condition, he was waking up in the morning next day. Only one thing appeared to be different, some mornings his left shoe lace was untied in his shoe, some other mornings, it was the right shoe lace looking strangely.

Time passed by…

One morning during the consumption of a bloody merry and English muffins loaded with goodies, aka for some people as a champs breakfast, he decided to read the news from the City. Scrolled some social media, and web in general.

Analysis of humans activities always helped him in adjusting focus on interesting and important circumstances, often such were sufficiently described or told by the members of the society. But that morning something unusual happened.

He noticed, days of some events described in the media, mostly nature of the circumstances, matches with pattern of his shoe lace situation in the morning.

He noticed, if some bad people got ‘punished’ - sort of speech, his left shoe lace was hanging in the morning, if simple good things happened, his right shoe lace was magnetically levitating.

Blackouts after heavy drinking isn’t anything new to anybody, especially adults, but connecting own drunkenness to strange things in the City, may be qualified as perfect case for psychologists, or psychiatrists - at least this is what he had thought at that point in time.

Until, he had seen a news about man saving the cat.

During the interview, mid age female said: was middle of the night, that man was drunk like a skunk, nearly drunk to the level when is impossible to talk. I was walking behind the building where is the Polish Embassy, because my crazy compouchicken - that's the name of my cat - jumped out of the window, and got lost somewhere. He came to me out of nowhere, like a ghost, and said: do not worry madam, I will find him sound and safe, even if he had died. And he touched sleeve of my pinky bathrobe, placed the little tiny ribbon in something like a phone, that thing sucked in the ribbon, and he walked away. About three o'clock in the morning, he was knocking on my door, with my cat in his arms. Cat was ok, but his ear was with a little red dot. That drunk man, when he noticed I want to rub it off, he simply smiled, looked at me, raised his eyebrows, and walked away. When I looked outside the window, he wasn't there, just simply dissolved in the air, like a ghost...’.

Mr Sunthron raised his eyebrows, 'Funky chicken' he said quietly to himself, and rushed to shave, and to take a shower. Same day he loaded his cupboards with ‘refreshing beverages’, got drunk early in the evening, and went out again…

Next day story showed up in the media, about fantastic psychologist who saved family during the confrontation with homemade chemical weapons involved.

Day after that, story appeared about stranger who somehow phoned flight control tower, at one of the busiest airports - to warn controllers about conflict of data, and possibility of aircrafts collision. Investigation of the data had proven, stranger was right, and his call stopped tragic chain of actions in the air. Reporters were saying, on-board of one of the planes, Mr Gate's family was travelling. If you know some facts about digital World, I'm sure you know which Gentleman they had in mind.

Few days later, another story was about monster who broke all limbs of a bad man, who robbed convenient store.

In next couple of days, another story showed up, was about man who saved people's life in the drowning car. People were saying - saved were relatives of well known film critic from the past.

Another news was about someone who stole whole trunk of drugs, and dropped it all in front of the police station. Laboratory tests on the substance indicated, mixture if consumed by humans, would possibly cause long term mental health issues, if not psychological death. Somebody said, drugs were created by mistake, but idiots released it into the black market.

And many other stories kept coming, info about strange coincidences were visible in the social media, news papers, and also in gossip. Mr Eliosh Sunthron smiled, on more than one occasion.

Time passed by...

One morning, things had changed.

He woke up in the morning with unusually different hangover, and noticed, right shoe lace was ok, but left one wasn’t only untied, but was hanging only inside of one little hole. He panicked, because such a thing never happened before.

Immediately he had visited corner shop to buy a fresh 'News Seed'. It was newspaper made of super fast dissolving bio-sheets, with implemented micro flowers seeds - litter friendly. On the way back home, he also scrolled massive amount of local news in the media. Breathless, ran into the lab, and started analyzation of anything what he could find in his memory, in the devices, in the algorithms. And,

he dropped the device on the floor, his eyes was frozen, focused on the screen, on one news from the region. It was about missing person, that individual's middle finger someone found in the hospital's lobby. The same hospital where his daughters ended life, after months of unsuccessful life support.

He picked up the device from the floor, and noticed red dot on it. He activated the device, and used wireless connection to synchronize devices, to view if anything logical was present in the data.

Voice recorder - file was there, it never happened before. It was shocking, he was scared to play it, but he download the file, and pressed play:

...he he he, alright mate, yeah, I have done it many times, yeah, I’m the super bitch, I’m telling you mate, I’m no joke to play with, yeah. Seems like you are from the same club, but I can tell you one more thing, yeah, I can hack anything maty... wait wait, give me some of that drink mate, more more, more, oh alright mate, you know what, this is strong like a deadly script, ghehehe, oh yeah alright pal... whaaat, you don't believe me, you know what twat, once I hacked a car, ha ha ha mate, yeah I’m a bad bad bitch, yeah, have you ever seen flying car mate, ha ha ha, I am FEMDIK13, you little shit…’.

Voice was deeply mutated into male tone, but originally, undoubtedly female voice.

But, what happened next is almost impossible to imagine.

He heard his own, drunk like a skunk voice:

...oh yeah yeah, I know who you are, and yeah, I've had seen flying car...’.

This was the moment when he blinked few times in the slow motion, eyes become watery, on his cheeks tears slowly kept coming down. He touched his chest with open palm, and noticed his heart isn't beating anymore. He was still breathing, but almost like a person already from different dimension, without making any sound, without movement of the air, without present energy in this living space. He took the sample from his tears, placed it into the device, and said something to his computer. After few seconds, whole house started to change the proportions and shapes, electric meter spun like a diamond saw, he closed his eyes, system generated flat line sound, and

this was his last breath...

Darkness took over everything, terrifying charcoal silence...

Somewhere deep in the abyss of his energy connected to the subconsciousness,

gently echoed female voice mixed with the static noise, started to be hearable for the human ear: '...turn on the lights, please...'.

When Eliosh opened his eyes, he was in the parked car little bit disoriented,

in his hand was a turned on phone. The device was calling someone...

Everything was almost exactly the same, as that time when he was about to call his wife,

to tell her about the new house viewing...

Phone rung few times, and few more, and more, and kept ringing...


somebody answered the phone.

In the background was distinctive loud noise,

he had heard voices of his two daughters...

His eyes unconsciously moved to one side, and vision focused on the large screen in the middle.

Displayed text was composed with strange but familiar symbols,

on-board voice system made a sound, kind of mechanical whisper: '...never forget'.

Split of a second later, he took a look at the shoe lace...

The end.

Drunk Shoe Lace

by MrTomHol

All rights reserved.

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please contact: Pilot Happy