...once upon a time,
almost the whole Globe
found out about it...
It was a friendly meeting.
Dr Tomasso Pilotski and Mr Sheikh Saharan were sitting in the magnificent lobby. As you can hear in the title clip, music was playing, and they were sipping on some kind of regional special java beverage.
It was a really luxurious palace.
Their discussion was filled with joy, some laughter and a lot of honest gestures.
At one point in time two couples walked into the lobby
- tourists (they were obviously tourists).
Sweaty tank tops, kind of a gym shorts, supermarket flip flops, burned from the sun foreheads. But, of course an extremely touristy appearance wasn't hiding their joyful day.
One of them had a massive tattoo on his extremely large shoulder, it was an eagle holding an anchor with the massive letter P. The other strongman was covered in ink art, first impression was - the horror kind of art.
Dr Pilotski smiled gently, got a little bit closer to
Dr Pilotski smiled gently, got a little bit closer to
Mr Saharan and whispered:
'...whatever happened next,
please stay calm, and don't be scared,
these are my people...',
'...if you know what I mean...',
Dr Pilotski added gently after catching his breath.
like he predicted it,
only a couple of moments later,
two massive strong Males and their beautiful females companions landed on big leather couches next to both Gents.
In their hands were already glasses with high percentage liquids, and only some seconds later their focus landed on
Dr Pilotski and Mr Saharan.
One of the strong man's poked the other one with the elbow and without any voice level control almost shouted with very deep almost baritone like voice:
'...ja cie nie jebie kurwa,
One of the strong man's poked the other one with the elbow and without any voice level control almost shouted with very deep almost baritone like voice:
'...ja cie nie jebie kurwa,
luknij jaki pierścień jebaniec ma,
tutaj to very very na bogato kurwa...'
And they kept on going with a slightly vulgar method of communication. All was good until their first couple of glasses were empty, and they noticed on Dr Pilotski finger also very large jewelry (signet-ring), with a strange looking kind of a stone. At that point the situation got intense, because two giants and their princesses began to play kind of drunk, bullying rainbow shit.
Dr Pilotski stood up,
And they kept on going with a slightly vulgar method of communication. All was good until their first couple of glasses were empty, and they noticed on Dr Pilotski finger also very large jewelry (signet-ring), with a strange looking kind of a stone. At that point the situation got intense, because two giants and their princesses began to play kind of drunk, bullying rainbow shit.
Dr Pilotski stood up,
gently asked his friend Mr Saharan to terminate the meeting, and politely added:
' I said,
I got this, I will do my best to see you tomorrow at Brunch, but this is not a promise. We are going to discuss the remaining details in the next couple of days for sure...'
Gents exchanged brother to brother hugs, and
Mr Saharan slowly walked toward the elevators.
Dr Pilotski looked at the big fellows,
gently smiled,
made a small step toward them and asked politely:
'...a teraz któremu dojebać intelektualnie aż sandałki z koziej pałki w wybielony rowek wejdą pod samą fasadę karczycha spieczonego na skórę chlebka jurajskiego, heee?'
Both giants got quiet for a second or two, but
they couldn't stop and they kept going:
'...a co,
kolega męskiej żony szukasz, czy
na męskie zaręczyny już prosisz ?...'
And this was the moment when Dr Pilotski made a fist gesture, and with the other hand pointed his finger at the strange stone in his ring. One of the princesses whispered to the other lady:
'...ty, Samantha,
kutafonek jebaniutki ma podobny elektro szmaragd
jak te w katalogach, pamientasz kochana,
co my dostaly w tym chłopaków pilotowym zamówieniu...'.
Dr Pilotski was well known for playing almost deaf 'me know nothing' person. But the truth was, he could hear very well, he could operate in a few languages, and he understood a massive spectrum of Global things, on top of it, his responses were often very unusual.
This time, he said to both ladies:
'...if you don't mind,
I will speak in English to you all,
because I know,
kumate ziomale jesteśta wszystkie...'.
And Dr Pilotski made a gesture to the lobby's service.
When service approached him he whispered something, and only a couple of seconds later a bottle of Chopin in a golden bucket full of ice was on the table, beside of it some crystal shot glasses.
So, my name is Tomasso Pilotski, Dr Prof Hab of Quantum Energy, I am also an official Agent in the International department of Innovations and Solutions, located in the UK.
I have Polish roots, and as you already know, I can also communicate in beautiful Polish language...
So, my name is Tomasso Pilotski, Dr Prof Hab of Quantum Energy, I am also an official Agent in the International department of Innovations and Solutions, located in the UK.
I have Polish roots, and as you already know, I can also communicate in beautiful Polish language...
Dr Pilotski opened the bottle, poured three massive shots and with a welcoming voice (while raising the glass) said to the Giants:
Massive strong lads enjoyed shots very much,
they were surprised, and
one of them said:
'...but you are warm, or not ?
- because if you are kurwa warm,
you know pal, we aren't that kind, kurwa...'.
Dr Pilotski gently smiled, and responded:
'...absolutely kurwa NOT, and
please mates, bo się zrzygam tęczą,
have some dignity and honor - OK kurwa...?'.
Giants raised their eyebrows, and
while Dr Pilotski was pouring next shots,
he started to tell them a little kind of a story:
Your ladies noticed almost correctly.
Your ladies noticed almost correctly.
In my ring is an almost identical jewel to those installed on the outer-shell in this palace. You have received an invitation for a drink here, for a reason, as you already know. Although, the difference in these jewels is extremely massive, because this one on my finger has a microprocessor built in, and it is a live jewel thanks to the light. It is an experimental data container, sort of speak, almost as is zero one one, if any of you have real interest in live data-analysis. Hundreds of those on the windows seals and frames in this palace are artificial and they harvest energy from light. Inside of each large frame is built in a small module, with electronics. You know, wireless connection to the air conditioning system, temp sensors, blah blah blah, etc. Each frame has its own micro wires to heat-up glass if necessary, or cool them with use of built in quiet micro turbines. If you will, ever, sleep in one of the apartments here, you will notice micro holes in those window frames inside, or maybe (if you cool) you will see that invention in other parts of the Planet, someday in the future. In other words, simply, chilled air cools off windows if the sun is up and burning. At night or when cold, thinner than hair wires keeps glass kind of warm, also thanks to built in capacitors and inductors. Basically the whole year-round windows here have ambient temperature, thanks to this invention. In short a few words, thanks to the light, less energy losses happen, evolution of new tech and better future for many becomes achievable, People make money from real high quality.
One of the giants cleared his throat, and asked:
One of the giants cleared his throat, and asked:
'...but what's the point,
with such a fortune, who cares about bills, or
energy losses...'.
'...yeah, I know...' - responded Dr Pilotski, waved at the service, whispered something into the ear of a very sexy service lady and continued talking:
In this World are two kinds of business People, those who chasing never achievable happiness based on never discontinued numerological count of money, and those who can see value in their own healthy happiness. In this scenery, today, I am the second kind. Each of our inventions produce jobs, each and every one industry we influence, produces expansion of various markets. Our ideas and investments revolutionize various pro-branches, and our achievements create possibilities, what produce naturally pure joy and happiness, often for me as well. Money, money, hmmm, without a doubt, money are extremely important, without money nothing is possible. Most of the people aren't ready yet to exist in the systems where money aren't required, because they aren't aware of own natural values, and they aren't aware of their natural inner true talents nor usefulness. But, at the same time, huge financial resources in the hands of brainless greedy idiots, continuously produce conflicts, unnecessary frictions, destruction of the Planet, turbulence in education, viruses in tech and IT, illnesses in the healthcare system, military wars and lack of Global progress. While pointing on his ring Dr Pilotski added:
'...look, as you already know, this is handmade, the same as many other things invented. It means, somewhere out there, there is at this very moment person or there are people who thanks to simple honestly earned money, by producing high quality things, they purchased toys for their kids, put food on the table, they purchased some new complementary goods, or simply they went on holidays and at this very moment they are drinking high percentage cold beverages in the middle of the Sahara desert with a total stranger...'.
Hold on one sec
Hold on one sec
- said one of the Strong Gents,
scratched his head in confusion,
looked at Dr Pilotski and asked:
' you know anything about our company in Warsaw pal ? Or maybe, you know who sent us pilot orders and invitations here ?'.
Dr Pilotski smiled gently again.
After only a couple of seconds Dr Pilotski added:
'...let's say the World is a very small place, and the view from the hotel Intercontinental is very nice, regardless if you are there to send successful thanks postcard, if you doing there power bench presses in the gym or, you are just there to sip on good quality champagne in the jacuzzi while enjoying the view after a good massage'.
One of the strong fellows kicked gently his friend and whispered:
One of the strong fellows kicked gently his friend and whispered:
'...fuck man,
I think it is him, kurwa Zbychu,
it is him...',
other strong man responded in whisper:
'...kurwa, shut up Geniu,
I know kurwa, I am not stupid kurwa...'.
This was the moment when the service brought to the table bottles, Belveder Limited Edition and very golden regional liquor. Dr Pilotski looked at those big strangers, gently smiled, and after taking deep breath, said:
This was the moment when the service brought to the table bottles, Belveder Limited Edition and very golden regional liquor. Dr Pilotski looked at those big strangers, gently smiled, and after taking deep breath, said:
', please,
now you guys send your princesses to their cribs, and
we will begin serious talk, or,
you can take these bottles
as a friendly gift from me, and
In this story
In this story
I can not tell what happened next,
but I can tell you this:
Next day,
at approximately brunch time,
Mr Sheikh Saharan was waiting for Dr Pilotski, but
he did not show up.
At one point in time Mr Saharan was done with his brunch.
Mr Saharan was walking toward the front desk at the lobby, to ask from pure curiosity about his friend Dr Pilotski, when into the building walked in three very loud individuals.
They all were singing loud 'STO LAT', all three
drunk like a skunks, amongst them was Dr Tomasso.
Almost nobody knew what happened that night, but somehow, some time later, the Stock Exchange in Warsaw, and a few other financial organs at the territory of various countries saw awakened activities - activities based on very innovative products and serious financial approaches to modern technological evolution. Some budgets noticed significant positive changes in inflow of tax payers money, completely healthy inflow.
Almost nobody knew what happened that night, but somehow, some time later, the Stock Exchange in Warsaw, and a few other financial organs at the territory of various countries saw awakened activities - activities based on very innovative products and serious financial approaches to modern technological evolution. Some budgets noticed significant positive changes in inflow of tax payers money, completely healthy inflow.
Approximately 12 months after the event described in this story, in Warsaw, in front of the hotel Intercontinental arrived a very rare super sports car. Unquestionably customized sound system inside of the vehicle was delivering extremely loud and vibrating tune 'Rum i tiktaki' (click on it, to hear it (Polish Edition)).
From the driver side, a massive Male barely squeezed himself out of the vehicle. Big fellow straightened wrinkles on his overstretched shirt, and adjusted something on his wrist. It was a massive kind of a modern combat handmade luxury watch, with the dial made of unusual futuristic material, kind of artificial electro emerald it was.
The Giant took a look inside of the vehicle and
shouted to the passenger:
'...Samantko, please kurwa, chill one sec kurwa,
I have to send from here a postcard kurwa, rozum...'
Since that postcard was sent,
also that 'bad boy' never again was forced
to do things which could produce his 'go to jail cards'
- for the rest of his life,
he was a wealthy and peacefully secured fellow.
oh, by the way,
for my real friends all over the Planet:
SOL _ solar, OK _ okno, RAM _ rama
- welcome in the story 'SOLOKRAM',
click on the title here to hear instrumental version.
Enjoy. Pilot Happy.
Enjoy. Pilot Happy.
...for People with serious interests
in intellectual fabrics: LIVE DIGITAL BOOK by MrTomHol...