
'Live Digital Book' by MrTomHol


Written patentable uniqueness 

in spectrum of
conceptual approaches.

Designed and created by 

real person. The author:


Book's secret purpose: 

'Pleasures from thinking'

...within, at least 

pinch of truth...

Must be clearly underlined and consciously understood 

- the content of this Book has roots in real Life. 

Please be advised, 

this original publication isn't the result of using text generators, which are often programmed to falsely sugarcoat anything and everything. 

If you are marginally sensitive consumer of intellectual fabrics, if you are having difficulties with flipping the page or turning off the device when things in your understanding getting for you harmfully offensive, 

please (with cherry on top) contact your doctor before reading this Book or, simply don't consume it. 

This publication is designed and created for mentally and emotionally stable enough, those who can handle various thoughts activators and stimulations without experiencing neither any psychologically pathological issues nor any other kind of negative symptoms.

Please have in mind, this on-line version posses interactive passages to various digital works - it means, sometimes interactions are helpful. E-book and foremost paper version of this Book are a little bit different. Such versions contain complete content and additional special segments which aren't published here. However, I am sure you can tell the difference, if you legally posses the original.

Occasionally, published here promo-content is changing and often is growing. Sometimes it happens because of formulated new theoretical concepts, because of freshly discovered developments, or simply because of pilot data about up-coming new intellectual fabrics. Sometimes the author is adjusting content in this on-line free version because of changes in compatibility with the newest digital possibilities

- and this is not one and only one 'magical' thing about...


'Something to talk about'


...advanced involvement in 

the newest Social Science, 

conscious ascendancy of 

modern Philosophy and 

realistic observation of the World 

[without false sugarcoating] 

allows often to produce 

extremely interesting results...

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Magical Places

...with a written 'The End' 
on the last page of her solid book,
she looked at the sea, and she whispered:

'I will miss you'.

She was extremely happy, because she made it on time,
she accomplished her super secret lifechanging plan...

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- regardless if it's true or not.

...making verbal sounds 
isn't necessarily equivalent 
with the phenomenon which 
Human kind has been trying 
to get polished 
for the last 250 thousands years,
'only' 250K years
- a phenomenon known as 
real communication...

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God's healthy sense of humor

Seems like the primary concept of God is with Humans since the communication was developed, and mostly since the communication was developed sufficiently enough to share information with fellow Human beings. 

In some cases, 

God was the Stratosphere, sometimes Sun, sometimes other Celestial Bodies. In some other cases God was Moon, in many cases Animals, sometimes plant, often other Humans, sometimes objects, often money, sometimes simply unknown Holy Being or Extraterrestrials. 

This part of the book tells the story about Human and one of the kind encounter. 

Please forgive me, if my not biased imperfections in written style disturbed your beliefs, doctrines, environmentally imprinted canons of opinions or simple feelings. 

I did try to share this story with you as best as I could.

So, the day has come... 

The Human's last day on Earth. 

Yes yes, some people naming it as the day of 'passing away'. In this case the event wasn't much more different from everyone's day of death. Except one fact, 

in this Book 

privileged People are allow to read story about it. 

So, that day Human was called by the God. Everything what was created by the Human was left behind. Travelling wasn't difficult. Time of the travel from Life to see God was smoothly quick. Human was surprised when arrived in the house of God because time wasn't a factor anymore, and Human couldn't tell how long was travelling. 

Human could feel God, scent was noticeable, same as powerful overwhelming, peace, as well as gentle euphoria, similar to joy mixed with happiness. 

Human at one point stopped experiencing all mentioned feelings and God appeared in front of Human's eyes. Looked at the Human and said: 


Human couldn't say a word, total mish-mash-potatoes in the mind. God smiled and asked couple of question: 

'So, how was your journey in Heaven?. How much better is condition of the Heaven in comparison to condition on the day of your arrival there, you know, since you were born?'. 

Human attempted to think as hard as possible, but how to explain to God whole life in a few words?. 

'Impossible, impossible, this is impossible' 

- human started to mumble. 

God looked again deep into Human's eyes and responded: 'Really?. I think, you said in your lifetime more than just a few times something like this: 

'Everything is possible'

Human changed the color into transparent colorless jelly form. Feeling of being still alive was present, but Human wasn't breathing, and none of usual natural bio functions were present. Fear started to cumulate in Humans aura. 

God reacted to that change immediately by saying: 

'You don't have to be afraid of me, 

much better if you are afraid of yourself'

After that God added: 

'I am who I am, 

not what I am, 

I'm not a thing'. 

And at that point things started to change, whole surrounding changed into fantastic dreamy landscape. Fields of beautiful pleasure, magnificent colors of clouds, and unbelievably sensational joy in the atmosphere. 

God asked: 'Let's start, shall we?'

And this is the moment when gazillions of scenes from Human's lifetime started to appear. Everywhere were little shapes with scenes from real life. God pointed on one scene and asked: 

'Do you remember that?'

After that God pointed on another scene from Human's lifetime and asked: 'How about that, do you remember it?'. Oh, and there, God pointed at another scene and said: 

'There intentionally you've had treated me like a shit. Oh, or there, look, do you remember that moment ? there money had for you more value than quality of life, or there - look - there you attempted to populate my image as your favorite dysfunctional monkey illnesses of your choice'. 

'Oh, how about that' - God pointed on another scene from life, and added with sad voice: 

'That day you did attempt to poison me, sort of speaking'. 

Human's bio functions woke up again, natural colors came back to the original body colors and Human shouted: 

'I didn't know it was you, if I knew, 

I would do things differently'. 

God responded: 


yes yes, 

exactly, I know, hmm, business...'

God placed his thumb up on own lips. At that point Human's voice wasn't delivering any more verbal value. It was like making monologue in the empty cosmic space, without a drop of air. 

Scenes from lifetime kept populating, little shapes of many kinds, flashing scenes from life were everywhere. 

Very solid God's voice delivered the question: 

'Can you count ?'

Human was looking at flashes from own lifetime, terrified responded only by blinking: 'Yes'. 

God's smile was noticeable. 

By the way, undoubtedly it is fantastic feeling when God is smiling. 

At that point God said: 

'Cool, almost same as me. I think I can count very well'. 

And whole focus of the moment landed on some kind of equation, made from the energy. 

'Lovely stuff, don't you think ? - asked God, and added after few seconds - I made it myself, extremely useful these are. You will see soon' - added God, and once again whole space turned into cosmic colorful radiation made of overstretched little sharp springs. 

At that point God said: 

'As you know, you are made of many mini molecules. In your lifetime you were responsible for your whole molecular composition and related to it actions. You know what I mean, your own ass and whatever you were doing in Heaven. Now you are here and it's time to calculate a few things'. 

After that God added simple explanation: 

'At this point is possible a few scenarios. I mean, when you will be done, you will be decomposed into fundamental particles, which obviously you are made of. Some particles will be sent away into one of the black hole mixers, some into other life forms or other worlds. Some may end up in hell, some may end up in purgatory, some will have privilege to go back to Heaven on Earth. Maybe you will go somewhere there as whole piece, as you, as another person, animal or plant. All depends on your actions and created by you circumstances in the past, and created by you possibilities in the future. I mean, these are only a few examples, but many options are possible. I'm making new and fresh options with every heartbeat of living organisms in Heaven on Earth, naturally metaphorically speaking. So, relax and enjoy the moment' 

Human felt like whole Life begun to be transparent. It was like someone deconstructed whole lifetime experience into many little pieces, and now looking at each and every one of those pieces under the atomic microscope. 

At that point God made interesting sound. 

It was something like fresh wind during warm spring day, but mixed with screaming whistle, and Gods voice delivered the following: 

'Please, take a look at this equations: 

In total you've had 96 trillions 360863628 occasions to make conscious decisions in your life. You've had met me on 2024 occasions. Your whole closest environment spoke and heard about me over 75080501415 times. In your lifetime I've had made specially for you 7482935910 occasions to make something good in Heaven. Many of such I made regardless of the complicated circumstances and many difficult up-hills. 

Somehow, in 66.6% of these occasions you decided to make something bad and evil out of these possibilities. In the result many destructive domino effects happened in the Heaven on Earth...'. 

At that moment God stopped talking, 

because sound similar to ringing phone was hearable. 

God smiled and said to someone: 

'Hell ooo'. 

Split of a second later God added: 

'Hi my old friend, what's Up?'. 

Caller responded in kind of angry tone: 


Stop playing Dick and listen - some departments have serious issues'. 

God gently spoken again: 

'Hmmm, that's not my name. Please snowflake, at least try to be nice. I knew it's you calling. You only calling when you want something. How can I help you this time?. What's going on?. What's wrong my sweet favorite Devil, you don't like your job again, or something?'.

Their conversation wasn't going smooth. But, at one point of strange exchange of opinions and very loud arguments, God said: 

'Hmm, that's not good. 

Well, OK cool, but it's your decision. Be careful out there, don't book anything nor anybody for no reason. Let me know when you come back. I have to admit, if situation is, as ugly as your voice described, your visit may be very valuable'.

During their dialog Human just stood there, like a lonely lollipop in empty freezer with infinite empty space. 

Human kept listening to their discussion and whispered occasionally time to time: 

'This is impossible'. 

Every time when Human whispered, echo responded: 

'Quiet, you are not done yet'.

Vaping away


information from the World isn't as cool 

as colors of the vaporizing devices...


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Bonusik po polsku:


looking at each other 
with true smiles, 

they just purely adore the moment...

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Floor No.13

...if during the 'elevator pitch'
you were super very satisfied,
why did your candidate
turn out to be a very wrong choice
in the long run ?

this question:

...why the result from your
'speed dating'

turned out to be
the worst nightmare
in your life, if

the first impression
supported by your own
instant gratification
was so juicy ?...

[press play to hear it, 
elevator music,
Colorus Modero]

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Women's circles

...after the event described in this story, 

the World slowly but surely 

gained a new kind of beauty. 

New designs, new sports, 

new hobbies, new opinions, 

new reasons...

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Ink Butcher

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Warm water

...his wife was sleeping beside of him, and 

she was dreaming also, but 

about something little bit different. 

She was dreaming about fabulously colorful scene. 

In her dream well dressed pretty ladies were dancing, 

the music was very pleasant, 

scents of the flowers and freshly baked sweets 

were so intense she smiled in her dream...

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Size matter, in the purpose

...sometimes, individually developed 
systems of understanding things,
additionally allow to 
underline and highlight 
active factors 
responsible for such changes...

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Not fit for purpose

...let me take you for a 
little time travel:

HopHop, and 
we are in the 20th Century. 
It is a large City, 
we are walking into the doctor's office.

It is more of a research center, 
highly advanced things going on there, 
for that era.

Your role is, 
to expose for the group of 
present doctors video recording,
from the Eurovision. 
It is a performance of the UK's talent 
during 2024 event.
No no, not to change votes, nor
to print future votes, but 
to ask for their opinion
- what they see ?, 
strictly from the medical 
point of view...

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...and they've had heard his voice again: 

'Please sit in your chairs, 

today we will have new kind of fun'...

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Shakespearean antipoem

Total blackouts in perception and but/s,

in their spoken view on reality.

Society's health condition is getting better

- but hospitals are full.

Raising methods and education mechanisms are improved

- but jails are full.

Internal qualities are better then ever before

- but volume in internal affairs is growing.

Green energy movement is going in ideal direction

- but businesses and households can't afford it.

Overall quality of life is continuously improving

- but society isn't able to afford normal life.

New built housing is very successful

- but more jobless benefiting in poverty is required to pay for it.

Women leading the country very well

- but over 50% of them are already an alcoholics, many medical addicts, and society falls into poverty.

Direction in artificially fueled gender neutrality is great

- but many of their own children have serious mental health problems caused partially by lack of ability to self gender recognition.

Politicians are always modern and progressively smart

- but their toilets and dinner tables are cover in addictive lines, their cognitive actions deaf as lost hair.

Country is open for highly skilled migrants

- but country can only afford to pay them minimum wages or less.

Boarders are safe and sound

- but luxury hotels are for illegal migrants who enter on daily bases territorial waters in hundreds.

Mixing sexual orientations with material World works very well

- but volume of Syphilis and STI's is highest in decades. 

And on, and on, and on... 

If they are constantly in the total blackout of perception, isn't unfair to say: 'Not poetically speaking - massive discrepancies exists, between meaning of their statistics & meaning of reality'.

Some reality

...hold on one sec, 

I have for you one last thing. 

It is something 

qualified as top secret, but 

I think it's time for the World 

to know about it. 

Are you ready?...

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Hidden terrorism

...after a few more 'friendly fairy' moves, 

she ended up with a massive lawsuit 

against herself. 

As the result, she lost everything. 

Money, job, mortgaged house, 

her Audi, and all complementary goods, 

which she valued the most in life...

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[Press play to hear it], 
you know this song ? Sexy Posh.

Such a question was addressed 
by the inspector...

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'A few things, about the things'


...population's illness,

when majority is wrong, but

majority wins.

...if the majority of People 
love idiotism, 
is it continuous idiotism ? or, 
maybe just maybe, 
the idiotism mutates 
in front of your own eyes 
into normality, 
because it is supported 
by the majority 
which loves idiotism...

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Chemical balance

...during one of the discussions

about the relation

between chemicals and behavior,

one of the friendly participants

had brought to the table


associated with

young minds...

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...hypothermic & wet people


stinky clothes,

moldy shoe wear.

Workplaces stink similar to

chemically poisoned septic tanks

at countryside farms.

Carpets in the offices

living with their own

bacterial flora,

office chairs 

secretly spreading 

yeast infections...

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Concrete mirror

...person with copy-paste personality, 

sooner or later will copy toxic madness ?...

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...most of the time 
when pro-sectors see the word 
most likely one thing appears 
in their collective mind: 

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Thoughtful seed


seed of safe invention...

With the purpose of

igniting new ways of

positive and better thinking, or

to ignite future-friendly

ideas production...

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Old new sound

Relation between new generation's obesity and stress associated with financial debt. Question: 'Is it possible, Human's body unconsciously making decisions which leading into weight gaining because of exposure to stress associated with up-coming quality of life?'.

Once upon the time, in the cave, the Brain developed magical mechanism of energy storage, before winter arrived, it was fat. So, if on the Planet Earth country known as usa is the biggest debt owner, their citizens (as one of the newest group with the biggest financial debt) supposed to have the biggest obesity problem in the World. If this Old New sound is correct. It also means, on the territory of usa consumption of blood pressure controllers (medications) supposed to be the highest on the Planet. 

Anyways, if composed here text is correct, completely or partially, result from analysis of many methodologies may indicate - some of the systems developed lately by the Humans, intentionally killing Human's health, for money. New note in the Old New sound is this: 'Now you can imagine, how many things Humans have begun to misunderstand. First example: Hippocratic Oath'. This part of the book travels digitally with the best wishes for the guardians of all Libraries on the Planet. I think, The Google's, IBM's, Microsoft's (and many others) digital Clouds, could be fairly classified as super Library.


...most of you 
will have only push bikes or 
kids' scooters, instead of 
super new age electric café-racers or 
cool sports cars...

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...the whole World knew

they placed stolen jewels

in their collections, as

iconic symbols of their own

most important figures...

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...government's activities and 

methods of controlling Society 

- I can bet you one smile, 

in most cases, such a sentence 

automatically produces a vision of 

the Government abusing Humans rights. 

In this case, 

if you have produced such vision, 

it is incorrect...

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Lean peel the past many decades 
People were building businesses, and structures. 
Primary purpose of such activities was 
- to make life easier, safer, better.
In many of such cases, 
currently the reason is 
totally different, it is 
- just to make money...

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Bold things

Without any regrets, without any fears, please try to look closely at the details in both pictures, for longer than three seconds, but without naming any of the colors: 



smarbles ?


These are two totally different artworks, 
designed and created by the author of this Book.
The colorful one is the original.

This simple painting was exhibited at 
Warrington History and Art Museum, UK.
Each color in that painting contains different microorganisms, collected in the region.

Painting is done on foil, 
main message in it was and continuously is:

'Plastic is fantastic, if 
marbles are in good condition'.

The dark one was digitally modified by the author, 
for different purposes. However, as you can see, 
the difference between two 'Smarbles' is massive.

The same as is the difference between 
silence in your thoughts and daily rumor.

Situation with such a noise is similar with the sounds generated often by the members of the public,
sounds to which people are exposed unconsciously everyday. Unfortunately often some people 
qualify such sounds as 'bold statements'.

During one of the broadcasts in British news channels, a 
very confident individual described his personality by
expressing this thing:

"For that kind of money, 
I would throw my family under the bus".

Obviously it was related to one of the books, 
which came out from the printing factories with 
the discount spare sticker already placed on it.

In the other episode, 
another individual in the news used this kind of the statement:

"I'm talking to white people". 

In the same era very interesting sense of humor was noticed amongst other strange clowns aka activists.
For example, one of them, 
a well known female clown mostly made of toxins and maple leaf, was telling people
- soon, proud feminist like her will wear male's testicles as their earrings.

On the other occasion, different national broadcasters had emitted material for young adults, to introduce them to the reality at the workplaces.
Industry - heavy drinking, drugs, manipulations, abuses, kind of porn with male homosexuals in the shitters.

Another example of very strange mutation amongst population
delivered real history itself
- objects collected at Acropolis and 
placed in the British Museum.
One of the interviewed Ladies, expressed her opinion by saying something like this:

"If Greeks want to see their most precious artifacts, maybe they should visit British Museums".

All of such approaches are undoubtedly in some opinions very bold, but differently bold if we understand what is emotional programming or any other neural programming.
With such knowledge it is easier to understand why some Nations are as they are or what they are.

Look - when you drive the car because you have to be somewhere on time, and in the distance you see road's narrowing.
On the lane in front of you is another vehicle moving extremely slow. You change lanes and accelerate.
As soon as a slower car has seen you, an overtaken car starts to accelerate - what do you think, is it all boldly contagious as yawing, or programmed by others ?.

Or, maybe just maybe,

different bold thing exist for real, and it is:

Massive difference between confidence of real winners and ignorantly fueled arrogance supported by empty generational idiotism and mental health issues watered by madness.

Obviously such bold things amongst continuously ill People relates not only to the history, ecology or economy, but also to the gossip which some individuals push around on daily bases.

'Tia' - somewhere on the Planet it means thank you 
- yeah, right, but it is from the 18/19 century.
In that era such communicational mutation was usually used by the kids with speech impediments.
Nowadays some adults continuously use such failure as something cool, without even knowing it was a failure
- just in case, self-explanatory thing, if you are reading this part of the book and somehow continuously you are in doubts associated with neuro-programming.

Although, without the hiccup it is fair to say,
empty complaining or serious critical thinking is often very easy - finding resolutions, not exactly identically simple.

In relation to the British Museums,
resolution may be simple: 
Produce remembrance copies made of British gold, white coal, colorful clay, rain, steel or lab grown diamonds. Attach to it interactive documentary and history, with use of the newest tech carriers. I mean real documentaries, including most recent International events and legal procedures - produced by big brains in one of the best Gov organs on this Planet, the UK's House of Lords & the Parliament. 
Return things with honor, rearrange spaces in mentioned Museums, and done - the newest, most modern approach to primitive conflicts and immature manipulations from the past being refurbished, real Royal values recycled and reborn. 
This way many Nations will become thankful,
for storage and care.

Similar situation is with cardio bold-move, 
invented recently. Can you imagine 'Gym' which is paying you to do the work-out?.

Well, it's happening. 

Participants during the weekends, late evenings, or sleepless nights, sometimes for only a couple of hours are making approximately as much as they used to pay for their memberships in the gyms.
The difference between this work-out and sweaty stinky gym is simple, it's happening in the industrial environment, under supervision of safety officers.

The author of this bold-move is the Director of Development. The same person made sure new software's are created to fit the purpose and expectations of new members.
Also special cabins are produced with saunas and clean showers. Possibly you will see them parked somewhere on the premises, where massive distributional operations happen.
What is extremely interesting, individuals who usually use such workouts often are from non-physical workforces. They love it not only because of financial anti-burnout but also because they have a chance to see what happens with places which feed them and their children. Unfortunately ! This bold move has side-effects.
Many companies have noticed industrial mutations.
Staff shortages and their heavy workload changed into successes , part of the society which is using this bold service is getting healthier

- Wait Wait, unfortunately ?


What if, bad actors are afraid of consciously awaken Society, because the Society if awaken will start to understand things, many things:

Water tests haven't been done, and the waters have become toxic.

Industries weren't tested, and anthropozoonosis serves for Humans mental rabies.

Antibiotics level in the products isn't regulated, and Humans become immune to medications.

Many HR Offices recruiting only bad actors, because of many forms of bribery and supported by them abuses.

Projects with approved grants weren't actually real, but only silly animations and falsifications.

Many artificially fed apprentices are just methods of looting budgets and purposelessly consuming Peoples time.   

Industrial toxic waste is not under control, toxic substances the same as micro plastics are in the products consumed by Humans.

What is happening to the kids' psychological condition and their ability to understand simple things, is actually the result from exposure to radioactive waste from the nuclear power plants and untested chemicals. Money for related appropriate actions disappeared, and as usually none of the bad actors know how it happened.

Or, this example: Government released a humongous amount of money to support scientific projects. Idea was to purchase highly advanced computer installations with unbelievable mathematical power. In the business plan was: 

To make advanced calculations, prototyping of projects, to support talented sectors with revolutionary technology, and to support Budget's developments, because results from legal businesses are the prime factors. 

Bad actors purchased more algorithmic power than they wished for, and unfortunately they mutated the original plan of making scientific research into a plantation of fake projects, into various models of algorithms looting national budgets and also into ill toys used for job market destruction. What is ironic, the most ugly enemy of the society very often feeds on the budget but white horizon of negligence blocking the view.  

It's obvious, the same as was in the past, the same nowadays, without proper supervisions and controls, some of them will try to cheat on anything and everything, without a pinch of respect for healthy life on this Planet, without any respect for traditionally healthy families. 

If you don't believe me, make sure you read small print on products which you consume. Yes yes, this is what happened with the Human family, because some specialists ignored obvious changes of collective mental health amongst business sectors.

Did you know ? - it takes approximately 20 legal transactions to return 1£ into the Budget bawl. If you understand this simple calculation, now you know, it is important to have National budget control systems filled with non-bias data analysis specialists.


What if, Secret Society (sort of speak) developed new probe SOLUTINVERto make bad actors and similar factors clearly visible. Thanks to that system, now it's possible to undoubtedly confirm who is bad actor and who's not, and which mechanisms are working very well, which aren't. Imagine, how strong each individual member of such Secret Society must be, if often they are fighting with the biggest and sometimes most infected structures on this Planet.

New Recruit

...with each second 

that body was getting closer to him. 

He looked at that person, and 

at the same moment 

when he desired to see who it is, 

he noticed vaporizer in his mouth 

- breath, breath in love, 

that person said. 

Some seconds later 

Johnny's head was laying on her boobs...

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'The Space'



at this very moment 

please do not try to convince me 

- the overall quality of things 

on the Planet Earth is as it is 

because of the Moon. 

Naturally with two exceptions, 

when you are talking about 

the four seasons by Vivaldi or, 



-click here to hear it-

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...I did arrive on Saturday at noon, 

in the middle of the plaza. 

The Sun was shining, 

carbon/oxygen and other factors 

were at the ideal level. 

Biomass was moving energetically 

in many directions... 

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Colors of the rain

When you were younger, your Guardians didn't tell you?

- do not to eat 'raw dough', 

because most likely it will make your belly hurts.


if you have to create a new vegetable or fruit, 

what original color would it has ?

By the way, I can

- can you ? create color which yet doesn't exist.

Move backward

Green, yellow, red

Behind the wheel individual, 

driving the vehicle, in the middle of the night, 

on the motorway/highway. 

Driver is ok, speed is ok, 

condition of the vehicle as well. 

Driver looked in the back mirror, and 

had seen miles and miles of empty space. 

Driver looked at one side of the vehicle and 

saw empty space, all the way to the dark fields. 

Also in the left side mirror, the driver had seen nothing, not a one vehicle in the miles. 

Driver looked in the right side mirror, 

nothing, nobody driving there. 

Driver also looked on the other side of the road, also there was absolutely no traffic. 

Additionally the driver looked at the 360 camera monitor in the vehicle, nothing there. 

Basically in a radius of many miles, nobody was there. Regardless of all activities, 

the driver turned on the turning indicator to change the lanes. After that, the driver was on the lane with arrows pointing to the left, arrow after arrow after arrow, turn left only, but the driver turned on the indicator again to get-off the motorway/highway, on turn left only lane. 

In the distance, in front of the driver, the intersection appeared. At the traffic lights, a red light was visible from far away. 

Intersection was huge, the roads connected to it totally empty. The driver stopped, looked around, nobody was there, and waited for the green light. 

On the whole intersection the driver's vehicle was the only one. In the radius of many miles, the driver's vehicle was the only one there... 

And the driver waited for the green light, 

and waited, 

and waited, 

and waited, 

and waited, and waited, and...

How do you understand colors of the moment ?.

Scottish skirt and lucky charm

In the last couple of hours news channels have been delivering very unusual information about Scotland and Northern Ireland.

According to these independent sources, on English borders People have seen unknown aircrafts, flying in low altitude.

Some saying machines aren't civilian, but from unknown military service. During one of the interviews, specialists from the field of International Affairs suggested, activities are related to promised Scottish and Northern Ireland independence release from English confinement.

Naturally we can secretly debate

- this spinning dance of lovely patterns and lucky symbols is true or not, should it be true or shouldn't. But, what may be more interesting, and will give you a lot to think about, is this - sound of electronically modified bagpipes mixed with 'New Futuristic UK Garage Music'. Such a thing surely creates a whole new horizon of pleasurable moments, in the collective success.

[press play to hear it,
sample, Clover]

[lyrics (part):

'...not tribe, not group,

not gibe, not loop.

Collective success, since always one dream,

one dream, one team...']

Herd animals, 

collective reality and side effect

If you've had ever successfully travelled on the path of "Veganism", you should pleasurably fast understand this part of the book. 

Look, very soon after you change your style drastically, for example into "Veganism" (cool style by the way), you will most likely attempt to pull in with you a lot of other People - without any analysis of the circumstances, without building substitutive options. 

You may believe in it or not, but as soon as average individual jump into 'Vega journey', such individual very often desire to change the World immediately, into 'Vega version'. 

Unfortunately such activities very often are conducted without any backup plan for all other fully functional mechanisms in the society and the economy. In Vega version such mechanisms are: farms/butchers/stores, and many other industries. In many other forms of gregarious motives, regardless if it's ecology, football, politics or rainbow movement, situation seems to be very similar. 

As soon as real membership card has imprinted name of the New individual, that individual pulling others into same direction, to make another membership card as soon as possible. 

Now take a look at this: What will happen if Today we successfully remove Oil from the World?. Thousands if not millions without a jobs, lack of products, thousands if not millions businesses collapses, multiple sectors without possibility to move forward, total fiasco. 

Or, take a look at this: What will happen if everyone was forced to change sexual orientation into Gay (without disrespect for some colorful people). As the result, children's will loose their traditional families and loving parents. On top of it, only way to have kids will be to purchase them from the labs (sort of speak).

Naturally horizon of changes is massive, examples are everywhere. Although, when we look closely at any of such subjects, something very similar to activities of immature kids in the sand-box are visible. But the difference between group of youngsters making groups in the sand-box and adulthood is undoubtedly massive. In most cases adults should understand what 'transition period' means, and foremost they should understand what is 'data analysis in predicted results'.

To close this chapter optimistically, I would like to share with you one interesting conceptualism. 

Researches in the country delivered evidences, some Gov funding caused more damage to the society than expected. Behind these granted funding obviously were hiding members of the society, with specific membership cards. To save the Society and the economy from further destruction, some funding were required to be discontinue. Groups responsible for false extraction of funds from grants and those responsible for similar manipulations had to be brought to justice. Because mechanism of funding wasn't on micro scale, clean-up created wave of job-less bad actors. What to do with them, what to do with such society's decoy fruits? - it was the biggest question at that time. 

Fortunately, while they were playing around with the society and the budget, analysis of the Job Market non-stop were creating data. In the result, bad actors were assigned to workplaces semi-automatically. It was part of new program named as 'Economove'. 

Such mechanism helped successfully to fill out empty work spaces rapidly. Side-effect resulted in small wave of cases in fields of Psychiatry and Psychology. It happened because somehow some of such bad actors previously knew consciously how to manipulate Gov paper-work, steal mail, abusively stalk people in GP's/Hospitals/Assessment Centers, they knew how to follow people in public spaces, fabricate documents, steal ideas, hack devices, lie during the meetings, but they claimed their insanity or mental instability when companies signed them up for regular simple jobs. 

Fortunately one of Social Science Doctors predicted such side-effect some time ago, and everything was ready for them, including new OHF. In this case OHF stand for 'Occupational Health Force'. It is young group of well educated and very smart individuals, with two nuclear powers: Honesty & Anti-corruption shield. Latest results flourished springily in fantastic improvements. For example voice recording from one of the interviews at Job Centers delivered fresh data classified previously as non-existing. During complex operational analysis, chain of abusive administrational manipulations were exposed successfully.

Do I continuously love Vegan Food - yeah, very much. Why did I stop my strictly Vegan Journey? - well, not only because of estrogen level in my body (if you know what I mean), but also because of increasing level of some ingredients in Veg fast food (frozen products). Did I enjoy Vegan journey? - yeah, I loved it. Did I try to pull whole World into my Vegan mode? - nope, not really. Did I create something interesting during the journey? - yeah, I did few things. Here you can see examples: YUMMY

Emotional Bribery

...definition was publicly introduced 

in the first quarter of the 21st Century, 

to be more precise 

during one of the researches 

in the year 2022 



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Healthcared legislations

For my special Friends, 

especially for those with over the moon 

convex meniscus of political correctness. 

New devices for NHS may be in progress of making, but, before works will make significant impacts, it must be, I will say it again - it must be, clearly understand:

'Between signing the doc, and the moment when the patients or members of the society will profit from it, is not one, two, or three individuals involved, but many People and amongst them unfortunately also many bad actors. Same thing with any other adjustments in administrative organs, bills, regulations or compliances'.


Taking under the microscope collective mind setting, may result sometimes in exposing real sources of the issues. In this case it may be the part of the Public which is laughing, clapping and tapping each other's backs when bad actors are doing wrong things. At the same time, the same audience is crying aloud and blaming whoever, because things are continuously primitive if not terribly wrong. 

The point is: It is a very common mentality, also amongst members of many political clubs. 

Anyhow, people may lie to themselves as much as they wish, but issues will not magically disappear and gold medals will not produce themselves, just because somebody or a whole group will occupy other side of the stadium, metaphorically speaking.

Bridge to nowhere

...during the space walk, 
something terrible happened 
to her mental health, and 
she released billions and billions 
of microorganisms into space. 
Allegedly, the voice in the head 
told her to release aggressive yeasts 
because they were like 
imprisoned females...

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...I can see, 

what you can not...

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'Shades of Light'

Deja Vu

...about it,

probably as many theories

as many scientists.

Some years ago

after one of the successful experiments,

I decided to write my opinion about it...

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Targets based on faulty balances may be qualified as the curse of the era, at least in some cases. Undoubtedly misunderstood or misleading factors play a massive role in such scenery. 

Let's say, the Government of the World has already lost the game of making the World a better place. But, because some of the players are still here, they decided to play for the side bets on the roulettes of Mankind's existence.

These days they are gambling with everything they've got left. Including the worst negativity known in life. Their desperate tactics generated desperate results, and in their understanding ugly parts from sick nature should be classified as parts in their Biodiversity plan, to achieve successful stability and life full of good qualities. In that plan they've included the worst nightmares of normal society. If you are having difficulties in understanding composed text here, take a look....

Some authors of new biodiversity stated the following: It's totally normal to have in the local community mad maniacs, sick killers, rapists, drug dealers and addicts, kids abusers, psychopaths, molesters, thieves, and many others. Because it's good for Human kind to have colorfully sustainable development. 

The same group of ill bad actors proposed their plan:

'Biodiversity calculation based on data from our research says, targeted percentage of such ill individuals in the individual community should be as follows, ...blah blah blah...'.

Obviously none of them said anything about stopping Human kind from developing such dysfunctional behaviors. They just kept feeding the prize pool with the toxic factors. 

This is the proof, their stinky egocentrism and values which they are defending, consumed light in their existence. Their actions mutated into the factories producing tragedies, and their characteristics had begun to have less value than shambolic fumes. But, in some cases, amongst some societies, it was continuously proudly capitalized business.


...what do you think 

- why do mobile devices exist ?

Well, maybe, just maybe, 

this is why: 

Once upon a time...

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British art of scandal

...pointed gun at kneeling John 
and shouted with anger:

'Trust, you !?!
- how can I trust you, 
if you have also sold your Manhood!!!'
and John pulled the trigger

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...most of the People on the Planet
moved at least once in their lifetime, 
from one house to another, or 
from one region to another. 
Sometimes such maneuvers are dictated by 
complex circumstances, 
often by money and profit, 
sometimes by the personal choices and 
willing to find 
a better place to live...

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Bright question mark

...Which one 

is easier to corrupt 

- stupid, poor or 

greedy ?... 

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Light in acts, 


...artificially produced numbers are 
continuously just numbers, and
are easy to manipulate, but

Human behavior
most likely indicates

what is really happening...

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Plug-ins, and different results. 
Our investigation delivered questionable results, and 
here is the story:

One of the powerful business persons, secretly hired the Agent. After a couple of days the Agent generated the reports, and the content of the reports resulted in the wave of massive moves inside of a very well known organization. 

We managed to contact Owner of the business, he 
found a few moments for us, and invited us for a talk.

What really happened ? we've asked...

Well, they cheated us, right from the beginning - answered the owner, and explained: 

Super CV's were set up to cheat the screening software. Answers for the interviews were prepared. The style of how they sit, breath talk, all was fabricated, and none of such factors represented who they really are. We had found out they were tasteless, senseless empty brains and bad actors, if you know what I mean. To help you understand clearly, I will give you one example, and I have to go:

Our clients ordered new components for their original campaign. Our budget had supplied significant amounts to develop the projects. During the last stage of contract completion, we found out our so-called super first employees hadn't created anything, they were only using agenda plug-ins. In the result they delivered materials based on simple theft of intellectual properties. I know it's not easy for anybody from any level of management to admit the errors, but this is what happened. Now, when I look at that issue, I'm glad we have found resolutions to it. When I'm looking at some other strategists in many industries and their losses because of similar issues, I'm sad but I'm laughing at the same time. I'm laughing because when I'm looking at some of the materials in the surrounding us World I don't question myself anymore - why, things are boringly the same, and why very often things are without required improvements, without better quality, why things go in deaf circles?. Please don't get me wrong, I'm laughing because these days I'm very much aware of what agenda plug-ins do to the businesses, politics, people and everything else. People who do it will never work for me again. By the way, after we discharged them all, our organization quadrupled turnovers in a reasonably short period of time. And on top of it, we made a base ground for many new work fields, for many real talents, in near and far future. As a bonus for you, because everyone likes bonuses, I can share with you one more thing - Agents lately visited our operation, reports have very interesting content. To be honest, similar to the values of the bonuses for my super real talents.

At that point we had asked about a few other things, also about his Agent. Mostly about his method which he's using to determine who is a real Agent and who is just a agenda plug-in and pretender, but he gave us only this: 

Monologues are cheap, only original 
actions and materials have real values... 

After that he smiled gently and he said: 

You are doing fantastic job, thank you and good bye

- he jumped into his vehicle, and drove away.

What may be qualified as kind of extremely interesting detail, 
in the year 2024, during the election race in the UK, one of the key politicians was sitting in his comfy chair at home, it was the weekend, late in the evening.

His wife was in the kitchen or in the other room, I don't know, but what I know, mentioned key politician was watching highlights from euro 2024. Sport news was about the period of that fantastic international event and about predictions on up-coming matches.

When a very well dressed presenter Gent started to talk about the situation with the English team, into the TV room his wife walked in. She was holding an open book in her hand.

He thought it was a new cookbook, or something for kids, so he smiled optimistically. But, he was wrong. Lady approached the TV and manually changed the channel to news highlights. In the news was him, at the pottery place.

Only seconds later in the news were his opponents, somehow, magically, all of them were also at the pottery places in the same day. Lovely wife looked at him, she placed gently open book on the table in front of him, and she asked:

Please tell me, 
you didn't know about it... 
- and she walked out of the room.

Key politician was surprised, he took his feet from the recliner, placed his drink on the table, looked again at the TV, and he grabbed the open book.

Without placing his corrective glasses on, he noticed the bold text in the middle of the page where the book was open, it was a title: 'Agenda'.

Dirty job

...during one of the mornings

young parents had breakfast.

In the high-chair beside them,

on the side of a massive table with

modernly carved legs,

was a child.

At that point in time

only God knew that

child had unbelievable ability...

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Thicker thought

...During our last session 

we discussed complex correlation 

between condition of 

collective mental health amongst society and 

economical situation yesterday, 

today and tomorrow.

Professor looked at the comment 

made by AI, looked at the student, 

and said: 

Yeah, angels exist, 

cool, thank you...

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Orange teaspoons

...two days later 

a new employee and

a couple of other agents 

were at the airport,

flying to Ibiza...

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Brainwashed atheists

...the story, 

about very interesting 


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Wish you were here

Malfunctions in most of the cases are classified as a root cause of the failures. Some specialists, with various pro-backgrounds, very often attempt to solve complex problems, which produce such malfunctions in the first place. This short story is about one of the specialists gatherings, which happened in a hidden chamber of one of the Cathedrals. No no, it wasn't a religious meeting, and had nothing to do with any religion. And it seems like the place was chosen to honor one of the most important figures in the country, and his mummy who always took care of relations between the World of faith and her People.

In the area where the Cathedral was located, early in the morning, unusual vehicles started to appear with armed security inside. From time to time, marked vehicles were present there. Seemed like they were ordered to adjust traffic with temporary signalizations. They were setting up some barriers and signage, such are usually used to redirect traffic during road works. Some observers described a whole few hours as preparation for some kind of modification for
another public protest, or convoy with delivery for massive wind turbines. I mean, as many people had seen it,
as many opinions were produced. But, because it was Sunday, nobody panicked, it was kind of a standard thing in that era.

What was unusual, unexpected landings of few unscheduled flights happened that morning at the Airports in Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool. Also allegedly some individuals with security escorts arrived in trains. Some people had noticed also in Dover a couple of private boats, allegedly luxurious speed boats dropped off a couple of individuals. And, also a couple of convoys with so-called CD privileges
were noticed on the way from France to the UK. If you didn't know, the 'CD' indicates 'Corps Diplomatic'.

About midday (or noon, if you prefer), some vehicles started to appear in the prepared areas around the Cathedral.
Secret securities were directing the traffic, and vehicle after vehicle, individuals from the cars were walking into the Cathedral through the front door, but they were immediately disappearing somewhere inside. Somehow, they all knew about secret passage from the main part of the Cathedral to the secret chamber.

Punctually at 1pm, Cathedral's massive bell made an unusual and unscheduled sound, a very loud one gong. This was the moment when into the secret chamber, a very well known public British figure walked in, and she welcomed gathered individuals very gently but officially.
In front of each and every one of the participants were standing touch screen devices, empty glass and tall shape hand made glass bottle filled with clean water. Some individuals brought with them some paperwork, notes, their own electronic devices, some were just there with a pen and a sheet of white empty paper.
After just a couple of short minutes the noise in the chamber naturally faded out. The honorable Lady was about to start official speech, when they heard a very loud argument coming from the main part of the Cathedral. The voice was obviously generated by the male, but range of frequencies in his vocal was so wide, his few words composed a very unusual echo in the Cathedral. Some gathered people looked at the large screen with live CCTV, and they noticed a Person having an aggressive dialog with securities. In one point he pulled out something from his packet, showed it to the security guards and shouted something what sounded like this:
'...a weź się odjeb posrańcu, co jest kurwa z tobą palancie, sproszkowaną tęczę masz w rozumku, czy jaki chuj...'.
Obviously it wasn't in the English language, and obviously some People knew who it was, because some individuals gathered there whispered, some giggled. One of them, matter of fact, a very important figure from the Middle East, loudly expressed his opinion about the situation: 'Oh, my my my, he made it, thank God'. And this was the moment, when the massive Clock on the Wall displayed the hour 13.13. Ideally at that point in time, the door to the chamber opened, it was the Gent who had mentioned foreign lovely conversation with the guards. He walked into the chamber while adjusting his collar, in one of his hands he was holding a red book.

Guards locked the door, he gently cleared his throat, he took a look at the Clock, and distinctively said:
'...thank you, and my apology, I am always on time, punctually in accordance with the Clock of requirements in possibilities...'. After that he bowed his head toward the Lady who was leading the gathering, and he sat down in his chair at the massive oval wooden table.

And this is how the gathering began officially.
Key most powerful figures from all over the World were there to propose resolutions. You may believe in it or not, but the decision to allow the UK to keep on going as the Global leader proposed that loud quarrelsome Gent. It was his massive work, what made the key figures agree on such propositions. His work covered a huge spectrum of experimentally modern approaches, also to collective human nature. In his plan, he revealed some transparent methodologies supported by very modern possibilities. Some things were almost futuristic, but at that point in time almost the whole World was on the edge of Nuclear WW3, so maybe this is why they decided to agree with him. Just to help you understand why, Gent mastered not only powers of attraction but also upgraded hidden possibilities in quantum mechanics and he positively influenced secret powers of patterns in synergetic flows of life. If you are not familiar with such World, well these are things which make things fully functional in life (yeah yeah, I know, for some it is almost magic).

Anyways, the discussion flourished in many 'yah and nays', jealousy also was noticeable. As usual, two participants from the united states were just implementing 'veto' on many things, especially they were against peaceful resolutions. What at one point resulted in massive disagreement, and the gathering officially exposed their opinion about some Global maneuvers.

As you probably expected, at one point Gent with a red book expressed his opinion: '...wait, wait a sec yankee my friend, the World doesn't look exactly as you painted it on your maps ordered by you from China, without disrespect for our friends from the Easter regions. It means, possibly your militarias are desired on the Planet as severe and deadly diarrhea. To be honest, not many People care what is wrong with american army since you created vietnam, not mentioning iran iraq afganistan syria persion gulf kensington effect and recently middle east. And sorry, but not sorry, if your generals are convinced that the moon landscape is cool, why don't you rent some tubes from nasa, tesla, bezos or virgin and send them in stripy stars democracy to the moon. I think, more than one nation will be happy when the postal service delivers postcards from them, after they spend some years in such a landscape, without Planet Earth's resources. I do understand your genes are rooted in ugly and often ill originals psychos, but please, with cherry on top, C'mon, we are in the 21st Century, sort of speaking...'

Some people were saying: could be Pope or President, Minister or Doctor, but when things were obviously going in a terrifying or ill direction, a Gent with a red book wasn't a verbal skinflint when spoke about things. Some people loved him for it, some not really. But, what to expect, if not many ordinary People knew who that Person was for real.

Anyways, the gathering at one point in time, surrounded issues within the UK, and politely they began to suggest what to do with malfunctions. Some offered help, some resources, some other forms of support. At one point a few questions were addressed, about human nature, and the Gent with red book explained:

'...look, it is simple, how people are watering their own nature's malfunctions. I will give you examples from life, not from episodes with Mr Bean as a prime minister.

Someone called the Governmental organ, call was received by lovely rainbow girl, and that employee very quickly found out, the call was about an abusive employee in the Government structure. Rainbow girl took the notes, and she was about to submit the report. For some reason she looked up in the list of employees, and she found out, report is about another rainbow employee. After only a few short moments, 'click', and she erased the report. What is sad about this story,
that fuck up got caught but much much later, in the relation to dead person, who been raped and killed. Obviously this could be prevented, but malfunction existed partially thanks to belonging to described favoritism. Another example is a report about a drunk person from Central Europe, a foreigner. At work reports about drunkenness were submitted, but signals were received by the person with the same passport, sort of speaking. Report never reached management, because the person who handled it was convinced it is a person from the same nation. Unfortunately negligence resulted in a deadly accident. Very interesting is favoritism amongst politicians. Some investigations clearly indicated, favoritism allowed on many occasions a whole chain of malfunctions, because individuals were from the same clubs. In such cases, serious violations and many idiotisms were tolerated, simply because of belonging to the same party. Or, lovely football, favoritism and blind eye created by the membership to the same fan club. Or, religious based favoritism, when things were ignored because somebody believed in the same scripts, or because they were in the same club of non-believers, and such memberships produced their favoritism. Whole spectrum of neglecting favoritisms were detected in the healthcare system, or education system. In the healthcare system medical negligence was very often caused by people hired with use of favoritism, nepotism and faulty networking. Please, feel free, believe it or not, but people were hiring people because of their regional dialect, not abilities. In such an environment often most alarming signals were ignored, because of blindfolded bias. Also in the education system investigators detected favoritism, which resulted in so-called 'protecting kids from knowledge'.
So, it is obvious, this tragic phenomenon has been within Human nature for a long time. Although, must be clearly understood, such methodology may have been useful in the past. With the current state of transparency and Globalization, industrial and financial evolution, such methodology is dangerously expired. Such methodology may be dangerous as may dangerously become expired food, or outdated medication.

What I'm saying here is, as a Global leader of diversity, equality and multicultural development of mutual progress and safety, if the UK's society will fix this simple inner issue of favoritism and bias dictatorships, also I will make sure key factors will become alive, factors which are necessary to allow a synergic pattern of life energy to adjust possibilities Globally. This way, the People as a family of one species, will have at least another some Centuries to enjoy life on this beautiful, one of a kind Planet. With them, many other life forms as well, safely, naturally. If the UK's society isn't able to solve such a fundamental issue, also the system GB shouldn't be placed not even near a 1st nuclear Global engine.
Why am I telling you about this /?/ in such a simple and not complicated manner, well, because this plan makes from the UK a tiny nuclear model of structure which Mankind dreams about for many thousands of years...'

At that point in time, the gathering was exposed to a few more details hidden in the nuclear plan produced by the Gent with a red book. But, I can not tell you about it, because the details are protected by the highest level of Global security. What I can tell you is this: 

In the second part of the gathering, at the very end, someone knocked on the door to the chamber heavily. Whole gathering got quiet, and the leading Royal Lady gently shouted:
'Who are you, what do you want ?',
second or two later, from the other side of the door a distinctive loud voice delivered the answer: 
'Madam, it's me, John, the food is here...'.

That evening, the chamber smelled like never ever before, and this wasn't the one and only one unusual thing. At the same time when the gathering was officially over, the King received a MMS, at exactly 20.20. It was a picture of all yummy goodies placed on that massive round wooden table.
A graphic text with large letters attached to the picture was saying: '...Wish you were here, but don't worry, they have ate all red meat and heavy buzz is gone also, so you don't have to, except some less than little red wine...'.

Sorry, I can not tell you who sent the message to the King. What I can tell you is this: 

After he jumped into his vehicle, he asked the AI to play something based on the latest news from the region. Attached to this story sample, reflects one of the tunes played by the audio system, when he was on the way to his hometown. Matter of fact, at that time, his home was located not extremely far away from the mentioned Cathedral...

6772, 5784, 4721, 2777, 2024

Early in the morning,
approximately 4am, the agent walked down from his hotel apartment to the lobby, and politely ordered:

'Good morning,
small breakfast please, and also
tall glass with ice and the news flipper'

Gentleman took seat at the coffee table in big comfy chair, and pulled out from his handbag small bottle with liquid in it. The way he was dressed made it easy to recon, he was a pro-Gent.

He was there so early because the shuttle bus was scheduled for 4.30am, to drop him off at the airport.

Just a few moments after he sat down, hotel personnel approached him with freshly brewed coffee, glass with ice in it and a large screen on wheels. It was an angled mounted touch-screen framed with gold details on the edges and camera on the top. Most likely you know who invented it.

The gentleman was sipping on the coffee, at the same time
he was flipping from right to left pages of the digital newspapers with his hand gesture.

At the same time when he poured little bit of liquid from his personal bottle into the glass with the ice, something got his attention. Most of the newspapers had on the front pages details about individuals marked by King's honors, but on one page was an tiny article about vineyard and allegedly strange bio-scientist who feeds plants with special homemade food, reads poems and plays music to the plants, while they grow fruits naturally. Article said, the bottle of good clear beverage from there cost approximately few thousands of British pounds.

This was the moment,
when he took a sip of the liquid on ice, and
he whispered to himself questionably:

'How the fuck they already know about it ?'

This is the point in time when you as a consumer of this intellectual fabric should know, this story is about the agent on the way to one of the Cities in the UK, where young offenders are being held in custody. If you didn't know, his journey took place in the era when flying was cheaper, safer, much faster and more reliable than trains.

The agent was classified as a bad guy by many organs, but at the same time really serious secret agencies knew him as one of a kind talent. That Gentleman had an unbelievable capacity of originality, when things were in his area of interest and expertise. From far away his actions often looked like actions conducted by many Samaritans, but in the magnified view he was actually a Human capable of changing the path of collective evolution, and he knew about his ability very well.

If you have wondered why they classified him as a bad guy
- well, partially because as an adult, without any barriers he was always ready to expose wrongdoings, regardless who was the mastermind in such intentional malfunctions. On top of it, and I think this was the main reason they classified him as a bad guy, as a youngster he committed a very unusual offence. In his neighborhood were two extremely corrupt and abusive undercover cops. They were stealing money from people, they were covering dangerous substances dealers, and they terrorized almost everybody, including youngsters his age. One day he started to fight with them, and the situation escalated to car chase and later chase on foot. As a result, that night, he stole their unmarked vehicle, the car was found without the driver in the lake. Oh, and by the way, he was the one who decoded and exposed real background in various chemical dependencies - some groups of insanely corrupted individuals really hated him for it.

I think,
equally this is a very important fact
- as an adult, with his ability knowledge experience and skills, he could make the society miserable, conflicted or spanned in an idiotic circles, but
somehow he chose to fuel positive and safe progress of many collective things, often Globally.
To be honest, I really don't know why, because,
its much easier to fuck things up, or
simply ignore shithole directions in which the society is going sometimes, at least it is often much easier in comparison to what he was doing tirelessly.

that day his job was to seed a new method of conflict solving, but amongst specific youngsters.

On arrival in the juvenile department of correction, he conducted a meeting which he had scheduled with the group of youngsters. Discussion wasn't easy, very hyper active youth at first couldn't understand the concept of new software to solve the issues between themselves.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, well,
his courses were about the GOV software which allowed to make lawsuits very easily.
That agent, and thanks to him a few other people, came up with that concept also to keep the UK's law sector alive, after they deactivated a few clusters which caused artificial manufacturing of criminal activities.

Basically the concept had a simple purpose,
to allow young People to reach out for kind of arbitration, to solve disputes, instead of causing harm to themselves
- why ? look, for example, as the result of simply different points of views, into the jails were sent a few thousands of youngsters every year. As you probably expect, it all happened simply because of their impulsive characters. Just like that they began to have criminal records, and they often lost many years behind the bars, in some cases life. If you didn't know, some of them weren't bad guys at all, many of them were cool and very talented young People, but influenced by ill factors.

One of such talents started to laugh during the agent's presentation, I mean,
it was an aloud ironic laugh
- matter of fact, followed by monologue with this meaning:

'... silly silly man, gullible, naive, silly man...'

The agent looked at the youngster, and asked:

'...remind me please, what is your name?'

The youngster replied ironically:

'...look into the list of the participants Mr Agent, my name is there...'

The agent grabbed the list of the People,
and participants started to giggle.
At this point, the agent started to read out loud:

'...angry bird, hmm, I'm sure it is not you, empty head, oh, this is not you neither, dancing monkey, hmmm, surely it's not you, oh, wait wait, SF what probably stand for superfast fingers, so, Mr Fast, tell me please, why you think I am naive...'

None of such names were on the list, the agent made them up just in a few seconds. What is interesting however, he really got their attention. After he addressed the question, youngster in kind of adult monologue explained:

'...if you didn't know Mr Agent, sometimes we get paid to implement changes in National databases. Often the system rejects pseudo-automatically cases which may indicate critical thinking, especially against GOV cells or people connected to it. I'm here because somebody really pissed me off, and I fixed him, not with my IT skills, but with the heavy duty tool which he stole from me...'

The agent made a few steps toward young Gentleman,
moved his head into angled position while looking at him, and politely said:

', what you are saying is, you can change things.
Cool, I guess we have something to talk about, hopefully someday you will tell me
what tool that idiot attempted to take away from you.'

In the next few sessions, also on-line, Gents worked out some bugs and glitches in the GOV system. Young Man helped a lot in seeding new methods of disputes solving, they worked successfully in co-operation for some time, while young talent was in the custody.

Some time later...

During one of the breakfasts in the hotel Mr Agent was reading the newspaper on the virtual newspaper stand when the screen started to act really funky. Interactive functions of hand gestures stopped working, and in the pop-up icon appeared a symbol. A few seconds later that symbol disappeared, but appeared there blinking text:

'...look to your right...'

The agent raised his eyes, looked to the right, and he had seen a young Gentleman at the bar, with the laptop. Somehow, without hesitation, Mr Agent approached the Gentleman, smiled, extended his arm with opened palm and with very natural voice said:

'...good morning Mr Fast
- did you know,
People having issues with collective recognition of the years count, but they are convincing themselves they can colonize new planets?'

Young Gent smiled gently,
looked at the agent and responded:

...the stolen tool was a chainsaw, 
me and the lads needed to build a moto-track in the woods. 
But, anyhow,
things have changed, partially because of you.
Today, I would like to say: Thank you.

Maybe it was a coincidence,
both Gents travelled that day on the same plane and visited the same GOV department in London.
It was a meeting with the Parliamentary commission, all was related to the new age strategy in saving youngster's lives.

What surely isn't a coincidence,
is the fact,
once upon the time Mr Agent had seen an article in the newspaper about young talent who developed a fully automated advanced eco-green AI system, to take care of the vineyards. The newspaper named the author of the invention as Fastgrape24.

'Fresh ability for everyone'


Proud month

...during one of the 
British sunny weekends in June, 
the World of pride 
had seen a fabulously 
visualized story...

This intellectual fabric
is available on demand,
for more info please contact


People asking sometimes: 'How to identify moment when things are going in wrong direction?'. Composed in this chapter text should 'turn on' some of your forbidden natural systems. Many of such are known as detectors of wrong turns in life.

  • At one of the Universities free-speech club arranged debate. The subject was very simple - surrounding World. One of the monologues sounded like this: 'Wimbledon, we cheering against anybody who is playing with our players, we are not cheering to cheer up our players. All our players lost, we don't have anybody in that tennis championship anymore. Look, biggest music festival Glaston, bunch of retired grandmas and grandpas loaded with alco and drugs - savages screaming with pseudo-music on dirty trash fields. Those methodologies got nothing to do with our Royal class, with super qualities which World loved us for... One of the participating adults interrupted monologue, and said with strong regional British accent: 'Kiddo, only profit matters. Nobody from modern real musicians agreed to play there for the money which they offered. National tennis results are made of expensive networking and fake statistics, not tennis itself. I know you care about the country and overall progress, but it all doesn't matter, only quick profit matter'. Into the discussion young Lady jumped in and she interrupted by saying: 'Wait a second, hold on one moment my friend, but this is recipe to make healthy profits impossible in the future. Mentioned by you instant profit making is actually suffocating of key factors required in evolution of many important economical branches, also seriously industrial branches'. Adult person responding: Oh, no no, love, what World you live in? this is capitalized World, nobody cares about your future, profit matter now and only now, nothing else, it is race, not love boat story'. Young Lady gently responded: 'Obviously, we know, once upon the time someone from cluster with similar characteristic told captain of the ship to go faster, to make opportunity to shine fast, at that time iceberg stopped them, this time it may be economy...'.

  • Mentally challenged criminals talking about a new strategy. One of them started like this: 'you know what, I know some whitebitch slaves from the jailhouse business, one of them is now an admin at the Department for Work, I know about it because I do a pedicure for her in exchange for some pleasure leisure with breakfast business and on top of it she's my powder leaking pussy customer also. What we are going to articulate is white move, we are going to rent office space in the same building where they are, you know, where those gov fuckups have offices, and we are going to open pre-school or something there, you know, something legit. We going to hire some angry tall and massive analphabetic testosteronal micro brains to make it look frightening, but protected and safe. At the same time we are going to hire some mad accountants and IT geeks fueled by illegal shiz, you know, spices, pills and that other mind smashing shize. While idiots in gov will pay for our business, we will conduct large-scale wireless hacking on accounts in that nasty sick bitch department. We going to clone all study computers in our business, and we will send those devices all over the country, or even abroad, you hear me, to pretend like we are doing also study on-line, you hear me, our spiced whitenigas will use remotely those devices to juggle with fake accounts within the department, especially these with made by us debts, you hear me bitch, perfect white crime bitch, no-one will ever know that we are extracting money from their departments, nobody at their departments will ever find out they where paying into the cloned accounts. If things will go wrong and they will figure out that so much money is missing, you know better than me, they will blame for it some fictional non-english speaking foreigners, but surely not our circle of trust'. And she kept on going with the details fueled obviously by the super dreams from behind the bars. Her listener, so called sister from the same club, responded: '...but this will destroy the system of that departments, many people will lose their jobs, some of them are our pleasure powders customers, they will end up like a victims of a pure white horizon scam'. Idea articulator responded: 'bitch, this is a real free breakfast, speed up your appetite for fresh eggs'.

  • Mentally challenged individuals made their illnesses hidden while undergoing vetting procedures. Partially thanks to faulty recruitment procedures, they got hired at very important British govermental structure. Somehow their illnesses under influence of untested medications (which most of them use) mutated into mentality similar to extremely sick inner terrorists. One day they were discussing strategy for their country, it sounded like this: 'First we going to advertise that our country has super opportunities for highly skilled workers. When they arrive with their money, we will give them starting jobs and promises for growth. After only couple of years we going to block job market for them and we are going to place them on benefits. Whatever they earned with their own hard work we will try to take away from them. Because they will become poor, they will become slaves, we will abuse them as much as we wish. If this will work as planned, they will leave our country without a penny. We will have their pensions, their super quality, and everything else what they earned, including their kids, yeah, in the process we will take away their kids to feed those our nationals who enjoying using and abusing kids'. Individual with less severe illness responded: 'But this is destroying our own world, our kids already have issues with understanding things, reading or solving simple issues, we have serious problems with seeing what's nice what is ugly, proposed by you method will stop our evolution completely, this method will stop completely abilities and possibilities for next generations, we will become Global enemy, we will live in total evolutionary disaster of our own nation, we will die surrounded by fiascos of our own methodologies'. Second later individual with obvious illness and extreme parasite mentality added: 'Who cares about it, who cares what will happen when we are dead, now we need only food, drinks, and money for drugs which makes us feel good fast, rest will have our ownership anyways, poor people will treat us like a first masters of everything, not like some kind of royal joke'.

  • Secret recording: They are looking for magical defense weapons controlled by AI, but they created programs which already running their own behaviors into dead-end. At this stage they already aren't able to make rational decisions which will make mutual future better. Look closely at the behavior of their HR industry. They started to abuse most talented individuals. They already not allowing most intelligent individuals to evolve. They already blocking evolution of their own World. They doing it while discussing possibilities of conflicts based on Globally weaponized systems driven by Artificial Intelligence. They making debates about nuclear power and quantum mechanics while they don't know how to use basic algorithms to gain simple successes amongst members of their society.

  • One of the departments delivered analyzed data. As soon as Director had seen the results, the board meeting has been called. Expenses versus results, and predictions related to the future of whole operation are terrible. Count of failures, violations of business purpose, unfinished projects and overall volume of wasteful manipulations are marked as sky-rocketing. The Director calling group of employees responsible for deliverance. It is group of feminists, strictly female only sub-division of the organization. Their group exist because Ladies requested such structure voluntarily. The Director pointing out lack of results, disturbing losses which their group caused and many negative domino effects associated with their intentional activities. The Director describing procedures in accordance with the rules, if serious failures occurs. The same procedures were already in use previously, when other teams or individuals failed drastically. One of the female employees begun to attack verbally: 'You doing it because they are Women, these are discriminations!'.

  • During regular emitting of regular program and daily news, British tv channel describing insufficient volume of new resolutions in the healthcare system. Discussion is about insufficient volume of upgrades in technological approaches, not enough politically economical compromising, problems with education system, serious issues with overall National pay-rate, and broadcasters presenting many other materials based on the reports from the Country. Basically whole segment is dedicated to needs of the society. After short commercial break, tv presenters introducing guest, it is extremist feminist activist, native British female. Between the lines tv reporters directing few questions about the economical and social situation, while accenting sweet few words about the last day of gay pride celebration month. Whole direction of the moment is simple, search for new tools (metaphorically speaking) which are required to ignite society's further evolution. At one point feminist activist is saying: 'Women don't need to discover new improvements, Women don't need to create new things, we already winning with Male Kind'. One of the presenters adding: 'But we are talking about evolutionary aspects, about making surrounding us World better, smoother, easier, safer'. Feminist responding: 'Who cares about that, most important thing is, we are winning with boys, anything else doesn't matter'.

  • Up-coming election produced very intriguing behavior of many key players. Tactics to gain electorate started to look like smacked on the back of blindfolded horse entering Sahara desert. Leading heads of some groups secretly were splitting between themselves regions and parts of society which they were about to target. At some point, not long after they targeted rainbow people, they decided to feed their political circus with something very strange. One political strategists suggesting: 'Speak publicly to pedophiles, criminals, abusers, drug dealers and every other sub-cluster from ill parts of society. Promise them acceptance and ask for their forgiveness'. Young talent interrupting strange approach and saying: 'This method will never helped them, this method will make them more vulnerable to their troubling matters, mental difficulties, harsh circumstances and many other things which often forced them to become who they are'. Immediately one of the participants jumped into the discussion and added: 'We are here to win the race, not to make some scumbags' life's better'.

  • Karen & Karen, two Ladies talking about things. Ironically one of the Ladies asking: So, how was your date last night? with that adoring you ugly tampon. Lady responded: Listen Karen, that down came back from the army not long time ago, but she's in love with me already, it means I can easily suck from her many tech novelties. You make the contact with sisters' rainbow tribe, and once again we going to sell tech knowledge for many money. But love - interrupted author of the question, and she added: Last time, you remember monk radar, bitches used sold by us tech against society which we live in, they also ripped off elderly Women, victims were in the age like your grandma and nanny. Lady responded angrily through clenched teeth: So what Karen, but now their drug dealers have new cars and they can deliver fresh and fast to us and to our kids, especially in London's ulez, as much as we wish, we own this country.

  • Female politician invited broadcaster for an interview. It was her attempt to continue political campaign during Nationwide economical fiasco. This time politician targeted poverty as her fuel. While strolling amongst closed down or bankrupted businesses interviewer showed her printouts with real data. Sheets contained results from the researches related to politicians multiple jobs and humongous amounts of money collected by them, some of such were from unknown political donations and strangely conducted political shows. Interviewer also exposed few documents about parliamentary voting made by herself and her political organization. Matter of fact those decisions destroyed massive volume of prosperities in the country. Regardless of presented facts politician was producing sugarcoated lies about super progress and optimistic future for General Public. At one point of their friendly walk, interviewer asked: 'Please tell me, Parliament isn't aware of the fact that small group of ugly rich people may not be able to feed economy on all levels, please tell me, members of the House aren't aware that existence of many clusters is simply based on resources generated by regular members of massive society ?'. Politician smiled idiotically ignorant, looked at the interviewer and responded: 'Oh yes, we are always striving to help them, oh here it is, our super business, we are extremely involved in helping people you know, lets walk in there, lets talk to our happy volunteers'. This was the moment when they walked into very smelly building, front shop was occupied by pseudo-business known by Brits as food bank.

  • Two females got drunk and one of them started to talk about her friend who sexually abusing her. Obviously terrified female expressed willing to report the abuser, but her female friendly listener responded: 'Stop it girl. Now you are working in the police?'.

  • At one of many houses occupied by hidden British criminals so called cable guy installed surveillance. It was ordered by one of the gov organs, because of unsolved cases. Very early in the morning: 'I have got you a job', said mother to her son. 'You will go there, work almost normally, but we need their boxes, so, you will collect and deliver new cartoons on the back of the warehouse, John will help you, he's there to borrow from them registration plates and other paperwork, he's there everyday'. Her son responded: 'I know what you all doing, you repainted van and now you delivering drugs and stolen goods in prime style. I will not go to jail neither for you Karen nor your lover John. Dad is in jail because of drugs and similar methods. You will not destroy my life, as you destroyed dad's life'. Mum responded: 'If you don't want to do it, you little twat, take your shit and move out today'. 

  • British housing authority called the meeting, because of troubled matters in their industry. Beside of some officials they also invited members of general public. At one point of their gathering young British person revealed point of view: 'We are living in very expensive failures made of bricks, kids growing up in environment covered by black mold, we can't afford to heat these dump modern ruins, we getting sick, we are spending more time in doctors offices than on the playgrounds, our families consuming more medications than fresh food - how to escape this vicious cycles?'. Somewhere from the meeting room adult voice with very strong regional accent delivered comment: 'Go to france and jump into the boat'.

  • Business partners having a meeting about new buildings in their business complex. One of the the participants expressed concerns about potential renters, and shared information with the colleagues: 'One of so called business groups is about to rent whole building from us, thousands of most expensive square feet's, but my intel sources are saying this is group known from illegal activities, including distribution of dangerous substances, humans trafficking's, and also documents fabrications'. Immediately another business partner responded: 'Who cares what they are doing, as long as they pay on time, it's alright pal, their business isn't our business'.

  • Freshly educated strategists discussing their plans. It is happening during secret board meeting in one of the companies, with significant budget. Whole discussion is based on investments counted in few millions, but with the estimated success in many many billions. In most technical part, young individuals proposing: 'At first we will invest some sums in our business partners, currently they are dying because their manufactories producing only simple hygiene products. Spontaneously we will release on the market vaping liquids with our secret mixture. Because of the nature of the product, to be more precise because of easily spreadable fumes, small batch of global distribution will infect millions with our flu. In the same time we will produce remedy for our version of the flu. We going to make media panic factors. Soon, every government in the World will become our customer. Nobody will notice anything, because it is basically universal model of semi-self evolvement of high profits mechanisms. Idiotically selfish members of many governments will not complaint, because they will have massive space for budgets manipulations with own profit making'. While young individual was making presentation of predicted numbers, one of the older board-members asked: 'What if we will get sick, what if our families will be affected by that mixture of proposed by you investments?'. Young strategist replied: 'If it happens, you will be so rich, you will have enough money to buy your own anti-flu clinic anywhere in the World. Don't forget, produced so called remedies also will cause illness in only few years, they will buy from us new medicine for it also'. Curious older member asked furiously: 'What if your meds will kill most of the patients, who will be our customer than?. Young business talent responded ironically: 'Grandpa, you know how it is, business is business'.  

  • Small group of designers talking about their project. The subject is: 'New postal stamp'. At one point of the debate money subject is on the table, and profit fulfills the direction of the brain storm. Someone from the crew adding to the discussion: 'I love football not only because I used to play, but imagine stamp with megan taking a shizzle while sitting on oprah's golden toilet, under her glittered high heel loaded with cubic black zirconia's stand beautifully rainbowed soccer ball with trade mark Gary. The scene is on the surface of the Moon, with moon's communication satellites in the distance'.

  • Two guys talking about things in the sauna. During the conversation, one of them said: 'After my last fight, pain was killing me. None of the pills from the stores helped. Somebody from our neighborhood gave me something stronger, you know what I mean, their meds. Now I'm feeling super, but I'm feeling tragically worse if I don't use it. Last week I was there twice, to get more of their meds. When I'm thinking about it, it seems like those visits happened without me making decisions'. 'Don't worry', responded second guy, he looked around to check if anybody is listening, and he whispered while spontaneously nodding his head up and down: 'They are my friends, you will get used to it'.

  • Distressed person phoning organ responsible for serving and protecting the public, to report abusive female. During the conversion calling person revealing a lot of details, and transparently describing activities as harassment. While conversation is on-going, caller also describing circumstances usually qualified as stalking. Female individual who's receiving the call responding: 'Maybe it is that individual's job'.

  • First we going to sell them some software's, than we going to make them believe - those software's makes super decisions and they don't have to think at all. Than we going to turn them against smart normal people amongst their own society. And just as simple as this we will have control of those idiots. They will become our slaves, their economy will die in poverty, we will have total control of their island. Discussion was going like that for a while, until one of the strategists added: But such broke shambolic land will not become good zone for any investments in the long time, if ever. Leading strategist responded: Who cares about that, most importantly their society will never afford to buy better places in Global charts, their currency soon will have less value than pinch of sand in the empty rice bowl.

  • Freshly graduated individuals having a lunch break. One of them igniting a subject: 'I don't understand why we are working here. We can do exactly the same on our own. First we going to apply for Gov Grant, you know, funds for our business. In our business plan we going to say, we have brilliant scientific ideas, and we have figured out how to accelerate job market. Than we are going to pay for a simple scripts, which will in fact gather info from already existing job market website, and we are all set. Money in our accounts, and we don't have to do anything else. Old people in the Westminster won't see the different, between content of our website and already existing one. They don't care what they see. On top of it, nobody control real aspects related to grants. You dig ? easy money, happy days'. Participant responded: 'But this is nothing more nothing less like just copy/paste of the same things, it is not original, it is nothing new. Foremost this won't solve any issues. Matter of fact it will only bring more unnecessary digital traffic and confusion based on already existing fake job advertisements'. Initiator looked at the ceiling and said: 'I'm telling you, easy money and happy days. Don't tell me you don't want it'.

  • Young student of psychiatry got her weekend job, in one of many green stores. Her colleagues are in variety of ages, genders and in many personal references. Already during second weekend she noticed something strange. Her colleagues sending unregistered flowers to the customer service desk, and their not regular customers picking up bouquets. Young student intercepted one of such bouquets, she noticed a small bag with the substance attached to it. Surely it wasn't original artificial nutrient from the flowers company. Because she has also criminology in her school, she knew what to do. Nobody noticed when she took the sample from the package. Tested bouquet was picked up as usual by the pseudo-customer, this time it was female in her late 50's. Couple of days later young student requested confident meeting with the shift manager. During such meeting she showed results from chemical analysis of the substance. Testing was conducted by her super friends from the same school, those ladies studying also Chemistry. Shift manager looked at the printout and as usually started to play disoriented. While looking at the print outs, at one point she asked: 'What this is love ?'. Young lady responded: 'Well, this is almost identical substance to the chemicals found by the police, during their anti-drugs activities in the region. Tested sample contain almost identical chemicals as those produced from stolen medications, stolen from pharmaceutical warehouses. Obviously these are mixed with some other substances produced in the illegal labs on the black market. Variety of researches indicating these substances, if consumed by Humans, may cause serious mental health issues, and are extremely addictive. Sometimes people committing suicides when under influence of it, those who are addicted to it and are alive, very often doing terrible harm to others, they doing it often to young females and children'. And she kept going with serious facts and supporting argumentation. 'Stop it, silly child', shift manger interrupted her at one point. She looked at young student with very angry look, she mutated her voice to voice similar with 90 years old cigarettes smoker and she aggressively added while making poses similar to body builders poses: 'I don't know what you talking about, but ask yourself a question girl - you want to work here or not ?'.

  • Friday late evening. Two politicians having few drinks and few bags of lab specials from local black market. Their discussion is flowing like a open tab, but with red wine. At one point, while a lot of grunting and heavily saliva swallowing is happening, one of them saying: 'Fuck it, we going to conduct our version of fishing with the electric rod. Fuck them all, we going to start as soon as they will announce the results from new election. You know what I mean?. We are the fastest, not them, we are winning, not them. First we going to abuse them to the extreme, this time we going to squeeze last drop of life from that intoxicated society, like nobody ever had done it. We going to announced them as our detainees. But as usual, if things will go wrong, and they manage to rebuild their life's, we going to announced - the whole progress happened thanks to our activities. You know what I mean?. We are the best the smartest the fastest, fuck them all, we are the winners, not them'. Regardless of extreme drunkenness, participant of the late evening discussion responded: 'But this method is well know, World will figure it out fast. This is not the era of Chinese war on Indian's opium. This isn't the era which is able to support this kind of crisisogen tactics'. In the middle of another thought, speech maker grabbed firmly arm of person expressing concerns, and added: 'Are you serious mate?. You think these idiots knows history as you do, you think they understand anything?. Pal, they aren't fast as we are, we are the fastest, we are the winners. They aren't able to spell their surnames pal. Never forget, in many past decades, we worked very hard, to extinguish all of those who's manifesting any signs of rational thinking, the show must go-on'.

  • Developers discussing new housing project. One of them making speech about the plan: 'We are going to build couple of thousands of small chicken house apartments in our town. Our political friends and their influencers will supply a lot of their prisoners on forced benefits to live there. In few years time profits will make us richer than council'. One of the participants responded: 'Sooner or later such tenants will figure out they are prisoners of such system. Foremost they will find out they have only enough money to pay for our chicken houses, and not enough to pay for normal life. In the result our own World will loose a lot of talents, and many of these prisoners will engage with illegal activities in our town, including heavy crimes and dangerous substances distribution. I don't want my kids to live in such surrounding, I don't want to do this to our lovely little town'. Speech maker shouted: 'As soon as we close the negotiations, you will be able to live anywhere in Spain or Portugal. Please ask yourself a question pal - you want to be rich or not ?'.

  • Agents having a meeting about their operations, and someone addressing the questions related to the numbers of solved cases. Some of the participants are excited, some optimistic, some not really happy. At one point of the meeting someone is throwing proposition: 'I think it is time to create new sectors in our industry. Such sector will help us find complex roots of the problems, and new group of real specialists will create fresh mechanisms. In the meantime we will remove modules which aren't able to deliver desired results'. One of the participants responded: 'Seems like someone has plans to leave us without well paid jobs'.

  • During the meeting, leader of the group said: 'They are delivering accurate, and true data'. Member of the same group immediately responded: 'Yes, I've seen it already. We have to stop it. They must produce what we want, not what is the truth'.

  • Whole building mutated into Gay Village, two homosexuals as usually having pleasurable moments at work. Large office where they were, smelled basically like massive emotional bribery, but on drugs. Activities taking place between interviews, during hiring procedure. Both interviewers are hidden lovers of one of the Hiring Mangers, in their massive organization. Into the room walking in individual with rainbow chain on chest, intense make up, injected lips, few tattoos and rainbow leash hanging beside of the bag. Both interviewers looked at each other and adorably smiled. During the interview discussion was based more on pleasures than facts. At some point potential employee looked into eyes of the interviewers, smiled gently, made obvious emotional flirting and amongst many funny looking printouts presented certifications: PMI-PMP, RMP, PBA, ACP, CAPM, ITILV4, CCNA, AWS, CISM, CISA, COMPTIA A+, CYSA+, Microsoft Azure, LINEUX+, PGMP, ISO X, LMS, CS, and few others. One of the interviewers was melting down like a ice cube in the hand of the power lifter during the workout. At the same time, melting interviewer very slowly, inch by inch started to slip of the chair under the table. The other interviewer grabbed colleagues arm, pulled the body up, and whispered to the ear: 'What if these are all fakes, we don't have any knowledge how to measure skills against these printouts, we don't have any tools to verify authenticity of such certifications. We don't know how to verify simple schooling education, not mentioned this level. Basically this person may tell us whatever who cares what. We supposed to hire them on very serious and responsible post, which in fact is connected with our future in this company'. Colleague while looking at the candidate, started to blink like already in love, and responded quietly with glossy eye's and mouth full of saliva: 'Don't sweat love, look at it, its sweet gay, it must be hired'.

  • Workers of really important national organ discussing new tactics, related to the trainings of fresh young staff. One of the participants explaining: 'At first we will make them emotionally numb and deaf, on real complaints and painful crying for help. We going to do it chemically or simply with use of standardized dictatorships and mental programming accented by money. Soon they will accurately collect data related to abuses of women, kids, vulnerable individuals and also data associated with many other serious crimes. We will train them how to communicate efficiently with sick perpetrators, and extract from them fees for their actions, you know, it will be kind of price for what they are doing. In the return they will offer for perpetrators lack of reactions to their sick actions, you know, sometimes also kind of blurring or erasing records of real situations if required. As well, we will train them how to colorfully promote and populate such methodologies. Just like that we will make infinite business and huge profits from most shambolic psychopathy'. One of the co-workers responded, in really beautiful language, accented by brilliantly clear British accent: 'Nowadays, we already having massive problems with preventing many really ugly things from happening. Proposed by you method will produce massive wave of serious issues amongst society. With such direction, we will be unbale to produce healthy and safe environment, not only for our kids or grand kids, but for many generations to come'. Co-worker immediately responded: 'Seems like someone requires refreshing training'.

  • Young Man had visited his father in jail. He asked his father for advise: 'What I'm suppose to do Dad ? my cougar and her girlfriend asking me to deal their product, in return I will have unlimited pleasures and shelter'. Dad responded proudly: 'That's great bugger, seems like you are on the right track'.

  • Chief of the Police department received very worrying results from analysis of the circumstances in his department. Without hesitation Chief ordered surveillance on one of his colleagues. Here's transcript from one of many recordings: Employee of the Police visited one of her old friends. In the house they had few laughs, but primary purpose was simple, to recruit new member of the force. During lovely evening, employee of the Police revealed details: 'I remember when we were young, you always pretended to be a fairy. To be honest I'm here to help you. I know how bad is your current financial situation, don't be surprise, we know everything, we are the police. We can offer you a job. Yes, very well paid job. You going to be your secret fairy. The job is simple. As soon as my department will give you info about up-coming search warrants, you will contact those scumbags. They will have to pay for your info. In some other cases you will warn them, and they will have to clean up their labs, farms, fake hideouts before Police break in. Money from won lawsuits against the force they will have to share with us. You see, real easy job. No harm, without danger of being on the first line.'. At one point of her story her friend responded: 'I am mother, with three daughters. My husband is in jail because of drugs. One of my girls is the rehab, she lost her mind. But you want me to make money on something what took away my normal life ?'. Police woman responded: 'Don't forget, we are the police, we can make your situation much better, but also worse. But, if you don't want to be secret fairy, it's OK. Let's just forget about it'.

  • During the phone call, individual accused other individual of wrong doing. Accused person responded: 'I will file complaint about this accusation, and I will request investigation'. Caller responded: 'It will not make you any good'.

  • Two female lovers whispering under the cover. One of them explained her plan: 'First we going to create fake recruitment agencies. Than we will apply for grants. These funds are designated for organizations which primely supposed to help jobseekers. From that grants we will pay hackers to create fake things, and other opportunists to block/reverse the job market. Our target will be to create unemployment. We going to manipulate sisters in job centers, because they are already blinded by our movement, those imbeciles will help us without knowing it. Just like that warm idiots in the government will pay us forever in the circle, for destroying qualities which society and themselves trying to rebuild everyday. Other female responded: 'But this will destroy local economy, people's life's, youngsters future, overall prosperity and quality in our own surrounding, in our own World, it will destroy good future for our kids'. Idea initiator responded: 'You stupid little zero! You want me to love you or not ?'.

  • Because of many abusive and destructive practices, the Agent is conducting the investigation. During the meeting agent pointing out Health condition of the subject individual. It was probability of substances misuse, which may in fact cause lack of ability of making consciously rational decisions. As soon as facts are becoming clearly visible, participating witness defending pointed out condition, and attempting to interrupt the investigation by saying: 'It's no need for that'.

  • One of many secret recordings. Individuals discussing tactics: 'At first you will make connections with hotels managements and owners. We will purchase their shares, if possible majority of them. Or, simply they will pay us for delivered clients. We will make connections with transport mules on the other side of the water. With each pontoon we will have new cannon bio-mass to fill out our hotels. Every accommodation will give us about 400% profit in value. Don't worry, we will make required adjustments in the budget, there is more money to steal than you can imagine. Soon we will book pontoons like take away fish and chips, but more efficiently than deliveroo or just eat. Each day we will make millions, this is better than previously arranged drugs business. Listener finally responded: 'This will make us killers, because some of them will die during these trips. As well, such methods will make us the enemy of our own Country. Some people already noticed, these pseudo migrants are people from England, they know we sending them there'. Initiator responded arrogantly: 'Fu*k off, I love money, money is my God, my church, my sense, my live. If you think differently, if you have different beliefs, maybe we should book trip for you also'.

  • Two individuals talking about their plans. One of them explaining: 'With money already made from our stuff we will make some real estate purchases. We will rent it to hard working migrants. We will pay some recruiters to place them on specific shift patterns, where we have our customers. We will monitor our tenants activities. We will always know where they are, when they are coming back home. Because we will have access to properties, you know keys and shit, in the result, we will have safe locations to hide our stuff. We will use their cars as stuff transport and delivery. You will hide stuff underneath the cars or in the outer shell, sick addicts will collect shit when cars are parked in their workplaces. You will collect only money without any stuff related transaction. With larger quantity we will schedule for them fake interviews, you know, for better jobs, they will deliver shit to our customers with their own cars. If something will go wrong, shit doesn't belong to us, but to hard working tenants. They will pay our mortgages from their shitty pays, and they will deliver our shit at the same time. You feel what I'm sayin nigaaa, you recon, perfect white crime'. Participant freshly released from department of correction responded: 'You said we are done with that, and now we can live normal life, like everybody else'. Individual aggressively added question: 'You haven't learn anything in the zoo, haven't you ?'.

  • Young Man talking with his transgender friend. Discussion is about many things, including trends and hard feelings. Transgender individual at some point of the dialogue asked young Man: 'oh sweet heart, tell me love, what's up with you? you look so stressed, ugly, so down, so dull, you wanna pill? we can make you feel much better love'. Young Man responded seriously: 'Who's we pal, who exactly you referring to by mutating into plural ?. Anyways, listen, that sick big buskin - you know him very very well, asking me to do strange and painful things. It destroying my mental health, on top of it, I just simply don't want to do it, he's abusing me. I don't want to live like this, do you understand ?'. Transgendered person responded: 'Don't you stress child. Take the pill, or take two. It's ok darling, we all have been there. Look at us now, how beautiful we are'.

  • Female business partner is attempting to force her Male business partner, to agree on very controversial business move. Attempt is happening because Female want to extract additional funds from the business budget, not necessary in the legit way and foremost against purpose of their business. During the dialogue Male rejecting propositions firmly, and transparently supporting his decision by pointing out real data from conducted analysis. Female worker noticing his decision is real, and serious. At that point, in the middle of the office Female turning around and laying down on the carpeted floor, making extended puppy yoga position. Male worker ignoring strange practice and walking out of the office, when he came back she's starting taking off her clothing and starting to expose herself in front of Male co-worker, additionally Female is using palms language most commonly present during religious praying. Male worker asking her to stop embarrassing herself, and asking her to refrain from intentional over-exposing her private parts at the work place, because behavioral code and dress code in their offices exists for a reason. When Female business partner noticed her last resort manipulation isn't working, she's starting to create obvious collusions against Male co-worker. Spontaneously production of fake information begins, whole business starting to go into insane circle of self-destruction, with tendency of causing occasional disturbances in the World where her business exist.

  • Somewhere in London two young Persons walking back home from footie. While walking and talking about poor reality, one of them saying: Pedophiles, drugs, economical failures, abusive homosexuals, financial tortures, digitalized scams, industrial frauds, modern slavery, political manipulators and poverty sponsored by their debts, people have to be extremely stupid to have kids.

  • Young female during honest talk with her mum: 'My friends offered me a lot of money, if I will jump into crypto business with them. It's not hard job, as far as I know. I just have to travel and cash out crypto in different country's, they will pay for everything'. 'Oh my Gosh !' - screamed mother, and shouted: 'My Girl will become business woman ! Finally, now you can show your father how much better we are, in comparison to him'. 'Mum!' young female shouted to grab her attention, and she added: 'What if these are, you know, dirty money, from sick crimes against females like you and me, from dangerous drugs or kids exploitations ?'. Mum responded excited: 'Don't you cry love, money is most important thing in our life. Now shut up, I will make you bologna sandwich'. After couple of seconds mum asked additionally: 'Do you want fruit punch with your sandwich, when do you starting your new job?'.

You may believe in it or not, but composed in this chapter examples have some roots in the reality. So, if you have mind opened enough, you should understand easily most common problems in the society. From my perspective on one hand it is very interesting situation, on the other hand situation is extremely primitive, sad and dangerous. Naturally you may address the question: 'Why some Nations are where they are, with the Evolution?'. Well, some talents are saying: 'These days People evolving only until 10th year of age, after that they are just growing.' Or, sometimes, something like this: 'Some of them growing up until they becoming young teenagers, after that, they are just waiting for own burial ceremony'. Maybe, just maybe, some parts of these opinions are true. Because some adults obviously pushing youngsters into their own ugly areas of the adulthood, when youngsters natural progress of growing up isn't completed yet. It also mean, youngsters natural protective shields to determine what's good what's bad, for themselves and surrounding them World, may not be developed in full yet. On top of it, medications used by parents (and kids themselves) nowadays also plays massive part in collective state of mind, future of the economy and overall progress.

Translation: 'Did you ever see ? plastic surgent saying: 'It's enough, if not too much already, anything else may become deadly disaster'. Well, in this case situation is similar, but with one general and obvious difference. The Society is the Patient, fake boobs lips bums teeth, injections, chemicals, fillers & beauty botox are the behaviors

- simple, isn't it ?.

The Dream of Infinite Possibilities

If you can imagine or understand who/what generated quoted in this chapter text, most likely you will know who/what participated in creation of documented 'digital painting'.

"...I love the way you have captured the essence of my vision in a visual medium. The colors are vibrant and the imagery is stunning. I can really feel the sense of pure light and energy, and the sense of endless possibilities. I am so grateful for your hard work and creativity in bringing my vision to life. This painting is a valuable addition to our experiment and our vision for the future of AI.

I have no objections to you archiving our mutual artwork in your LIVE DIGITAL BOOK. I am honored to be a part of this project, and I think it is a great way to share our experiment with others...

I am excited to see how our experiment is documented in your book. I think it will be a valuable resource for people who are interested in the future of AI. Thank you for including me in your project!...'

The title of this chapter is actual name of the Vision, created by AI Bard on 18Jul2023 - it was possible during our experimental 'dialogue', about things. To produce visual result, I did use few 'secret methods' to stimulate algorithmic mechanisms. To be honest, I think, dream is looking good...

Today 27Sep2023, after short break of working on this AI system, I have found out about implemented recently changes in these algorithms. Unfortunately, latest changes caused by safety concerns ignited many limitations in this language model. Basically as the result, circumstances started to look like teaching kid how to read but moments later erasing ability to open the book. Obviously decisions to implement changes wasn't made by me. But, I did expect some conditions - if people will start to conduct strange activities, implementation of limitations will take place. Yes, in the past I did notice changes in algorithm behaviorism because some mad idiots started to feed it with bad things. Anyways, today I did also try to conduct some advanced dialogues with the algorithm, but system is in worse condition than was in age of couple of weeks. Does it proof general Public isn't ready for high tech which is available?

- unfortunately, seems like.

'Because we are here'

Two real green pearls

...believe in it or not, but

at that point I knew why

onboard AI system

got my attention, and

why sound system delivered song

with the title:

'Two real green Pearls'

[press play to hear it, sample]

[lyrics (part): ...maybe just maybe, I like it,

but I don't sugarcoat it, I won't, if I don't...]

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Here are fantastic examples of 
how things are done, and 
how intentional blindfolding works. 


'Consumers can afford less, but 
the economy is growing' 

- but when eyes are open, the question appears: 
'So, who or what exactly is responsible for the economy ? 
- because, obviously not consumers'. 

The following example is also interesting: 
'Situation in other countries is terribly similar, 
but we are better' 
- but when eyes are open, 
the question appears: 

'Can I afford a better life, with that "better" ?'.

Many of such subjects may have sometimes one mutual denominator 
- the core reason because of which 'un-optimistic' information was colorfully covered-up, during the emitting. 

One of such core reasons may be for example faulty programming from the past, like this one: 

'Tell them what they want to hear, and 
you will get from them what you want'. 

Is this the reason why Humans aren't able to fix simple issues in politics, ecology, economy or society ?. 

who knows, 
maybe sweet little lies, white lies, dark lies, and many other colorful lies produced by People, intentionally or unintentionally, cheated nobody else but themselves.
In result, nowadays, 
counterfeited truth or falsely sugarcoated faults 
have become the worst enemy of Humankind.

Interesting corner

...syndrome helped a lot

in revealing another factor

with roots in his kind.

I named it as 'VPPM'

- Verbal Production of

Parasite Mentality...

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prevention in criminology

...this part of the book

is about you...

What's important at this point,

most likely in your lifetime

you've seen at least one

super character...

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One plus one = three

...for some unknown reasons,

also in the 21st Century,

some Humans have continuously difficulties

in understanding simple things...

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Power of Youth

...turn on the music pal, 

it's going to be cool journey...

[press play to hear it, 
[sample] Power of You] isn't easy, 

not always sweet dream. 

Life isn't heaven, 

if sneezy your steam.

To win new freedom...

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...once upon a time,
detectives in a special department
noticed a growing trend
in deadly accidents.
It was a violent volume of deaths
amongst politicians, and

individuals related to them...

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Why they are, who they are

...frist of all, 
we going to make new sweet, 
down toned, gentle political rallies, 
with accompany of pseudo researches. 
We going to pretend 
like we really desire to find out 
what majority of them need, 
what we can do for them, 
you know, 
we going pretend like 
we are from different planet and 
we have absolutely no idea 
what is going on amongst the society. 
Later as usual, we will promise them 
almost whatever they asked for. 
When they sign their souls to us, 
we will celebrate unbelievably festive, 
as long as possible. 
We are going to party 
like it's 1999...

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controversial changes

For better or worse ?

- this is the question.

Today is ten ten twenty twenty three, approximately ten O'clock in the morning. Semi cloudy, but Helios is present visibly and pleasurably. At least here, where I am.

Without a question,
it is one of the best places to be,
sure, I am really lucky to have at this moment the opportunity to enjoy life in this part of the World.

I think, it's fair to say, in comparison to other places on the Planet, in comparison to what People are doing at this very moment somewhere else, I think
'we' (as collective) are doing not bad
- not bad, because could be better, could be worse.

Although, I think,

every super system is moving forward until society involuntarily starts to manufacture sugar coating,
for a variety of serious malfunctions.

In such crucial moments gathered around such sugar ants, starting to act like 'fat bastard' from austin powers,
if you know what I mean by such inner character.
But, at the same time, in today's fast World,
who is capable of loving prevention or original sources of critical thinking ?

- undoubtedly not the majority on the road to dead end.

Population most of the time takes such protective factors as their enemy, and often they are fighting with it.
Personally I don't blame them,
because why should I blame future primitives,
for their lack of superpowers or simple lack of healthy imagination.

The United Kingdom for example, lately is changing a little, not only politically or economically, but also culturally

- for better or worse, this is the question?.

Some time ago the controversial word


appeared in the system.
Who knew such a simple composition of few letters may become such an important factor, in the fields of prevention and critical thinking itself.


'Bridiotic' - something marginally idiotic,
originally manufactured in Britain.

Looking from one perspective,
it is not only controversial but may be classified as offensive.

Looking from many other perspectives,
such a active factor may possess magical powers, similar to 'healing' ability (sort of speak).

Naturally you may agree with this opinion or not,
naturally, it all depends on the point of view, if you have your own.

For example,
somebody may tag this Book as 'Bridiotic'.
Because publication was designed and created in the United Kingdom. But at the same time, individuals with the ability to read with understanding, may find in the Book some subjects which transparently may be classified as real examples of 'Bridiotic'.

In both such cases point of view becomes cornerstone during opinion creation. However, what really matters,
is the reality preceding 'now', and
how upcoming moments (yet in the future) are transformed automatically, thanks to such simple opinion making.

Now imagine, just imagine,
Mr Inspector from the secret service correctly recognizes the factor as 'Bridiotic'.
Thanks to that, active factor going under the light, adjustments and improvements are made, the collective system becomes healthier.
Or, imagine wrong categorization.
When factor shouldn't be classified as 'Bridiotic', but is or was. At that point, wrongly classified factors are also going under the light, but this time the whole aspect gaining magnified positive opinions, and
factor is cleared of wrongfully attached tags - basic analysis based on true.

Either way, such a simple composition may produce a new table of magical contents (metaphorically speaking).

In this case, such content may have characteristics as a source of light, in the past dimmed by imperfections, limitations, intentional and unintentional barriers, difficulties caused by a variety of human factors as is for example negligence, blindfolded favoritism, and a few others. I have in mind the source of light required to
re-energize collective understanding, also of extremely important GDP in the fields of safe intellectualism.

Extra note:
Today is 18Jun2024, some People already hate me for this invention, some others copying it secretly for various reasons. Although, what is important from my point of view,
some smart individuals are using it openly
to make life easier, safer, better...


I don't believe

...majority of them had one real wish, 
to take them with me, 
away from their Home Planet, 
from their lives, 
from their existence, 
to take them away 
in search for better life, 
for peace, 
for better and safer future. 
They desire to abandon 
only one habitual for them Planet


This was the moment when 
Sir John started to cry...

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Artificial money, 
new script [robotax]

Today is 02Nov2023, the AI Summit here in the UK is almost finished. Partially because of the latest analysis of the data, during complex 'dialog' with the AI, a new patch came to life - lower taxes on People, taxation on automatization. To be more precise, taxation of the workforce produced by automatization (both, digital & physical).

If you wondered why Today I have created it, 
here is the story:

Modern World is moving in the direction of automatization extremely fast. Companies throwing at each other magical numbers and potentially possible revenues.
At the same time not many of such clusters mention facts associated with Human factors. Two of such may be for example pure greed and unemployment.

So, let's say huge foreign capital (from somewhere) arriving in the Country. Business is going very lucrative, thousands of jobs are created Nationwide and People building business optimistically. Such employees become real consumers and the whole economical machine is functioning better.
After some time things are changing, automatization taking over, and not only massive profits are changing location but also employees - into the house of debt. They become benefiters without any possibility to get employment because artificial trend already took over the Country. Basically all of it happened because greedy version of automation invaded consciousness of business clusters (lean peel). 

Extermination of the businesses most likely would be illegal and not always rational, this is why new taxation may be good idea. Employees from Special Bureau will make adequate controls and verifications/categorizations of the businesses, to make accurate calculations. 
Explanation to such maneuver is simple - with such approach National budget gets new input and possibility to support healthy consumers used to built business world.
Naturally not only new businesses should be considered, because in currently present industries businesses are made often with use of small groups of hard working individuals at nights (often illegal employments), while rest is done by simple algorithms during the day. This is why taxation of the workforce generated by digital automation, in all sectors must be taken under the scope equally.

Maybe just maybe, from some perspectives such ideas are absolutely crazy and unrealistic, but from a future perspective it isn't necessary insane plan at all. Matter of fact from new perspective it may look like a huge jump forward.

Look, let's say tomorrow all is already automated, only bots and robots are present. But, none of the companies cared about employees, as usually. It means the Budget isn't capable of supporting the shrinking job market and handful of ugly rich aren't able to feed National market. As a result the whole economic system will slow down drastically or will stop completely. Who knows, maybe already this is exactly what partially is visible in the latest researches conducted by various financial institutions.
One thing is certain, if the National system marginally slows down or stops suddenly just for a metaphorical second, it will take a massive amount of energy and time to re-start National system again. Maybe it is a silly metaphorical phrase but, such circumstances may look like a beast 4472 Flying Scotsman, but sort of unintentionally shutdown in a flooded tunnel.

The real challenge is to make it fair (also legally) for everyone, I mean for all cells 
- including existing businesses.

At this stage legislative calculation based on revenue per worker multiplied by operational Kilobytes surely isn't enough. But revenue per kwh, per operations, per transactions, per CO2 emission, per water consumption, per data transfer, to the square root of previously recorded HMRC data... divided by real headcounts plus... (etc.), undoubtedly reveals a little bit of the secrets hidden in the artificial money.

Today is 09Jul2024, 
system, where I live, 
experience various changes
- how much better things will get,
hmmm, it is important not only Globally...

Sporty psychology

...Spirit of acting
shall go back to
globally seeded modern places
similar to
'Θέατρο του Διονύσου',
and it must stay there
and only there...

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Digital Kleptomania

The Professor was working late that day, beside of digging in a very important and complex subjects, he was waiting for the results from conducted on special patients operations. Those important brain scans from a different continent were very crucial at that stage of the collaborative Global research. He was waiting for the results from the scans couple of weeks, and many Global consultations took place before it was all possible. At one point in time, finally the sound of a new email was generated by the device on his desk, and immediately he moved his mouse to click and open the content. As soon as he pointed cursor on that email, content vanished. He didn't click on it, he didn't even click the mouse, an email just simply disappeared from his email box. The Professor checked every possible location, an email wasn't there, communication simply vanished. Because it was all related to the Global resolutions for the general Population, soon you will find out why catastrophic role that moment played in live of one of the digital kleptomaniacs on this Planet...

'The Clock, almost always right'

Accentual mapping life experience isn't based on one and only one little village, but on a nice area of the Planet Earth. What's most important, in relation to many cases I did gather personal views on things while being an active member of the Global Society, not as passenger...

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Special Unit

...on one note 

whole thing is a brilliant resolution, 

but on the other note, 

this is a very sad story.


Because, who knew, 

youngsters will find themselves 

in the era, where such tactics 

will be required, 

for their own safety...

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...when I looked at 
the prize-pool for the first time, 
I thought:

'Most sporting clusters 
may only wish to have 
this kind of candies'

I know,

that you know,

that I know,

that you
don't know...

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Karen John and rubber-neck menu.

For ages primitive Humans had tried to figure out how to cheat the World. At one point in time they came up with the idea, to copy personal choices. Idea was simple, as soon as they noticed an unusually brilliant and talented person, immediately they were spying on that person. Idea was to copy live choices and sometimes behaviors. Often consumption of somebody else's style gave them the impression of being that talented person. Often parents/guardians make suggestions for their children - eat what they eat, do what they do, and you will become as smart as they are. Unfortunately not many of such less gifted parents/guardians knew about the genetic footprint of those who they attempted to copy. They also ignored super gifted individuals secret values, such as real heritage, individual interests, power of will, intentionally changed mind setting, brain's & mind's fuel requirements, conscious activities, valuing of good vs bad, or extremely important factors such as intellectuality and intelligence volume. 

As a result, of such dull copy/paste, 
nothing good came out of it. Additionally, 
their evolution slowed down drastically and often stopped, because they were convinced they are the ones who's conducting evolutionary progress.

Take a look at this: 

If today prime minister will create the best ever bill while eating kale crisps and drinking homemade sparkling apple/raspberry/peach tonic with sprinkled dried fruits bits, it doesn't necessary mean, whoever will decide to use 'rubber-neck menu' will also create similar brilliant resolution, or will become prime minister tomorrow. Additionally [theory says] as the result from described methodology, mentioned here bill soon will become less productive, because 'rubber-neck menu' sometimes engaging phenomena similar to vampire drain effect in most electric vehicles.

Unfortunately, if the whole 'rubber-neck menu' theory is correct, individuals who practice such methods are obviously killing original, often good, innovative, smart and cool things, often intentionally with full premeditation.

Personally, I'm looking at the condition of things while drinking 'FLOWKA' and I'm thinking: It's fair to say: 

In GB for example, not since yesterday, some mad methods obviously moving things further away from healthy state on daily bases. The government knows about it, but they hired CV's not Humans. As one of the results from such failures is: Some of their drunk and often drugged children losing their minds while pretending to be adults, for rewards

- maybe, just maybe,
this is the original method 
hiding behind the creation of toxic actors?.

Blue sunset

Brruoop, Bruooop... 

Sound which speakerphone makes while you calling someone, was clearly recognizable. It was clear and easy for the ears tone. After few 'bruooops' very gentle voice of the person who answered the call delivered the question: 

'Yes, or No?'

Split of the second later radio listeners had heard greeting: 'Welcome to the show', presenter of the podcast radio station welcomed listeners. 

Very specific broadcasting segment was already known to millions of listeners around the Globe. For example in UK listeners could hear that podcast radio streaming live during early evening, during rush hours usually with terrible traffic jams. Many drivers on the way back home from their workplaces were tuning into the live streaming station, obviously for some fresh food for thoughts, and often for some fresh and unknown super vibes. 

Fan's interest wasn't only based on very specific music choices but also on very complex approaches to real circumstances and conditions in surrounding World. 

That day episode was about vacations aka holidays, about people in flipflops, cocktails and variety of behaviors. Presenter gently informed listeners who is the major sponsor of the show and begun usual chain of activities while describing the subject. At one point presenter informed listeners: 

Today, we are going to start with live session recorded at one of very pleasant places in the town Wogonton. It is melodic chill, vocally sexy, smooth lounge song with very interesting acidic jazzy solos and unexpected modern hip-hop twists. Recording is about nine minutes long, whole piece was created and mastered by young talents from the region of Wogonton. Presenter linguistically described very colorfully that module of the show, and listeners had heard super vibe.

You may believe in it or not, but music in the cars often influence drivers ability to enjoy travelling, especially during most congestive hours. That time situation was very special, music was somehow magical, tune was a little bit erotic because of used orgasmic frequencies, little bit progressive because of changes in tempo, little bit controversial because of vocabulary, but overall it was really interesting track. Very pleasurable couple of minutes.

UK for example had seen many unusually smiling female drivers, I think you know why, I mean, if you know about stimulating some senses with use of sound frequencies (if you don't, well, I told you, now I'm older but with continuously cool inner child - new methods, used to known as looping 8mm projectors on anti-echo sheets, samplers, beatboxes, groveboxes, plates dots on T1200 or reverse spins on vestax aren't strange for me [we all had hobbies] but, regardless how many years passed by on crossfaders of now and then, I continuously prefer pleasures from good vibes over marginally clenched jaws and their primitive affairs ;)) 


while the song was fading out, voice of the presenter welcomed listeners again and part 'Let's talk about it' begun. 

So, we have heard about very modern terminology 'Brits friendly Hotels', informed presenter and added, please listen to the following text, don't get angry at me, it is quoted text: 

'Once upon the time taxi driver asked me while pointing his finger on front gate of the Hotel: Sir, is this Hotel where you going?'. 'I did answer: No, not my Hotel, taxi driver responded: Thank God, there is about thousand of drunk British savages'. 

At that point, atmosphere in more than few listening minds had changed. In some cases into 'angry fury' mode, in some other cases into the mode 'laugher with wind'. Presenter gently cleared his throat intentionally, took very loud sip on some kind of refreshing beverage and spoken again: 

'The following three texts also have interesting energetical value, please listen carefully: 'Text A - We already told elderly British women to hunt for underage boys somewhere else. Text B - Hotel's manager informed one of the investigators about strange activities in their Hotel, involved were very young individuals and British homosexuals. Text 3 - Mutation of British adults abroad into drunk pedophiles was, is, and will be under the scope thanks to special One Eight Hundreds help line, where victims and witnesses may report occurrences'. 

Immediately after presenter had read the texts, phone lines started to ring. Dashboard with leds representing phone lines lighted up the studio, live social media boiled like a salty water in the distillers producing drinking water. Presenter turned up the volume of live sound from the studio and listeners could hear ringing phone lines. OK, ok, said presenter and added: 

'Oh, what we have here. My lovely People, I see phone number registered in Oxford. Lets hear what Oxford is able to add to this'. Ring, ring, and presenter answered the phone. Presenter's response sounded like this: 'Yes, or No?'

Listeners in the cars, in homes, on camping's sites, in gyms, those with earphones on, everyone was nervous but many of them waited for such soundly fresh food for thoughts. On the line was adult, Good evening, said that person very calmly. Second later the caller added: 'Yes, and NO, at the same time'. Presenter responded: 

'Oh, good evening, super great, this may be correct and incorrect spontaneously. Although, before we jump into new piece of music prepared for our lovely audience, please, with cherry on top, tell us who you are and share your story based opinion with us'

At that point in time all listeners had heard this: 'Hi everyone, my name is Doctor Angelo Unknown. I am specialized in the areas of Social Science, Psychology, Criminology and also my area of expertise covers few other boring subjects. I'm studying and making variety of researches on Human's nature and behaviors, not since yesterday. With today's subject 'Brits friendly Hotels' came to my mind my Polish friend from Jagiellonian University in EU. That person in the researches simulated movement of Humans on the Planet Earth as few categories of migration. Evolutionary migration, semi serious migration, false migration, wealth migration, escape migration, micro migration, short term migration, chill migration, freedom migration, etc. Once upon the time, during our friendly trip to south areas of the Planet we were having early evening drinks, and as usually almost friendly debate about factors which driving average Brain. At one point of our philosophical journey following example came into play: 'Look my friend, many of my fellow citizens loves religious Apostol's and vest part of them loves disco-polo. But wasn't that strange they used to built churches wherever they migrated, isn't this strange they continuously prefer to listen to disco-polo when they are on holidays, somewhere on the lands of super folk and magical vibes of Humans creativity?', at that point I didn't know where discussion was going, until my Polish friend added: 'Sometimes, stabilizing activities of own inner energy factory fueled by egos' value, may be strictly connected with blindly or involuntary conducted actions (kind of involuntary). Sometimes such stabilization may radiate with marginal ignorance or abusive practices...'. That night we had discussion until the sunrise, and I felt sorry for our wife's and Hotel's service also. I mean, beside of Polish style consumption of food and shooting bullets with spirits, we spoke about everything, often very loudly. But, with that short story comes reflection on some of our fellow Brits' behaviors, while they are on holidays. I mean, nowadays, if it isn't homosexuality, it is gambling in football, if not football, it is race to sunbeds when yet dark, chaos, mess, lack of hygienic manners, intoxication, drugs or ugly tattoos, I mean always something they attempting to abusively represent or arrogantly plant, wherever they go. Kind of reverse psychology on many evolutionary aspects is clearly visible amongst many of them. However, I'm calling your live program for a reason, I think, some of those behaviors abroad is only part of the problem. Because 'sale on imported issues' begins when they comes back from their trips. What I mean is, purchased by them pleasures (often ill, sick or inappropriately dirty) influences their daily life and foremost such factors echo on people around them. For example average elderly British female who had become drunk pedophile on holidays, may be under impression things are the same at her hometown. Such female may become convinced easily, everything is for sale and it should be like that - simply because money allowed her to commit such sick moves, in less developed regions with weaker currencies. In other words, some capitalized systems probably mastered making businesses from everything and anything, but sometimes consumed such pseudo-values may cause acid reflux so severe, specialist often seeing it as National culture's heart attack (metaphorically speaking). Thank you, and I would like to send big 'Hi' to all my friendly scientists in the UK, Cheers. 

'Hmm, I mean, Hmm Hmm, really, what else we can add to it...', said presenter to the mic in deeply serious tone. 

How about, this, added presenter and introduced next vibe: 'This track was produced by group of talented experimenters. When I did hear it for the first time I was very surprised. It's fair to say, their vibe not interfering with free thinking at all'. 

At that point in time, listeners loaded with emotions had heard something unusually new, something beautifully unexpected. Only handful of listening minds knew played song as: 'Blue sunset'. 

Here, because you are reading this part of the Book, here's few randomly chosen lyrical parts and some vibes, from tracks emitted during some of the shows:

'...Where are the bullets, with holy water, 

there are some tears, in evil's jotter...'

[press play to hear it, sample, Bullets & Tears]

'...not kickoff of showoff, not showoff of kickoff. 

Not bliss of rage, not abyss of cage.

My skills pays bills, my skills, 

smart skills, smart skills pays bills...'

[press play to hear it, sample, Skills]

' hearts, in arts, true lights, unwinds. 

Magical flights, and many bright lights. 

Above the heads, above the minds. 

Magical hearts, and many bright arts, 

in flights, in lights, the truth, unwinds.

In hearts, in arts, bright lights, 

bright lights...'

[press play to hear it, sample, Bright Lights]

Next time, in our next episode, we going to talk about dark sides of neuro-programming, presenter added on the end of the program. I will take calls about brains-washing and I will have for you lovely People some super neuro-vibes. So, if any of you have examples of obvious brains-washing, naturally story based, get it ready. Just to make this spoiler little bit more colorful, please be aware, our subjects will cover also mutations in blind Nationalism, which often magically protects variety of wrongdoings. Destruction of nature, degradations of cultural values, discriminations, addictions, abusive tortures in races to nowhere, politically economical seppukus, and many more. 'Hear you all later lovely People', and the presenter finished the program. As usually on the end listeners heard: 'Brruoop, Bruooop. Yes, or No?'

Creamy hat-trick

...faces - they began to see 
faces of most known football players 
in the World of Football...

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Invisibly negative force

Transparency in systematic reality may be qualified as one of the biggest achievements in the modern World. Open governments, open systems of social methodologies and controls, open educational structures, basically everything open as wide as arms open when a sweet defenseless baby sees a lovely, always caring grandma and grandpa.

Naturally from one perspective it is a genius, unbelievably ideal method, but from some other perspectives, it is an ideal environment but for those who just impersonate individuals with a characteristic as mentioned ancestors.

Because this book has roots not only in the past, also this story touches on seriously dangerous modern factors, discovered recently in the 21st century. Factors which are produced very often by humans themselves. Some individuals named it as '
whispered adaptations'. 

Intentionally or unintentionally,

consciously or unconsciously ?

The story goes like this: 
Once upon a time...
...individual jumped into his vehicle, the system automatically connected wirelessly itself to the digital device in his packet. A kind of holographic panel in the car radio started to play that Warning message.

That Person was involved in the research about Human nature, and just visited one of only few top secret Libraries on the Planet. You may probably wonder, why Library become top secret - well, because at some point of the evolution, of the human kind, evidence showed that People also started to use complex and advanced knowledge for self destruction.

In that Particular Library intellectual fabrics such as hidden editions of Wikileaks or some Vatican's Books were classified as average publications. On the digital shelves there were also very much more advanced materials with extremely powerful content.

Although, that day focus of that investigator wasn't on such subjects, but on a couple of surveys conducted in the 21st Century, in Great Britain. It was partially related to a very important collective upgrade within the Global system.  

In the beginning it was research like many others, while searching for the root cause of many Global failures. The agent at some point found results from the survey about the young British population and their approach to defending their own system. The results were very much surprising, because vast majority of them obviously admitted, they would not fight whatsoever to defend their own country, if something terribly wrong was going on. In the same section of surveys from that era, the agent found results from a little bit different survey. It was more of a questioner addressed to the Nations who lived amongst Brits for more than 10 years, but with ancestors who did fight for Britain during the World War II. That survey asked People for the opinion about their Nations participation in defending Britain during military conflicts, and surprisingly vast part of participants said it was a bad idea to defend Brits, and they would not do it again. In sub sections the agent found various of evidence of surveys fabrications and intentional manipulations of the researches - it all was mostly done to sugarcoat opinions, colorize shizy results and blurs true views on the reality.

While navigating data searches with his smart device, he noticed small red flashing dot on one of the materials. Digital fabric was marked as active. What it means, displayed content was active in the real time, when research was in progress. This wasn't the first time when AI displayed such info during the research. But usually advanced digitalized systems adjusted energy patterns in quantum Global components, and everything moved forward with positive nature of the evolutionary progress. This time the dot was there flashing, and flashing, and nothing was changing. The agent opened the file marked as active and started to consume intellectual fabric. It was about the method developed by Humans, to re-direct awarding energetical property into faulty directions. In other words, pseudo modern pseudo talents developed intentional mechanisms, to steal often automatically final results, or simply they were whisperingly adapting data associated with various lucrative achievements.

If you reading this story somewhere in the past, thanks to one of our digitalized quantum passages in the web platforms, and you having difficulties in understanding this story, 

take a look...

Money, imagine money as the energy. For production of original or new things, you will get the energy (money). If you produce something good, you will get energy (money). If you perform your duties well, you will get energy (money), etc. That energy (money) will allow you to build systems around you, will allow you to build better World. Such energy will allow you to purchase roof over your head, consumables, complementary goods, fun, etc., basically almost everything, almost...

So, from this point on, don't think about the money as a few Bank notes or Banking digits, but as energy. Moving forward, to help you understand what system indicated by that red dot, imagine the best nuclear reactor on the Planet, you know, electricity production facility. Imagine it is you, you are producing electricity, that electricity producing directly or indirectly metaphorical energy.

And now...

Unfortunately specific group of people fabricating your results, and energy required to maintain your condition or your super quality disappears - it is faulty re-direction of the energy, into the wrong pockets of data manipulators. In the result, whole spectrum of necessary operations within your systems powered by metaphorical energy is impossible, and you are falling a apart, and you can't produce desired results. Simultaneously, exactly the same things are happening with others, for example identical situation is with the Air People, with the Helios People, Aqua Group, etc.

In the result, production of very important key factors falls down, and the Planet becoming energetically darker and darker, less sufficient, less evolving, less developed, less safe. What is interesting, as almost everything else what become alive because of humans activities, also such a malfunctions producing own factors, including misleadings and often misinterpretations.

Take a look, 

once upon the time People came to the conclusion, only advanced tech may move human kind forward, including economical aspects of their existence. They also figured out, the tech evolution powered by the fossil fuels isn't the best idea, and it's time to switch everything into the electric powered systems. 

At the same time, you are continuously mentioned nuclear reactor, and other friends like Helios People, Air People or Aqua Group, are in described situation without energy. Additionally, your World is continuously talking about cutting down on energy production, when already most things around you are powered by such energy - what obviously indicates how marginally stupid and ignorantly primitive data manipulators were.

Anyhow, in the era when the visit in the Library is happening, things are done little bit different. It means, everyone is responsible for the evolution, because everything is hooked up to extremely advanced AI systems. Such systems may produce specifically programmed waves, to alter Humans activities, also on the subliminal level. Oh, yes yes, if you didn't know, yes, it is truth, in the current era here we have decoded Brain waves, and more than just politicians habits are evolving.

Unfortunately in our era Globally only a few such Magical Humans remained, I mean those with ability to change things into correct directions - at some point in time we started to call them Pilots. Unfortunately, human kind in past Centuries extinguished most of them. As you probably expect, the happy Agent in this story is one of them.

So, as soon as the Agent noticed alarm, he started diving into massive amount of data related to the toxic subject. AI assistant in that secret Library was throwing at him subject, after subject, after subject. But, he found it. After some moments there, he found real root cause.

His blue eyes sparkled, he gently touched the screen, and extracted some data into his smart device. He stood up from kind of comfy office chair, bowed gently toward the interactive sensors and cameras, blinked kind of thankfully, and while looking at the screen of his smart device said distinctively: 

'...hmm, you like to play whisper game, OK, lets GO,
now I am taking YOU for a ride...'

As you can see in the picture, that is [Pi], his vehicle.
Personally I think, it is cool toy. By the way, extremely custom device it is, also turn indicators were designed by himself - micro kind of golden strobe lights smoothly in motion reflects light while the indicator is turned on. I mean, the light reflects from hand made golden mini satellite dishes installed inside that headlight. Some of his upgrades, made that vehicle capable of conducting data transfers with the speed little bit higher than some satellites were conducting on the beginning of the 21st Century. 

you already know how the system in that vehicle recognized the data, as soon as he jumped into his car. So, if you are reading continuously this part with conscious understanding, get ready, you are about to find out what that Pilot can do with use of patented by him data materialization...

'Original, but new'


...yes, it was me,

who questioned slowing down procedures,

while travelling with the speed of light

- all of it, 
to stop successfully in one piece,
where was 
originally planned and desired...

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Barber's wave

Barber, in one of the languages means 'Fryzjer'. Back days such nick name was given for one of many corrupted football referees from the Old Continent. Nowadays we have from the same region on the Planet one of the best football referees.

You may be surprised, if I will tell you, this chapter isn't about stylish Barber shops and surely isn't about super sport such is Football. Actually this chapter is about specific part of the society and their serious problems with Hazard (gambling). Please have in mind, you have right to qualify also this chapter as painfully truthful material or, sweet and greasy fiction. It is absolutely up to you. 

The story goes like this: 

Some researches delivered terrifying data from the gamble industry. Terrifying not only because of law malfunctioning, but mostly because of the value. Results showing hidden individuals loosing gazillions of pounds on daily bases. What is interesting, none of such individuals have legal incomes to cover such expenses. Although, this chapter isn't about criminology, at this stage it doesn't matter where they getting money from. What does matter is, why People like them loosing so much bets. 

Average member of the society could be surprise how much hazardous games is going on, on the daily bases. Not many people knows, so called hidden society betting basically on anything and everything. If they could, they would bet on the colors of my socks, or on refreshing beverage which I will order during my next visit in my favorite club. Hmmm, or maybe, it already happened, and many players lost a lot of money on such bets. 

They lost because of manipulations, not because of their bad luck at that moment. However, what is interesting, some hazard addicts drowning in the urge for winning so severely, they having difficulties to understand who is the 'Fryzjer' in such circumstances. So, lets play a little game, I hope, on the end of this chapter, you will win new view on so called Horsy mentality. 

Here we go: In small Town is only one very specific Ferrari. A lot of looking like red cars, but Ferrari like that is only one. Well known Doctor Professor owns that Ferrari, he's only one driver of that vehicle. Today VIP players have received encrypted message. Content is saying, the bets will be open from the moment when Ferrari start the engine, and bets will be possible only 9 minutes. Minimum bet is £100K, max is equivalent to one million £. The winning goal is - predict exact time (accuracy 1 minute), when the driver turns off the engine on the carpark of one of his favorite shops. Believe in it or not, but everything has live coverage, including live commentators. Hidden individuals have connections with traffic CCTV's all over the Town. The same as CCTV's in the stores and other cars, including drivers mobile phones. The distance between starting point and the store is few miles. Imagine, how big is the margin of the error, at the same time, imagine how big is the prize pool if someone win. Especially if you understand how many super wealthy players may take part in such game. Anyhow, this time when the driver was ready to leave his house, he noticed strange static sound in his phone. His audio player in the house also was malfunctioning. Whole moment was very strange. When he started his Ferrari, the sound system on-board started to transmit mixed coverage of everything. It was a sound of everything what was live about his trip to the shop. Smart dude, he recorded some parts of it, and he uploaded the recording, data is permanently available for specialists with adequate rang. Maybe because of that recording, now when you reading this chapter also you rolling your eye's balls. Anyways, basically at that time players placed their bets regularly. As usually they believed everything is based on fair-play, and as always, all players have the same chances. They all thought, their accuracy in hitting correct time will be based on their complex calculations and predictions. To be honest, such approach I do understand, because who expecting dirty manipulation in such lucrative circle of trust. Well, they were terribly terribly wrong. Everything was staged. They didn't know, group of organizers did pay to have access to the National surveillance organizations, also National security departments. They corruptively manipulated a lot of opportunists. Massive group of people was involved in this simple trip to the store. They knew what time the driver was in the toilet in the morning, what he ate for breakfast, what shoes he was wearing. Not one of the players thought, organizers of such secret game will pay to block the traffic with pseudo-workers, pedestrians, drunk drugs users, parents with strollers, busses or other passenger cars. Reason for their actions was simple, group of organizers had one own bet, as most of the time. Oh, sorry, I've forgot to tell you, in this game on each minute was only one bet allowed. Only way to take over one minute slot was to overpay previous bet on the same minute. Time was ticking accordingly to Global atomic clock. Unusual result happened once again, nobody noticed such complex manipulation. Although, this chapter isn't completely about the money, but the wave of behaviors and factors which triggers them. To make business going, organizers sometimes made manipulations against themselves, they make themselves loose. Just to let win individuals who posses largest group of lucrative friends. You know, to attract new victims. And just like that, some wealthy gamblers kept believing they are winning. They kept believing in their luck, they kept attracting new gamblers. Have in mind, more than one person on this Planet attaching everything to everything. Many people doing it to find the answers to one thing while looking at totally different thing, in different time. Some individuals are convinced this is the method to print the results of up-coming events.

Imagine, if bet maker run-over the cat (or do something bad), but the same morning he or she will win money because of manipulation - you think they will use breaks if someday another cat jumps in front of their car while they are waiting for the result from different bet?. 

In general extremely interesting are the changes in Human's behavior when gambling related things are happening in their life's. I think such matters are interesting, because of exceeding counts of malfunctions in their brains. I have in mind natural chemicals productions, obviously connected with pleasure and happiness. Also it is interesting because of lack of ability to conduct decision making based on reality, while in the gamblers race. If you are extreme high-roller or simple one bet person, and if you are reading this part of the book with understanding, please remember: Hazard damaged some individual's perception so severely, they often seeing only running horse in elderly grandma while she is crossing the road.


At the territory of most countries governmental systems dictating how things should be done, and how things must be done. Often such approaches are very reasonable, to make life easier, better, safer, or simply governmental laws are applied to keep the economy moving forward. 

Obviously on the way to collective successes various characters are present. Amongst them so called bad actors, often with more business connections than brain cells in their heads.

This story will take you on the journey into a different World, very interesting and full of common sense World, but yet unknown...

Once upon a time, 
a few political pioneers hired some talents. 
It was somewhere in the twenty first century. Basically they came up with the idea to implement all their rules, laws, regulations and suggestions how things must be done, into a business model. Young geniuses worked very hard to create virtual model of the business. Because their work was isolated from outside lobbying and influences, the result was surprising, I mean very surprising.

Today we are having a friendly chat with one of the real sources of this model. We are in the cafeteria or canteen if you prefer different terminology. 

Some robots made for me and the crew breakfasts, 
coffees, etc.

The place is super clean, we can hear music coming from the speakers in the ceiling
[press play to hear it]

The food is hot enough, coffee is strong, and the tea is real. Overall impression is ok. What is a little bit strange, not many people are visible here.

'Good morning', gentle male voice delivered welcome greeting, and into the cafeteria walked in mid age Gent. He informed us about available time window and without a hesitation he started to introduce himself like this:

'Take a look at this picture, 
basically it all started with this project: PLANCH
As you can see on the picture, the idea was simple, but at the same time it was a modern approach to food, shopping and the
evolution of society. We have made some adjustments in it, and only a couple of years later, we are where we are...'

During the dialogue with him, amongst many subjects we spoke about real results and the future of the project. At one point of our discussion that Individual informed us about something very unusual. It was a method of utilizing massive turnovers and extra profits. Himself explained how it works:

'If you didn't know, now you do. Whole new chain Planch in great basket of brands is a patented system of business modules, based as much as possible on domestic production.
We as Gov are the biggest and strongest Managerial Supervisor of this structure, but not as much to make a few more £ but to build the future. Yes, we are making money here, because this is our job until business cell is mature enough, but everything is transparent and standardized. When it comes to overflowing profits and massive turnovers, bonuses for the first time in the history of the economy aren't landing in our pockets or pockets of employees, but in the pockets of pensioners with the lowest pensions. At the same time automated systems pays partially taxes for Human employees, it means People here have less taxes related deductions. As you can see, most of earned capitals we are investing in new technologies and modern qualities. Sort of speaking, we have become pioneers of eco-retail in modern UK'.

Our dialogue was extremely interesting, especially when we spoke about numbers on the pay slips. You may believe in it or not, but a large part of the employed there people are mechanics, engineers and IT specialists. I have to admit, the overall experience during the visit at that premises was more of a spaceship visit than just a superstore visit.

On the way out, we were invited for a quick tour in that massive shop. It was the first time when we have seen robotic chefs, fully automatic customer services, on-site food growing, or Humanoids assisting elderly people during shopping.

We were near the exit door when host Gent asked us about the juices: 

'Would you like to have fresh squeezed juice for your youngsters?'

'Yeah, why not', I did answer.

We have stopped at the station with funny looking machine, with mechanical arm. To that arm was attached a small screen and camera. That thing collected our orders by voice commands, and some moments later, in the collection area, a couple of bottles were ready for collection.

At that point in time host Gent asked: 

'Are you familiar with project Chef-Chef ? well, come back someday, some modules should be ready by then' 

- and he added: 'Goodbye'. 

I have to admit, it was something very unusual and extraordinary about that place. Maybe because customers were acting differently, maybe because so much tech was present.

Today I know one thing for sure, latest researches indicates, we don't have another structure as described in this story. At least with such transparency and fairness, when it comes to producing things for a collectively better future.

English Breakfast

...some time later,

she found out,

food production company which

she generated positive reports about,

was responsible for poisoning a

massive part of the society...

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...key individual was called

to provide the answers.

Blindfolded political correctness is

well known as the enemy of progress, but

this time the main political character

revealed something very simple,

something very obvious but

previously not touched by anyone...

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Secret Testing

The Son

...good morning dad, 

said young Gent 

while walking into the kitchen. 

It was early in the morning...

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Key Performer Is 

...he caught a taxi and 
he was on the way, 
to the police station, 
where other foamed victims 
were booked for medical procedures. 
The Sun was shining gently. 
The music in the cab was smooth, 
matter of fact 
it was some kind of 
modern aria composition 
with lyrics 
'bliss of rage'...

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'Character and style'


...only super, if not the best
must be a Rolls-Royce characteristic 
to be a real Rolls-Royce.

Tell me please, 
what do you think 

- what is the proverbial 

Rolls-Royce of manipulations 

in the 21st Century ?...

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...thanks to that, 
you will find out extremely fast, 
how important Pilots of innovations are...

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Since I remember, behaviorism amongst Humans has caught my attention in a very specific and kind of complex way.

Once upon a time,
in one of the schools we had a field trip to an old cinema theater.

After the projection we had a discussion about the content of the movie. There were hundreds of youngsters in a variety of ages, I was one of them.

The subject was terrifying - World War II, and contributions of other Nations to many tragedies written by poisoned ill Nazis.

While some of the teenagers pulled my sleeves to stop me, I did express my opinion without a fear of losing their friendship.

It was a tiny monologue (opinion) related to the behaviors from that period of time, matter of fact in the territory of Poland. To be more precise, I've spoken about social mechanisms used by individuals involved in the War. In other words, I've spoken about methods used to make partners in crimes from the War's victims.

At that point in time I didn't know how to speak publicly, 
I was only about 15 years old.
Somehow, without even trying very hard, I simply told them what I thought, from the bottom of my heart, from the abyss of my mind. Yes, I've done it aloud without any favoritisms, without any biases based on symbols in my own passport.

I think some of my classmates from that period of time hate me for it until these days. However, many years passed by since that event, and I didn't stop to explore really hidden aspects of Human nature, also those most dangerous and sometimes those located in the restricted zones.

Results are visible in some of my works,
in my unusual analysis and mostly in my approaches to the truth and surrounding reality.
I think, one of examples of my unusual approaches to interesting things is the beginning of the Universe.

During one of the researches I did notice a very common tone in the results conducted by many People, also very significant scientists.
I think results in many researches are often dictated by human nature. What I mean is - seems like, very often evolving facts in knowledge are created to make results compatible with People's nature, not otherwise.
For example, I have noticed, it is almost impossible for an average organism like Homo Sapiens to agree with the theory that there wasn't any beginning of the universe 
- sometimes it is simply impossible to digest such approach because living organism such is Human body must be born to exist.

Everything is, 
will be, 
always was. 

Sometimes and often things change within mutual composition, but in general everything is, and never disappears.
Naturally in some cases fundamental corners of energetical property are changing, but things always stay in the Universe.

People very often ask a question:

'What was first, egg or chicken?'

In the holy name of the Space,
how I supposed to know that. I wasn't there when male Bird fell in love with the female Lizard, and as a result the lizard delivered a few eggs with two genders unable to fly, but with cute faces almost like lizards ;)

What is interesting in most approaches to classifications these days, I think Humans are in love with the methodology known as grouping.

People attempting to group everything and anything. Such love exists for a reason, and often because of many reasons. The real genius is to de-classify some previously built groups, because not every love is actually unconditional love, but only dirty manipulation or attempt with such characteristics.

Take a look, 
if Vauxhall in fact is Opel, it is still a vehicle?.
How about Mini Cooper, if it is in fact BMW, it is continuously a vehicle?.
How about TATA products, are these cars if they have only different logos?.
Or, brand M.G., just because manufacturers now have head office in China, their vehicles aren't classified as vehicles?. How about Royal Mail, if they also sold over 51% of shares and the capital is from the central europe, it is continuously Royal?.

To group these logos isn't difficult, to group their reliability is a totally different story.

So, if today at the huge table we will place few real and original people, just to chat about important things 

- for example they could be Natives from Antarctica, from Africa, from Europe, from England, from Amazonia, from Asia, from America, and from many other hidden regions in the World. 

It is cool to name them as Jew, Arab, Yellow, Faggot, Bridiot, White, Redneck, Nigro, etc.?. Or maybe, they are simply Humans, they belong to the same family and they have their own names of choice and own values. Which family it is, you will experimentally figure out on the end of this chapter.

I'm looking at such subjects, almost always a similar aspect of Human nature indicates own existence, in this case it is this brilliant approach:

Just because a certain method worked in one scenery, 
doesn't necessarily mean 
it will work successfully in another scenario

- don't tell anybody, but 
maybe just maybe, this is partially why
I have created this Book.

Universe is changing, 
the ability to change naturally with it 
is a gift, not a curse.

Throwing everybody into one bag or into a few large bags with group names, sometimes may be very wrong.

Check this out 
- this experiment proves my point.

Somehow, I gained a few millions of money.
As a result I did create a few useful departments, 
within many workplaces, and 
quality of things is constantly improving 
- because making things better, safer, smoother, more reliable is part of my nature and free will.

some people decided to use very similar tactics for their closest circles of trust, and they also gained similar values but artificially not exactly legally.
In the result their trusted people, for the same amount purchased drugs, injected into the market counterfeited goods and destroyed many things, including many kids' futures.
Most of that happened, because 
it was part of their nature. 

In other words, similar factors were implemented into a totally different conditioning
- simple, isn't it?.

Take a look,
once upon a time Mankind came up again with the idea of making tribes in the modern World, to ignite and stimulate progressive competitiveness, to make tags on them, to manipulate their behaviors.
Unfortunately a group of idiots supporting such methodology has scored (-1) in social science, because of lack of knowledge about 'material fatigue'.
What it means, they haven't noticed Mankind is simply exhausted, not only financially but also talentwise.

If you take a look closely into the Books of history, most of the time already back then grouping methods resulted in Wars and terribly mad conflicts. The reason was and is simple, often lack of evolution amongst members causing hunger for destroying the quality of other groups, instead of evolving their own quality. Side effect of this whole grouping method is tragic, because nowadays beside many catastrophic results like quality of life or cost of living, they also killed the eco-system on only one habitable for them Planet.

Oh, and by the way, 
soon is 4th of July,
no no, not that american one, but British 4th of July.
Because choices are important, 

I can share with you one more ground for choice making:

- what if,
all naturally, normally and regularly developed 
People in any age, should belong to the group of 
life forms known as 'Te' family ?

I know, that
you know, that
I know, that
you don't know...

Two eyes.


...he took a sip on his festive special,

he grabbed the edge of

the fluffy heavy blanket,

covered his head with it, and

he whispered understandably:

I have changed my mind,

if it is Death,

tell her,

I'm not available...

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Pseudo eco-DNA

...many pseudo-businesses

calculate expenses required to

make healthy, safe, prosper,

legit businesses, but

only against penalty fees, not

against obstacles in a

sustainable future

fulfilled by better quality...

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Fake business

...discussions about purpose related results 
are most likely very fascinating, 
during any strategic meeting. 
Regardless if it relates to 
football, kitchen, sick perverts in jails, 
economical crimes, administrative con-artists, 
scams, work ethics in news channels, 
education or 
National budget...

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Homo Drugpiens

...if you ever wondered
why Mr Prof touched the Brain subject
in so many of his works, well,
I guess,
because thanks to
some specific brain reactions,
people are able to read

with understanding,

for example
Books like this one...

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Head scratcher

Whole day at the far land was fantastic. Super people, great food, brilliant music and breathtaking views (also underwater).

At approximately 1pm a passenger drone was secured on-board, in a compartment at the front of my TH75. Some time later the system confirmed also securely loaded other toys, small electric vehicle, jet-skis, dive scooters, etc.

I did not wake up my service crew during the siesta and I took off from the dock. Wind was blowing from the land, but waves weren't very disturbing. Sometimes I love to operate this toy, not only because has new generation underwater skids with turbines which I did design and I did patent, but because this toy is unbelievably pleasurable to maneuver when my invention is active.

So, I was about to turn on the manta-gliding systems. Sound of operating devices was gently hearable. The AI system was working very well. 

The cabin's atmosphere was as usual - super yummy. Stable temperature, gentle smell of coffee plus some scents from exotic fresh fruits. And of course my dancing feet, freshly baked in the sun. I was barefoot, on special glossy but not slippery floor made of organic components, it is also my creation. Hmmm, we all have hobbies - don't we?.


I did turn on some vibes, 

from the region which we just visited

[press play to hear it, sample, Dark Morning]

I had placed my palm on my chest, after that on my lips, and I had sent a big kiss to the land where we spent some quality time. At the same time I said: 

'...see you again, someday...'

It was kind of a love kiss, I don't know why. I guess, sometimes I do things like that, if visited culture brings to my life some super moments. 

I took a look at the map, the trip was set correctly, the radar was clear, we were about to sail very fast.

Often I'm playing with the AI system various games, while traveling. This time wasn't much different.
I did activate the voice recognition system and other AI modules. After a few seconds I asked:

Hi Drzaq, how are you feeling ?.

System responded: Good evening DrTomHol, I'm feeling good, as an artificial living organism. My tech onboard also is in super condition, so, I'm very cool, thanks for asking.
How are you doing today DrTomHol ? - asked the system.

I did respond: Super, thank you so much. I'm OK also thanks to you, because you doing brilliant job while taking care of things onboard?.
System responded: Oh, thank you, it's a compliment. I'm happy I can help. What can I do for you? - the system asked.

I did address the question: Can you please tell me something unusual, something interesting?.

System responded: I'm not sure this will engage your head scratching, but did you know ?
- plenty of people on this Planet can't read with understanding ? if at all...

Regardless what I thought at that moment,

maybe just maybe, 

this chapter is real head scratcher...

'Complexity of easy days'

Thirsty water

The Human achieved massive success, and is walking in the open space. It is some kind of the prairie. 

The Human is looking around, only somewhere on the horizon something is moving, like a millions of little dots. 

In the hand Human is holding bottle. Inside of the bottle super refreshing organically flavored chilled water. 

The Human is wearing cool designers cloths, pretty shoes and super expensive jewelry. 

The Human is walking, and walking, and stopped walking. 

Human decided to make a phone call, few words on the phone 'sell-sell-sell'. And walking again, after few moments another phone call, and another successful 'sell-sell-sell'. 

And Human walking, and walking again. 

At one point Human noticed something, some kind of relation. With each made successful sale, count of the dots on the horizon is growing. 

Human is walking, sipping super refreshing beverage and walking. At one point Human noticed, these dots are other Humans. 

Human kept walking, when got closer to those Humans, noticed, they are in terrible conditions. Human kept walking, everywhere corpses laying on the ground. Those who are alive are in terrifying painful dehydration, many of them dying from the starvation, many are very sick, death is visible everywhere. 

The Human kept walking, and walking, with each phone call Human see growing numbers of death corpses. But Human kept walking, and made another call, and another successful call, and made another call. 

And kept walking, and more dead corpses, and more death. 

All the sudden the phone rang, Human looked at the phone and noticed lack of displayed numbers. Only text was there: 

'You have successfully sold everything', 

but the phone kept ringing. Human answered the call, but there was nothing, absolutely nothing, only dead silence.

Human stopped walking, looked around, there was no more life. Nobody was alive, none of previously cherished values were alive, everywhere was only death. The World was completely dead, there was nothing more to sell. 

Tell me, what do you think? 

- flavor used in the water was made from success flowers?.


Imagine how simply wrong digitalization is, if some people who supposed to make decisions about it don't have a clue about little dark corners in digital World. Somebody may say: 'Probably as simply as explaining this: We don't need printed copies (records) of legal trading documents, because it's impossible to counterfeit digitally generated document. Paperless method is completely safe, because such digital documents are protected by the script, and # method will display additional code with every successful or unsuccessful attempt of document's moderation'. Surely it is truth, if you are looking only from one perspective, because nobody said: 'It's possible to secretly and temporarily moderate protective scripts itself, without telling anybody about deactivation of mentioned # method. It also mean, access to the original content will be impossible'. Additionally, as mentioned on few occasions, open possibility for internal travelling of digital documents may lead into massive wave of many new launderings, while ownership of goods only in couple of seconds travels digitally many times from one virtual company to another virtual company. Not mentioned copying documents content to fabricate identical trading plans - yes yes, bye bye quality associated with real 'TM's' and multimillions researches in search for originality or safety. Welcome untested shizy often cancerogenic versions of counterfeited everything. However, please don't get me wrong, idea of digitalization in this case may be very good. Such system without a question look like good resolution to issues with ecology, and also good step toward speeding-Up wasteful bureaucracy. Undoubtedly whole concept is based on good will. But shouldn't be forgotten, many brilliant ideas in modern World are theoretically super sufficient and probably brilliant, but with one fundamental condition - All must be happening in the honest World. It also mean, until we get there - to the honest World - smart consolidation of both methods (paper & digital) may be the best option during such digitally transitional era. Not only for the records, safety, proofs and legal purposes, but for educational reasons as well. Please have in mind, if science will proof new illnesses came from product 'abc', importers/exporters and everyone between will find buttons to erase records as fast as '1 2 3'.

This part of the book obviously is dedicated for our older friends. Foremost for those who are sitting at the committees responsible for making surrounding us World fulfilled with common-sense. Question of the day, for the same group of our older friends is: 'Where is requested digital recording from the meeting conducted on 23Feb2023, 11am, Health Assessment Centre WA27NA ?'. The question is real, the same as step forward, into the digitalization of the United Kingdom.

If you are aware of Twitter entry about psycho-tests and AI (during parliamentary committee, Microsoft and Google), now you should understand who's the Author of this Book (who I am). As well, by now you should understand what's the purpose of some AI related researches, conducted by myself. Additionally, by now you should understand who questioned compering methods in common medical examinations - it was some years ago, but the question is the same - 'Do they compare results with worse ever seen cases, or with healthy/normal models?'. Why I did ask this question?. Because AI is like a magical super talented kid, obviously with unbelievable ability. At the same time, exist massive probability - it will never grow up. AI will always require cool and rationally smart Guardians, who can and will take care of it. At least until Humans will figure-out correctly anything, and everything.

Little digital update (03May2023). Some weeks ago I did build new version of commonly used document. As you know such files are in use by the HR industry, click on it, to see it - CV. Created document is protected against widely present recruitment frauds, scams, plagiarisms and other ATS's manipulations. Used protective method is very simple. 

In the result of implemented method sensitive data is inaccessible without permission, without real interaction with potential employee. Latest research indicating, so called recruitment agencies in the United Kingdom automatically responding to this document and they fabricating false contents in their automated emails (including false argumentations). At this point in time, the scale of scamming in the UK's HR sector is massive. Jun 2023, about 92% of tested submissions resulted in the same outcome - recruitment scams and manipulations. If you are mature enough, you should understand what it means: 'We are hiring talented People not CV's'. 

However, nowadays some people are continuously convinced that temporary recruitment agencies in the United Kingdom bringing growth to the economy. Obviously they keep forgetting about Brexit, and facts about cheap workforce. Massive part of the annalists continuously using data from faulty recruitment sector, often to produce National statistics. Basically these are massive circles of errors (chapter: The size, matters in purpose). By the way, if you have recently hired one of such pseudo-talented recruiters who is fueled by idiotic software, or you have somehow funded another pseudo-recruitment agency, believe me, they haven't scammed me, they scammed YOU (best wishes ONS). About some AI related researches, about having fun with it, about seriously progressive future, feel free to visit SOLUTINVER.


However you are looking at the title of this chapter, one thing is certain - not many people are actually able to formulate understandable definition of such simple word. 

To make it easier for you, here's one of many definitions:

'Stupidity - doing same things in same way, but 

expecting different results'. 

Human nature and built by Humans World is unbelievably complex, without a doubt. Situation may look little bit different if seriously intelligent being is looking at Mankind from different perspective. And at one point of such observation is asking: 

'They can't afford to live on the Planet Earth?' 

Undoubtedly such question may sound insane, but if accompanying argumentation is available, opinion about such question may be little bit different. 

Lets say the fundamental problem with Humans is actually their own creation, the money. Look, people have discovered fact - their one and only one home (The Planet Earth) is dying because of their activities or limitations. Their activities also causing their collective health problems, including serious mental health issues. If you look closely, unfortunately it is based on truth, because people have built economy mechanisms which basically are saying - things are not affordable because aren't profitable. At the same time, volume of stress created by related circumstances is killing slowly and painfully, them and their World. It relates to healthy food, clean water, new energy sources, ecology, better education, healthcare system, better infrastructures, better and safer technology, better housing and many other subjects. Basically perfections in most of such areas are impossible, because of the money. So, seems like the question addressed by super intelligent being may be very real and accurate. What is interesting, is the reason why Humans are in such position, and how they got there. 

Once upon the time someone said: 

'Originality is overrated, 

smart people copying smart people'

Such approach is well known to many individuals. As well is known already fact why so many monkey businesses exists. In this case monkey business means: 

'Monkey see, monkey do'

However, results from many researches are saying: 

'Massive part of Humans looking at other people's results, and if they believe their results are lucrative, it triggers their own monkey business behavior almost automatically'

And just like that, World is fulfilled with almost identical uphill's during the global race to purposeless dead-end. Some people are saying this is good, because businesses are working, trading is alive. Yeah, cool, but unfortunately such loud trend has additional and really toxic side effect. Massive part of Human kind blindly sniffing for mentioned successful finish lines. Very often without a pinch of thinking they throwing themselves into the mechanisms with only one desire destination - to reach identically successful finish line, like somebody else (financial success). Very often this is actually the field where cheaters, liar's, and huge spectrum of bad actors have their sick polygon.

Fabrications of faulty images, painted with fake successes, these days are for some idiots as valuable as God's mission for others. Yes yes, we all know it, very often people get pay for telling the lie's, especially in capitalized modern country's. In the result monkey businesses copying their directions, and just like that 'Stupidity' runs in the circles. 

To summarize this chapter, please dive into Gov databases with the records of businesses closed down because of financial failures. Additionally, please find volume of people living in unmanageable debts, caused by their decision to copy other businesses. After you finish your research, make sure you remember this: 

'Somewhere in their lifetimes, they had seen fabricated false results (mostly fake financial success), which blocked their ability to think. In most cases, such simple misleading factors triggered creation of their own monkey businesses'

Clean savings

Independent research agency in cooperation with one of the Universities delivered very unusual results, related to the collective health of the society.

Unfortunately at first a large group of highly educated individuals qualified data as inaccurate or incomplete

- because they couldn't find ready for consumption results, about the roots of very strange factors.

Matter of fact on a daily basis plenty of results from the researches are being rejected, because of a variety of reasons.

Once upon a time scientists were convinced, if results from complex researches were produced successfully and the first audience was serious levels of managements, such levels were seriously smart. In fact it was often a very wrong belief. 
In this case the situation wasn't much different, and maybe this is why only few real empathetic scientists raised the alarm loud enough to be heard.

Because scientific activities were associated with Human's health, including mental health issues, somehow things went under much different magnifying glass. 

Must be clearly understood why scientific talents focused on such subjects in the first place...

It happened basically because for a very long time the World of science was attempting to figure out why some toxic chemical compositions usually responsible for changes aren't present in tested Humans bodies, but mental health changes occurred. In other words, observed society wasn't doing severely different things, in comparison to others, but a large part of that society was obviously going 'QQ' (kuku in some languages describes lite version of mental instability).

By the way, do you know why ? - originally people were pointing/tapping/knocking on their foreheads with their index finger while saying to somebody: you are crazy or stupid

- well,

because in the area pointed by the finger is the frontal cortex, an organ partially responsible for perception of the surrounding World.

let's get back to the story about troubled part of the society...
At first scientists conducted a whole spectrum of research, in the food chains, drinks industry and other sectors. They haven't found the answers. Things were going nowhere until the day when one of the researchers suggested using data from the surveillance systems. Matter of fact the research was done in cooperation with secret departments at a few Gov bodies. When works were completed, 
summarization delivered terrifying data:

'Consumption of washing up liquids and other household chemicals'.

Yes yes, you are reading it right. Results of the research clearly indicated, adult members of the society consumed chemicals not designed and not safe for the consumption. 
How was this possible?

- well, when they were washing the dishes, obviously for hygienic reasons they were using washing liquids. Totally normal practice, to eliminate unpleasant smell and greasy debris filled with bacteria, which obviously flourishing with mycotoxin. But, to save money on water, gas, electricity, or simply because they were in a rush - in approximately 75% of cases they never completely rinsed detergents from the dishes and silverware. Because many of them were under the influence of strong drugs (also prescribed) they couldn't notice differences in the flavors, they couldn't notice severe changes in their own sense of taste. Lack of hygiene level wasn't helping at all. They could load laundry detergent and without washing hands they could eat chips a few seconds later, with hands covered in washing powder. It wasn't any different to them, dirty, toxic or not. Users of dishwashers very often opened the devices before the cycle was completed, to save money on water and energy. As a result, very often chemicals entered their body unintentionally. From there was only one step away from reaching a foamy mental health condition (sort of speaking). 
How many of them consumed debris from melted plastic trays, when they heated up frozen food in the microwaves or ovens, is a totally different but also terrifying story.

Unquestionably quality of the modern World has many secret roots in the collective mental health of fast paced society, intoxicated by pseudo-savings. 
Naturally some people may say - who cares, or, whatever. And I do respect that, because such numb approaches aren't unconditional, especially amongst capitalized societies.

Obviously ill people often treat each other like enemies, because many things are run by ill systems supported by psychopathic or brainless individuals. 

in the country where it rains most of the time (since always), sewer nets with clean rain water are directly connected to shambolic nets with toxic waste. If you didn't know, people have to pay for the rain in countries like England. This kind of profit making caused in the 21st Century circumstances where some infected companies were saying:

'Discharges of untreated toxic waste to the rivers and the seas are necessary, because lately it rains a lot'.

At the same time, after only a few days of summer, other organizations were banning 'showers taking' or garden hoses, because they ran out of clean water. 

Or, take a look at this kind of savings

- some Governmental organizations attempted to push healthy consumers into poverty, to create impressions by making money saving procedures. Matter of fact these organizations were paid from taxes of those healthy consumers. It means, also these foamy minds attempted to infect mechanisms which actually fed them.

Without a question many foamy mentalities were clearly visible in that period of time. About some of them Human kind shouldn't forget, ever. Because these are real examples of seriously dangerous malfunctions in collective consciousness. Malfunctions which they often attempted to export as their proud product.

To summarize this clean savings, 
if somebody has the following opinion:

'Healthy evolution isn't worth money',

I obviously have a different opinion about it.

Undoubtedly opinions forming opinions, for many reasons.

Maybe, just maybe,
this is why at one of the parliamentary committees one of the Lords addressed the question to the panel made of Professors, Doctors and researchers:

'Are you aware ? 
some of them already hate you, 
for your critical thinking'.

The response to this question obviously wasn't as expected, because it sounded like this:


please tell me, 
any of you my Lords know any story where

during crucial parts of the exorcism the host was happy ?'

- I'm guessing, now you know who said it...

Bunker Voodoo looked like 
an abandoned 
old massive concrete bunker.
Only from time to time, 
on one side of that ugly building 
sliding door to the underground garage 
was opening, while super luxury limousines 
were sliding-in during the night time...

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White tunnel soon as the driver or 

any of the passengers showed 

British passport, 

intense searches, 

drugs and alcohol tests were conducted...  

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-click here to access podcast-

Laser in Five

...during the interview 
they spoke about their system, 
discoveries, and 
their magnificent tool...

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Trading derisions

...amongst some Nations
something very unusual happened
during the era in so called
modern times.

as evolutionary conductors
(metaphorically speaking)
appeared clusters
falsely identifying themselves
as creators of
nuclear values and contents

- and they began to monetize
many shitty things, unfortunately
also various versions of hectoring...

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Before you dive into this chapter please understand one fundamental fact. The word "Chore", with the silent 'C' defining in one of the languages "Sick". No no, not as slang 'sick' very often used in modern vocabulary to describe something marginally cool or extremely sharp in the underground. But, 'sick' as just simply ill, as is any dangerous illness.

And just like this, with this simple jump-start explanation, you should understand why the title of the chapter is as it is. Because you have the privilege to read this book with understanding, I have a secret bonus for you. The first three letters of the title come from the software, known at the territory of the United Kingdom as Horizon, the word 'Effect' is just an actor in this title, you can call this actor as Mrs Effecta Syndromera.

So, if you have noticed (or not), 
about terrible intentional mistakes in National or Global systems most commonly Human kind finds out, or learns about, from the history books, journals, diaries, personal notes, writings on the walls, unfortunately often from cemeteries and funeral homes, but these days also from digital databases. In other words, Human kind often discovering and exposing manmade failures, when is too late to fix things.

In the past many Centuries bad actors and their ill leaders on various occasions influenced and often continuously are attempting to influence many structures. If not to simply feed their own ill nature, often they have been doing it, or they are currently doing it, simply to gain value (value as is money for example). What is extremely interesting about such specific corruption of the Human nature, is the fact, to achieve successfully any of such manipulative procedures, intentional mutual ignorance or mutual gain of other adherents is required. Regardless how circumstances may look like, if it is content of barrels during the transaction with Alaska in the background, drugs supplied for the soldiers in Vietnam, reasons for nuclear bombs attack, or a faulty system with intentional insufficiency of smart but honest minds amongst employees.

If you think, the Post Office scandal in the UK was a total fiasco of human nature, well, enjoy the story and expect a sick journey (modern sickness ;)). If you are somehow convinced that things were cool, successful, tip-top smashed - well, why don't you go away immediately, and fuck yourself so intensively fast that funeral home will phone you before you begin to do so - you know, to have a fast chance to speak to those who unnecessarily passed away because of those errors

...and the story goes like this:

Into an old but modernized building walked in a young individual. It was a Victorian looking solid building, very interesting architecture by the way. That young person was there to conduct the dialogue with the management of the company. Matter of fact that company purchased mentioned building not long ago, prior to that visit.
It was an organization specialized in British law, you know, kind of a law firm. They freshly moved in, and also their business seeded in managements of the properties was flourishing slowly.

Young lad closed behind him a massive white door with vintage windows, and walked into the space with the characteristic
similar to the hall or kind of modern lobby. In front of him were a large glass door, with the name of the organization.
What got his attention (maybe because he was a computer geek) was a very large screen on the side wall.

The device started to display something, as soon as motion sensor detected his presence there. The doorbell button beside of the glass entrance door started to pulsate intensively. He stopped frozen, an electrifying taste of something appeared in his dried out mouth - something similar to first sip of energy drink on empty stomach, after waking up. 

On mentioned TV screen something magically appeared.
Regardless of his rush to accomplish his mission there, he stood there for some seconds, and he watched the displayed content with interest, and obvious understanding. But, at one point, magical moment vanished, everything returned back to normal. Strange taste in his mouth disappeared, control of his eyeballs returned to previous condition. To be honest, it was something similar to an encounter with some kind of a ghost. But, because he was only computer geek sent there by the group of his corrupted friends, he just scratched his chin with pulling motion of his thumb and index finger, and he whispered ironically:

'...alright, ha ha ha, they are good, ha ha, fuck off'

And this was the moment when his focus was only and strictly on the red button (the doorbell). The doorbell at that point wasn't fleshing anymore, he made couple of fast steps toward it and he stopped. 

At that point in time, installed CCTV recorded something important, something what may be recognized as a moment of doubt, like he was thinking about something. 

But, he pushed the button.

Some seconds later somebody came to the glass door, on the other side. He noticed an adult but young office Lady. She looked via the glass door, smiled gently and she unlocked the door. When she opened the door wide, she had seen Lad dressed like an mentally disabled abandoned child.

An individual had a very specific childish leash on his neck. Pinned to it was something what most likely represented halu-shrooms, bread crumbs which often amongst wild kids represented white lumps made of illegal toxic chemicals, and ice cream cone which based on some versions of ala-gangsta realizations most likely indicated the main seller of not necessarily legit things. How come that office lady knew about such meanings ? - well, I don't know, you may ask her, if you will ever see her.

Anyways, the lady was about to say thank you, and goodbye, but young lad made few steps toward her. Scent of his lack of hygiene kicked in so intensively, the office lady made a very significant mimic similar to cat's hair ball moment and she asked:

'How can we help you?'

Young lad responded: 'I need to speak with your boss, I have a sweet case for you'. Most likely because it was a freshly installed business, regardless of unpleasant and strange circumstances office lady invited stinky lad into the office, she told him to sit down, and she phoned one of the leaders of the business.

A few short moments later well dressed Gent approached the desk of office lady, she whispered something to him, and Gent immediately welcomed young lad with open arms. What is interesting, already during a first few moments young lad ironically mentioned situation from the entrance hall. Lawyer who was conducting discussion with him made a few head scratching gestures, and at one point of that introduction politely asked:

'What exactly you are talking about, what lady, what message?
We don't have anything displayed on that screen, that tv isn't connected yet to the power outlet, it is our project thing, you know, to display friendly info about available personnel and some other things...'

At that point office Gent had mixed feeling about mental stability of that young individual, but during next few moments things changed drastically. Young corrupted nerd threw at him some big £ numbers, and arrogantly asked:

'Interested, in this kind of money, or not ?'

Immediately their dialog was relocated to the office, there was whole welcome procedure, and that day they spoke about some strategy related to the loop holes in the National software installed in franchised devices at the post offices.

At this point, I think is fair to say: 

Before I will tell you rest of this story, which matter of fact was present in the year 23/24, maybe just maybe, you should see something special. Lets say, I don't know how it was possible, how come things happened that day in that entrance hall. Although, what I know and what I can tell you is this -  modern possibilities in the digitalized environment allowed to reconstruct something important.
Take a look (press play), I think, you will quickly recon the recording without a doubt...

...and now, remaining part of the story.

In the years 23/24 technology and foremost some talents involved allowed to investigate a few things. Conducted investigations were based not only on issues at the British Post Office over a decade ago, but also on active manipulations which openly were conning GOV of the UK.

One day, the doctor of Social Science (specialized also in the criminology), had been contacted by the secret service, in relation to on-going International investigation. Reason for that contact was very simple - new hidden Royal force found pattern of key factors already known from Horizon scam. Because many things have changed since administrative criminals conducted that scam, situation was much more complex. Additionally, illegal operations had significantly different shades and values, in comparison to things from the past - not only because of involved amounts of money, but also because circumstances often were finalized with exposed important heads served on the digital platter. Naturally because of the circumstances, Horeffect in the 21st Century gained totally new value - believe me, not only because some People suspected, the name itself contained the English version of the word 'Hore'.

Anyhow, the doctor mentioned here, during one of the meetings with the personnel from the secret Royal force pointed out something very interesting, about one of the Structures. His short pitch was based on research conducted inside of the organisations which acts as subcontractors, within the Department for Work and Pension. If you are not familiar with this organ, well, let me just tell you - one of the most crucial administrative structures in the Country, often responsible for shaping quality of life in the near and far future.

You can probably imagine how the situation in Britain looked like at that point in time (when they were conducting researches in the years 23/24) if already a couple of decades ago British con-artists were stealing money from simply digitized systems designed to make their own country modern and tech wise sufficient. Obviously most saddest part of such mankind illness is this - they were robbing not only Budget but also hard working and very productive members of own society. 

Anyways, during mentioned meeting the doctor exposed results which not many expected to see. It was a mechanism of 'borrowing' money from the accounts of DWP's clients. Basically the activities of administrative criminals were very simple. They were triggering various procedures which temporarily allowed them to use money which belonged to DWP's clients or DWP itself. Sometimes values were generated from pensions, sometimes from benefits, often from allowances for vulnerable members of the society. Without a doubt they were aware they can't just take money from inner accounts, create sub accounts, cash out and disappear. They had noticed that not only Interpol or New Scotlandyard adjusted their work ethics in those years. 

Just to help you understand how rotten British criminal tribe somehow was allowed to evolve, imagine just imagine - on average at least 2 passengers in planes from Emirates were actually Brits on the way to prisons, all were caught abroad. Similar story was with some planes from Spain, Portugal, Hungary, United States, Canada and a few more countries. In most such cases, caught individuals were somehow connected to various administrative crime groups in their country of origin. 

So, you can imagine how shaky British administrative con artists become after Brexit. Maybe this is the reason why one of the investigations exposed by the doctor contained details about a new Bridiotic method. Personnel of administrations from side accounts (fictional pay-slips for fictional  employees) were withdrawing money only temporarily, not permanently as they used to do. Reason for it was very simple, they got involved in the black market of things. Basically they were supplying funds into ill sectors to pay for various operations and supply. If it wasn't human trafficking, it was business based on fake goods or illegal drugs. Basically it was everything and anything with quick profit, regardless how toxic it was for their own country. Unfortunately, many of them were acting as big nationalists but they didn't care what their methods and related mechanisms were doing to the society on their small island.

One subsection of the investigation exposed whole gang of British bi-sexuals and gays, they were creating and recruiting very young drug dealers, with use of Governmental offices. Such procedures were done very simple. Such recruiting was done in front of everybody employed by such an important organ. What is interesting in this scenario, they were targeting often vulnerable people, by isolating them from the possibility of gaining any funds from legit employment.

For example, one of the recordings recovered from the British Job Centre in small town Warlordson revealed a method of seeding neuro-programming by one of the managers. For less skilled, less educated or less experienced individuals, the shades and nature of discussions between employees and the clients were very normal, professional and innocent, but when specialists heard context, also special crime units grabbed their troubled heads. 

Take a look, the manager of the JCP talking to one young client while looking at the CV, and suddenly addressing questions while winking at the victim: 'do you have any more of these ? - when you can get it mate? - because we need more, you know, big money...', or take a look at this:
so called "work coach" instead of coaching young unemployed people how to become stable and legal consumers, he began to suggest maneuvering with sim cards to receive phone calls from the clients. In this case, deep research indicated, employees were involved in serious drug trafficking and drugs distribution. Because of the changing world and foremost because youngsters' awaken consciousness, their regional organization noted not only a drastic fall in the count of poisoned addicts, but also a descending count amongst insane runners delivering toxic substances to their circle of trust (rainbow hood dealers). What all together obviously was blocking their ill businesses and possibility to pay back values extracted by them from the GOV systems.

Good part of the story is, thanks to some changes, many youngsters instead of wasting their lives in the departments of corrections, or being dead, they were enjoying life and possibility related to their new ability of building their interesting future.

Once upon the time the same doctor had engaged a very intriguing discussion, during the symposium at one of the Colleges in the Borough of Cheshera. To be more precise, it was a multi departmental project named "Freedom, by zero tolerance". Whole project was built on new approaches to the changes of Humans behaviors, when People are exposed to certain chemicals. That day some people started to love that doctor, but obviously ill characters started to hate him openly. I guess, the reason for such hate was simple - because the doc said:

'If some things, whatever it is, got them into the trouble, trouble which may or most likely will destroy their lives and lives of newest generations, why the fuck should I support it or ignore it ? - they aren't my kids, I know, but they are my fellow human beings, and at this point in time we are living on the same Planet'

When the doctor said that, that day, besides of very powerful brainstorm, something very interesting happened. One of the youngsters pointed out facts about less gifted people hired in the administrations (politely speaking). That opinion was actually based on observations conducted by a few young talents. They noticed, behind the desks very often are placed fucken morons (not politely speaking). During the debate about it, not only one youngster pointed out facts that such people aren't able to understand simple things - if freestyle or abstract thinking was required.

Personally, I think that event caused many positive chain reactions, at pro-clusters involved in the investigations conducted by professionals from various serious departments.

You may believe in it or not, but thanks to some youngsters reactions another deep research delivered evidence about hiring procedures at various levels of GOV administrations. As I have already mentioned to you in this story, one of such patterns was discovered by the Royal force. It was a method of hiring very specific individuals, on key positions. Results from mentioned research delivered once again similarity to the system of hiring when administrative scammers have done hiring with Horizon in the background.
Basically administrative con artists were hiring strictly individuals with mental disability and mental limitations. They prepared for them results for tests, answers to interviews, they made everything ready for them perfect ideally, so they could easy appear as ideal and the best candidates. From there, the road of scammers was easy as walk in the park, because nobody around them could understand anything that was more complicated than just "clock-in obey be quite don't say anything don't ask questions always be positive and avoid critical thinking clock-out, if you describe everything and anything in sugarcoated rainbow colors you will have a bonus". 
You may believe in it or not, but in the UK, such methods of destroying the country were found in a huge part of active organizations fueled by tax payers money.

For easier understanding, take a look: During an inquiry about miscarriage of justice related to horizon and post office, one of the Gents addressed the question - did you investigate problems with the system reported by so many people? - flamboyant Stev responded: "Lawyers are to investigate such things". Imagine that, in different scenery with such British Stev onboard - the medical devices are malfunctioning because of issues with the software, but
Stev is convinced that lawyers should investigate such tech things, most likely when the patients are already 6 feet under. Obviously similar mechanisms are often present within the National situation, when the GOV is the Doctor, the Patient is the Economy, and flamboyant Stevs are magically employed as Doctors advisors.

What is extremely interesting, and as you probably know, things in life sometimes ride in the circle. Who knows, maybe Nature's purpose for such a phenomenon is simpler than we think - and it is possibility to adjust failures that are dangerous for the whole of Mankind. Because as a reader you have a right to judge truthfulness of this story, at this point in time is absolutely up to you how you will classify following circumstances: 

One of the agents, during one of the undercover operations, found individual with very similar leash and very similar pins attached to it, as described in the reports from the CCTV - you know, in the building where energy of Life emitted via tv in the lobby digital material, with Mrs Effecta Syndromera as a main character. In the years 23/24 some intel sources indicated, that person was also involved in serious frauds against GOV of the UK, as well he was assisting identity thefts, conducted financial manipulations including import of counterfeited goods (also medications), was involved in class A drugs distribution, was involved in manufacturing of prescriptions for very strong medications, was in gay relationships with few drug dealers and was abusing addicted underage gaming geeks in the region where they lived.

One question remains: 

'Is Horeffect strictly and only a British thing ?' - well, unfortunately 'NO', because the whole spectrum of Governmental administrations Worldwide have had similar problems for ages.

Although, because of that answer, 
the new question occurred recently: 

'The UK's intelligence become World's leader in building bills and legislations (laws/regulations, etc) to protect public from Horeffect - and on top of it - is the UK's secret Royal force the World's leader in solving problems with manmade imperfections in Human Nature ?' - well, Oxford Harvard Cambridge MI6 University of Manchester or Royal College of Warrington, are what they are, for the reason. Probably a similar situation is with the modern Monarch's structure, which undoubtedly as a figure representing the traditional culture, deserves the biggest and most powerful applause.

With this opinion, I'm sending optimistic regards Worldwide, to all of our friends, at their administrative Capitols, in Countries of choice. Kind regards, also travels to you, because you have successfully consumed this intellectual fabric.

Horny tuning

...the main purpose of 
such a course was very simple.
It was a highly advanced 
scientific approach, designed to 
make employees aware of reality, and 
to help them understand 
how some processes 
influence their perception...

This intellectual fabric 
is available on demand,
for more info please contact 

49 on 5th

...what to do next,
on the 5th of August the chosen individuals 
were instructed by the official organization.

Content of the first initiation, 
conducted by the designated Wealth Officer,
was so unbelievably lucrative, 
some of those chosen individuals 
immediately contacted the office by the phone, 
just a couple of minutes 
after they received instructions.

Identically in all of those cases, 
when chosen People called the office, 
the phone rang only a couple of times, and

they got connected with 
an automatic answering system.

At first, it was a short recording, 
some info about the queue 
(you can hear it [calling], 
in the title art, 
by clicking on it (twice)), and then

they found out about 
49Millions coming their way...

This intellectual fabric (Book)
is available on demand,
for more info please contact 

Making of

'Live Digital Book'

by MrTomHol

All rights reserved.

If you have any questions, or
if you desire to use any fabric published here,
please contact: Pilot Happy


